edWeb.net – Networking, resource sharing, collaboration, and professional development for the education community
Also see:
edWeb.net – Networking, resource sharing, collaboration, and professional development for the education community
Also see:
Smashing the cubicles — from technologyreview.com by Tom Simonite
By sketching future spaces around tablets, smart phones, and social technologies, companies can operate with far fewer desks.
Designed for mobility:
This conference table, from the design firm Steelcase, allows employees to dock their mobile devices and take turns sharing the displays at the ends of the table. Credit: Steelcase
Also see:
New ways of learning effects library design — Aaron Cohen Associates
Technology has impacted the way we use library collections. It has impacted the way we interact in the library building. The landscape of learning has changed so much that we need to ask – “Is someone literate if they can not use digital technology?”
Watch the full episode. See more Digital Media – New Learners Of The 21st Century.
From DSC: It would be sharp (and somewhat James Bond-ish) if you could take the concepts within the iTable from Kyle Buckner Designs.com…(esp. motorized parts and a customizable design)
…and combine those concepts with concepts found within a Microsoft Surface type of table: (esp. multi-touch capabilities for a group of people to work collaboratively on)
…and combine those concepts with concepts found within Steelcase’s Media:Scape product… (esp. the ability to bring your own device and instantly “connect” it and press a puck-like device to begin displaying it on the screen/table)
…kinda gives us a flavor for what may very well be part of the integration and continued convergence of devices…and it may be a device in your living room or study.