10 questions every Internet Exec needs to ask and answer
— from Morgan Stanley by Mary Meeker; original resource from George Siemens

Question Focus Areas

  1. Globality
  2. Mobile
  3. Social Ecosystems
  4. Advertising
  5. Commerce
  6. Media
  7. Company Leadership Evolution
  8. Steve Jobs
  9. Ferocious Pace of Change in Tech
  10. Closing Thoughts

Navigating the "New Normal" -- from the Lumina Foundation

— resource from StraighterLine.com’s blog


After centuries of excellence and decades of cyclical recessions, higher education has developed some bad habits. When facing budget shortfalls, colleges and universities have not always adequately addressed underlying cost drivers and have instead pursued short-term solutions. Today, the need for fundamental changes is inescapable. The demand for highly skilled workers is unavoidable, the economic effects of a better-educated nation unequivocal—the United States needs more college-educated workers than ever.

A half century ago, higher education helped transform America’s World War II fighting force into a powerful labor force. In unpredicted and unprecedented ways, colleges and universities expanded and met the challenge of educating millions of returning GIs. They responded with heart and innovation. Today, higher education faces another challenge. The road ahead can become a deep plunge into a fiscal morass, a financing disaster that results in severely limited opportunity — or it can become an invigorating time of innovation, strategic cutting and reinvestment, with a laser focus on student completion. Through your leadership, we can work together to reinvent higher education and ensure continued progress toward the Big Goal.

[iNACOL] Lessons learned from virtual schools: Experiences & recommendations from the field

GLENDALE, Ariz., Nov. 15, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) announced the release of its first published book: Lessons Learned from Virtual Schools: Experiences and Recommendations from the Field at the annual Virtual School Symposium (VSS) today. The book was edited by Cathy Cavanaugh and Rick Ferdig.

According to Ferdig, “K-12 Virtual Schools are an important part of our 21st century educational system. This book captures the successes and lessons of leaders from some of the most experienced state-led and consortium-based virtual schools in the nation. Readers will get advice and strategies on everything from teacher professional development to data management.”

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Teaching strategies that help students learn how to learn — from FacultyFocus.com by Sara Coffman

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From DSC:
I have it that higher education has reached the point where we need teams of specialists to create and deliver the content. (This is probably also true for K-12 as well.) If we want to engage the (already developing) new type of student these days, things have become far too complex for one person to do it all anymore.

  • You don’t walk into a hospital and only see one type of doctor listed there.
  • You don’t see only one person’s name who was responsible for building that spectacular new building on your campus.
  • The credits at the end of any major motion picture don’t show one person’s name.
  • The list goes on and on.

Often, for complex endeavors, we need teams of people.

To be fair…given that we use textbooks created by publishers, I suppose that we already employ teams of people to a significant extent…but it is not enough…at least not yet. This point was brought home to me again while reviewing the article, Online Education: Budgets, Leadership Changes Drive Restructuring by David Nagel. David states that “the vast majority of online program managers claimed in a recent survey that faculty resistance is a significant hindrance to the expansion of their online education programs.”

This should not come as a surprise for several reasons (at least):

1) Faculty may not have taken a course online themselves yet. They may not have personally experienced this manner of teaching and learning. They may not have seen how effective it can be (if it’s done well and properly).

2) Secondly, it must be very difficult to invite other people to the table or to let others bring their chairs up to the table.

3) Thirdly, and more of my focus here, is that learning how to teach online is a new ball game — requiring a variety of skills and interests — of which few have all of the skills and interests involved and none have all of the necessary time required. Teaching an effective online course requires a great deal of time and work to understand what’s possible in that particular teaching and learning environment, and which tools to use when, and to pull together the resources needed to create effective, engaging, multimedia-based online-based materials for the first time. Heck, we instructional technologists struggle to keep up here, and it’s but one piece of the puzzle.

The problem is, with this new environment, a whole new set of skills are necessary, as captured in this graphic I created a while back:

Daniel Christian -- higher ed needs to move towards the use of team-created and delivered content

In citing why restructurings are so prevalent, the following caught my eye:

  • Most (59 percent) cited budget issues, while 38 percent also cited coordination of instructional resources as factors


Now that “coordination of instructional resources” probably covers a variety of needs, requirements, and goals. But one of those goals/needs, at least in my mind and based upon my experience, is the need to create a team of specialists.

No longer can we expect to be able to put everything on the plate of one person. Because rare will that faculty member be who has the all the new prerequisite interests and abilities and software and hardware. And if they are that good, they won’t have the time to do it all anyway.

The Data Analytics Boom

The Data Analytics Boom — from Forbes.com by John Jordan
A multitude of converging facts has given rise to numbers-based decision-making.

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The Rise of the ‘Edupunk’ — from InsideHigherEd.com by Jack Stripling

NEW YORK — The “Edupunks” will inherit the Earth … or at least some attention.

Those in higher education who continue hand-wringing over the relative merits of online learning and other technology-driven platforms will soon find themselves left in the dust of an up-and-coming generation of students who are seeking knowledge outside academe. Such was an emerging consensus view here Monday, as college leaders gathered for the TIAA-CREF Institute’s 2010 Higher Education Leadership Conference.

“We’re still trying to fit the Web into our educational paradigm.… I just don’t think that’s going to work,” said Mary Spilde, president of Lane Community College, in Eugene, Ore.

Today’s students are “pretty bored with what we do,” she added.

In a notable acknowledgment of the tail wagging the dog, several panelists alluded here to the possibility that if colleges don’t change the way they do business, then students will change the way colleges do business.

College leaders don’t yet know how to credential the knowledge students are gaining on their own, but they may soon have to, said Mark David Milliron, deputy director for postsecondary improvement at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. We are not far from the day when a student, finding unsatisfactory reviews of a faculty member on ratemyprofessors.com, will choose to take a class through open courseware online and then ask his home institution to assess him, Milliron said. Colleges need to prepare for that reality, he said.


Staying Relevant

Web 2.0’s Foundation of Sand — from CampusTechnology.com by Trent Batson

From DSC:
Below is the excerpt I want to point out:

The lessons of our experience, and perhaps of the experience of others, is that startups and other initiatives without venture capital that may need to depend on free Web services to get started must at some point move to commercial sites. The Web, where information wants to be free, and which is wildly creative, innovative, vital, and powerful, offers a great ride. But it is also highly transient with Web apps coming and going, metamorphizing, being bought, or not staying current.

From DSC:
The world of IT is very complex right now (with no signs of getting any less complex) — and things are constantly changing. Thus, when building or maintaining one’s learning ecosystem, you WILL experience changes in applications, services, vendors, and features sets. Such things will come and go (think Google Wave for example). Technologies evolve. Change WILL happen. Some services and vendors won’t make it or will be purchased. Count on such things happening, stay flexible, adaptable and responsive; try to make backup plans for each product/service/vendor that you possibly can.

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Piloting mobile learning

Piloting Mobile Learning

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5 things Netflix streaming can teach higher ed — by Joshua Kim

1. Replace Yourself:
Where can we replace ourselves in higher ed, before someone else does it for us?

2. Service Tomorrow:
Do we have a good idea how education will be constructed, delivered and consumed in the future?

3. Experience, Not Technology:
How can we in higher ed focus on the experience of learning, as opposed to the delivery mechanism?

4. Be Fearless:
How can we be more fearless in higher ed, and be willing to take risks for our students?

5. Design For Your Customer:
Are we in higher ed offering enough choices for how our students’ want to consume and participate in learning?

From DSC:
In reading Ray Ozzie’s views of the future (Ray is the departing high-level visionary at Microsoft), it was interesting to note that Ray points out the dangers of complexity — at least in the world of computing/software development. Quotes from both 2005 and 2010 are below:

From 2005:

Complexity kills. It sucks the life out of developers, it makes products difficult to plan, build and test, it introduces security challenges, and it causes end-user and administrator frustration.  Moving forward, within all parts of the organization, each of us should ask “What’s different?”, and explore and embrace techniques to reduce complexity.

And then again from 2010:

Complexity kills. Complexity sucks the life out of users, developers and IT.  Complexity makes products difficult to plan, build, test and use.  Complexity introduces security challenges.  Complexity causes administrator frustration.

Patterns emerge over time — from Harold Jarche

Andrew Cerniglia has an excellent article that weaves complexity, cynefin and the classroom together. It is worth the read for anyone in the teaching profession. I became interested in complexity as I moved outside the institutional/corporate walls and was able to reflect more on how our systems work. The observation that simple work is being automated and complicated work is being outsourced seems rather obvious to me now. Complex work that has increasing market value in developed countries and that is where the future lies. However, our schooling, training and job structures do not support this.

Cerniglia explains how complex the classroom can be, when we factor in the outside that touches each student daily…

Also see:

5 lessons from outgoing Microsoft software architect Ray Ozzie — from Fast Company by E.B. Boyd

From DSC:
Key quotes that directly relate to those of us in higher education:

1. Take time to paint a vision of the future

2. Put past successes “in perspective”
Once a company has done something well, it’s easy to keep doing that thing. In fact, it’s hard to stop doing it, because your company–its structure and incentives–get organized around enabling that successful thing to keep happening. But if the bigger picture in your industry changes, as it is in the tech sector, that successful thing may no longer be optimized to the new environment. Continuing to do it (from DSC: i.e. the status quo), and not shifting to a product line better suited to the new landscape, will put you at a disadvantage against competitors who do adapt, not to mention new entrants who have designed themselves with the new needs front of mind.

“This will absolutely be a time of great opportunity for those who put past technologies & successes into perspective,” Ozzie writes, “and envision all the transformational value that can be offered moving forward.”

3. Recognize what’s inevitable in your industry
The flip side of putting past successes in perspective is recognizing what new developments are inevitable. The news industry, for example, spent a lot of time fighting the Web and digital news before finally accepting their inevitability. Think of how much energy would have been saved–and, more, put to better use–had the industry sought to dive into the digital world, rather than fight it.

4. “Inevitable” is not the same as “imminent”

5. Real transformation has to come from within

Also relevant here:

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Society for College and University Planning


Also see:


Trends to watch in higher education

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WGU growing 30% annually

WGU growing 30% annually — from edreformer.com by Tom Vander Ark

Here’s why WGU is cranking: the average time to a bachelor’s degree is 30 months—about twice as fast as a traditional college.  Speed to degree results from:

  • Willingness to accept transfer credits
  • Ability to test out of subjects where students have experience
  • The online instruction allows students to move at their own pace

The teachers college is the largest; business, IT, and health are all growing rapidly.

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