7th graders publish their own textbook — from learninginhand.com by Tony Vincent



Also see:

  • Readz launches to provide publishers DIY solution to optimize content for tablets — from betakit.com by Humayun Khan
  • 7 outstanding free books for your iPad — from educatorstechnology.com
    Below is a list of some excellent books for your iPad. I have curated this list over  the last couple of months and I kept adding to it every time I stumble upon a resource somewhere online.I don’t know if you like reading books on your iPad or not but let me tell you this: having at least a couple of titles installed on your iPad would really be of great help particularly in those moments when you are stuck somewhere and have nothing to do but waiting. Reading is a habit ( luckily a good one ) that we can ACQUIRE  by force of habituation at least in the eyes of Skinnerian theory.The more you read , the fluent you get at reading and the more used your mind becomes to the act of reading.  Check out these books I selected for you. All of them are free and require iBooks. Enjoy.


Addendum on 1/22/13:




Example slides from today’s presentation:

















From DSC:
I also support one of the questions which, paraphrasing, asked, “Do you pulse check students’ expectations?


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2 items re: e-portfolios

CCCC Position Statement


Principles and practices in electronic portfolios

Excerpt / Introductory Premises

Composition professionals in post-secondary institutions—composition faculty, writing program administrators, and technology staff—share concern and responsibility for helping students learn to write at a college level, using the most effective communication technologies. Disciplinary practice and research suggest that portfolio assessment has become an important part of the learning-to-write process.

In turn, electronic portfolios (e-portfolios) have become a viable institutional tool to facilitate student learning and its assessment. E-portfolios can be “web-sensible”—a thoughtfully arranged collection of multimedia-rich, interlinked, hypertextual documents that students compose, own, maintain, and archive on the Internet or in other formats (e.g., CD-ROMs, DVDs). Web applications designed to support e-portfolio composition can offer additional opportunities for providing structure, guidance, and feedback to students, and can provide students with opportunities to connect selectively with multiple audiences.

E-portfolios communicate various kinds of information for the purposes of assessment. For example, e-portfolios can:

  • Identify connections among academic and extra-curricular learning for admission to higher education and vocational opportunities
  • Demonstrate applications of knowledge and critical literacies for course or programmatic assessment
  • Provide evidence of meeting standards for professional certification
  • Display qualifications for employment
  • Showcase job-related accomplishments beyond schooling, for evaluation or promotion
  • Represent lifelong learning for participation in public service

However, these purposes do not capture important kinds of student learning in composition courses that should carry over to writing tasks in other courses and contexts, e.g., students understanding their own writing process or learning style, or students setting their own goals for future learning.

As e-portfolios assume a greater role in institutional assessment, First-Year Composition (FYC) will most likely serve as the course that introduces them to students. Therefore, FYC faculty may have a particular, invested interest in identifying the principles and practices of e-portfolio development that prioritize student learning. Such principles and best practices, based on the theoretical knowledge that classroom evidence substantiates, enable composition faculty to provide students with experiences that help them expand and specialize their writing skills for a variety of cross-disciplinary programs and professional contexts beyond FYC.


12 important trends in the ePortfolio industry for education and for learning — from campustechnology.com by Trent Batson
A current scan of the ePortfolio marketplace


In the last three months, I talked with a large majority of global ePortfolio industry leaders. I was surprised at how much the industry had changed and how large the scale of implementation is compared to a year ago.

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Resources from Learning Objects


While on their website, be sure to see information concerning Campus Pack from Learning Objects:



5 ideas for responding to what kids want the nation to know about educationfrom The Innovative Educator by Lisa Nielsen


In the session the focus was clear. Educators and the former principal (YAY for administrators) who attended wanted to know how we can hear the children and show them they matter, we love them, and we want to honor their unique passions, talents, interests, and abilities.  We discussed a lot of great ideas.  Here are five ways we discussed addressing what students want from education:

  1. Rather than bubbletests, measure student progress with personal success plans.
  2. Rather than report cards and transcripts allow students to showcase their learning with an authentic ePortfolio.
  3. Rather than work that only has the teacher as the audience, empower students to do real work that matters to them and has a real audience.
  4. Rather than telling students how to meet learning goals, empower them to drive their own learning as participant Deven Black explained he does (visit this link to see how).
  5. Have conversations with students about what their talents are.  You can use the videos in this article that feature students sharing stories about their talents.

Google Apps for e-Portfolios

From NCCE Presentation — March 11, 2011



Helen Barrett - Google Apps For e-Portfolios - Workshop for NCCE - 3-2011

From NCCE workshop 2011


Is the future of e-portfolios in your pocket? A presentation by Dr. Helen Barrett.

From AAEEBL SLC February 11, 2011

Using e-portfolios for e-assessment and for assessment for learning

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MUSIC PAINTING – Glocal Sound – Matteo Negrin — from Technology in Art Education blog


Music Painting -- Amazing!


From DSC:
Perhaps you can enlist some talented students to create something like this, including:

  • Fine Artists
  • Musicians
  • Writers
  • Videographers
  • Composers
  • Video Editors
  • …and more!

Using digital media for your e-Portfolio — from JISC

e-Portfolios are an important part of many learners’ academic life. This advice document introduces the concept of an e-Portfolio and explains how digital media can be used effectively.

Also see:

The master and apprentice, the teacher, the teacher as interpreter of the book, and the book itself has each served, during one epoch or another, as a prime organizing entity or model for our culturally-accepted theory about educating novices. Compared to today, knowledge changed slowly during this long period, and therefore these time-honored models for learning served us well. But a printed book is static, seemingly out of step in this dynamic digital age, and so can no longer serve successfully as the most important central organizing entity for learning today. The student electronic portfolio is superseding the book as the most useful organizing element: It is a dynamic organizing space in a dynamic knowledge process.

Notes on ePortfolios

Notes on ePortfolios — from Objects of Interest by Nancy Rubin
I took some notes on ePortfolios while reading “Innovate to Educate: System [Re]Design for Personalized Learning.”

ePortfolios are a collection of digital resources that…

According to Graham Attwell, an e-portfolio has seven functions which can be mapped against different pedagogic processes…

Many different types of evidence can be used in an e-portfolio and include…

An e-portfolio may contain examples of the following types of content…


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NMC's 5 Minutes of FameThis year’s presentations included:

Global Symposium : New recordings available

Case-It or else!
Case-It! Is an open source biology case-based multimedia environment for learning about infectious diseases, genetic disorders, and bioinformatics with a global reach of over 50 countries and was developed to facilitate biology education for both non-science and science students in high school and college. This presentation focuses on one cross-cultural international study that was conducted between a large Midwestern university and a Zimbabwean University using the software to facilitate students perception and understanding of HIV/AIDS. Aroutis Foster, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Learning Technologies School of Education Drexel University.

Examining Faculty Use of Social Networking in Teaching and Community Building
This presentation presents the results of a study to determine best practices in using social networking technologies to complement teaching and learning. The study utilizes a survey, face-to-face and remote focus groups, and archival content analysis. Baiyun Chen, PhD, Instructional Designer University of Central Florida.

Learning Mathematics: Knowledge for Teaching in Today’s Diverse Classroom
This presentations focuses on her experiences providing online professional development to rural teachers on how to work with disabled students in the math classroom. Ellen Clay, PhD is Mathematician in Residence at the Math Forum and Assistant Teaching Professor at the Goodwin College School of Education at Drexel University, Michel Miller, Ph.D is an Assistant Clinical Professor & Program Director for M.S. in Special Education Program at Drexel University

Also see:

The Higher Education Hedgehog — from Campus Technology by Trent Batson

Trend Portfolio instantiation
Student development over four years Personal portfolio owned by student; continuity; body of work cumulative not segmented
Developing reflective (critical) thinking Reflections on work in portfolio; culminating reflections; response reflections; capstone reflections
High-impact learning experiences such as experiential learning or field work Portfolio to capture and process evidence of the out-of-classroom experiences
From teaching to learning Portfolios provide students a better picture of their own development as a learner; brings an opportunity for student to “own” learning
Assessment and accountability Assessment for learning (students’ own assessment of themselves) to institutional assessment and accreditation management
Student ownership of learning; swirling students; free-lance students Life-long portfolio
Employability; work force development Better evidence for HR; life-long portfolio; recording achievement
The unbounded classroom Portfolio as an extended virtual classroom workspace
Social and collaborative learning Sharing student work and reflection with a team working on a problem or a case
Authentic learning; authentic assessment Portfolio making learning process visible while engaged in real-life learning; reflections on real-life learning provide data for authentic assessment
From product to process Portfolios support conversations around the work being done; the process of working toward a product becomes visible
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