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Models for the Future of Learning — from KnowledgeWorks by Katherine Prince, Jesse Moyer, Lisa Scheerer, and Jamie Feltner
January 2011
This report was prepared for, and with the support of, Yellow Springs School District as part of a series of engagements related to its Class of 2020 initiative.

How do we best educate our students in this type of environment?


Also see:

  • A Whole New Mind — by Daniel Pink
    To survive in this age, individuals and organizations must examine what they’re doing to earn a living and ask themselves three questions:
    1) Can someone overseas do it cheaper?
    2) Can a computer do it faster?
    3) Is what I’m offering in demand in an age of abundance? (p. 51)

The Control Shift: A Grassroots Education Revolution Takes Shape — from Mind/Shift by Tina Barseghian
Kids are taking charge of their own learning as educators grapple with their new roles.

January Series guest Sajan George on Inner Compass this Sunday

Transforming Troubled Schools
A factory still using production systems from the 1950s would not make sense in today’s technological world. Unfortunately, some K-12 schools still use decades’ old educational techniques and policies. January Series guest and turnaround specialist Sajan George describes progressive technologies and approaches currently under consideration to turn around troubled school districts. Karen Saupe hosts.

Airs this Sunday on local PBS station WGVU-TV at 1:30 p.m.  (channel 35 & cable channel 6 in G.R. and channel 52 in Kalamazoo.)  National broadcast topics, dates and times vary.

Inner Compass episodes may also be viewed after local broadcast through:
— iTunes Store podcasts section
— and other methods for thos in the Grand Rapids, MI (USA) area

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Clayton R. Wright’s Mega List of Ed Conferences — from Rick’s Café Canadien

Top Education Trends for 2011 — from by Emily Driscoll

As the student population increases and technology continues to change how we live our lives, the country’s higher education system must adapt quickly to keep up with the times.

According to a study by the National Center for Education Statistics, a record 19.1 million students entered two and four-year colleges and universities in fall 2010, an increase of about 3.8 million since fall of 2000.

From how professors lecture to specialized programs, here’s a look at the top education trends experts are forecasting for 2011.

London: Videos from the Learning Without Frontiers Festival now online

Learning Without Frontiers is a global platform for disruptive thinkers and practitioners from the education, digital media, technology and entertainment sectors who come together to explore how new disruptive technologies can drive radical efficiencies and improvements in learning whilst providing equality of access.

If you were unable to attend the recent LWF Festival of Learning & Technology in London we’re pleased to let you know that videos from the conference are now online for your personal or group viewing pleasure.  There are a number of ways to view these videos so just choose the one you prefer.

To view, comment & join the discussions you can visit the video pages on the LWF site here

Amongst the alternatives, they are available on the following platforms:

iTunes (download to your PC, iPad or iPhone)*



And for users of Apple TV simply search for the Learning Without Frontiers channel under podcasts.

*You can also search for Learning Without Frontiers in the iTunes store – they are FREE!

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Kauffman Labs for Enterprise Creation: The 2011 Education Ventures Founders

Following are profiles of the twenty-five aspiring entrepreneurs selected to participate in the inaugural class of the Kauffman Labs Education Ventures Program. These founders will be immersed in an intensive, hands-on program designed to catalyze the creation of high-growth companies to generate thousands of jobs with dramatic economic benefits in the education sector.

The Future of Education -- by Sajan George at Calvin College -- 1-24-11.

From DSC:
It shouldn’t surprise anyone who knows my work when I say that I think Sajan George is right on the mark!   🙂

For example, below are the main points of what I heard him say (with some graphics of my own that back up what I have been saying):

Sajan George: The Future of Education
January Series at Calvin College (January 24, 2011)

We are living in a new age, the Conceptual Age — primary skill sets that we now need are for creators and empathizers. Why? Because those two skillsets aren’t easily automated or outsourced (Sajan referenced Dan Pink’s work).

We built our education system in between the agricultural and industrial ages; mass production model was built during a much different time with different needs.

Speed and acceleration of change has greatly increased.  At a phenomenal pace!

From DSC:
You may have seen me post this graphic a few times:

The pace has changed significantly and quickly

Sajan gave an example that focused on an older model of a coffee maker vs. a newer model: Coffee Maker 1.0 vs. Coffee Maker 2.0. Point was that we still need skills, but design, esthetic, and emotion have become more important.

Also, we live in a society that demands Coffee Maker 2.0 — but our educational systems are still offering Education 1.0.  We are still batching kids by age, using a 1-to-many model, etc.

We still are offering “Education 1.0” where

  • Content is king
  • Collaboration is cheating
  • Poor performance gets you an F – discouraging
  • Teacher role = expert

…but we are living in a “Society 2.0” world

  • Experience is king
  • Collaboration is encouraged
  • Performance is rewarded; like game designers, encouraged to try again
  • Teacher and student roles are interchangeable; teacher more of a facilitator

Also, our current methods of educating students is not scalable, not sustainable!

Previous attempts at changing our educational systems have failed because they’ve been trying to fix the status quo of education! It’s a design problem.

From DSC:
You may have seen me post this graphic a few times:

Daniel S. Christian: My concerns with just maintaining the status quo

Current educational system needs to be completely blown up and redesigned! We live in a digital world, yet kids sitting in analog world.

Technology that customizes learning – recommendation engines, adaptive learning; personalized/customized learning.

Online learning is scalable, sustainable – while offering instantaneous feedback. Per Sajan, “But it’s happening on the fringes; home school kids; supplemental, etc.”

Hybrid environment – hoping to nationally launch this year

  • Each student gets 2 teachers
  • Netbook w/ curriculum – w/ lessons loaded
  • Learning management system progresses each child at that student’s pace
  • Bulk is in online engine
  • Teachers don’t have to lesson plan, grade, etc. – so what do they do? The role of the teacher changes to being a facilitator of learning – a coach, mentor, a guide. Can build better, closer relationships.

Use data to differentiate instruction.

Design problem in education.

Hybrid learning <– Sajan’s current work promoting this model; brings power of human interaction with the customization that technology can bring.

From DSC:
You may have seen this graphic I’ve posted a few times — that aims to capture the best of both worlds:

Let's take the best of both worlds -- online learning and face-to-face learning

When trying to change things, you need a compelling vision of what you are trying to build/achieve.

From DSC:
You may have seen the vision I was trying to relay here.

From Q&A session…with a hybrid mode:

  • Not labeling some kids as struggling students; teachers forced to leave some behind while trying to keep the plates spinning over there for kids who are getting it

Is the Google-fication of education underway? — from by Scott Olster (emphasis below from DSC)
Among tablets and 3D TVs at CES, one-size-fits-all learning is facing a digital death knell.


Similar to the way that Google collects data based on its users’ search patterns, Knewton collects data from every student that has taken one of its courses and uses it to improve its courses. Eduational content that achieves better student results will then be ranked higher in the system and be used more often. Ideally, the system becomes smarter and better over time.

“It’s like a giant recommendation engine on steroids,” says Ferreira.

The data that the company collects could potentially prove useful to educational researchers.

“We’re still trying to map out the way people learn. Collecting more data rather than looking at course grades is a welcome change,” says Miller.

Time for education innovation— from by Tom Vander Ark (emphasis DSC)

The growth of media and communications technology, the rise of a new generation of students and teachers equipped to use technology, and the shifts within schools and educational systems themselves create new fertile ground for education innovation.  Taken all together these major changes can be understood as The Big Shifts in education.

The Big Shifts are comprised of the Technology Shift, the Global Shift, and the Learning Shift.

One site’s views on “Top Education Trends for 2011


Colleges and universities will confront historic challenges and opportunities in 2011. While budget shortfalls continue to take their toll, new technologies are posing revolutionary solutions. Economic pressures and digital learning tools should ultimately herald good news in 2011, as higher education evolves into a more relevant and accessible experience for all students.

Google to build education software marketplace — from The Huffington Post
which links to:
Google pushes education software through app store — from

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