A Look to the Future of Edutopia — from Edutopia.org

“Today, the Internet enables Edutopia to deliver deeper, more relevant stories, especially with video, about innovation in teaching and learning. New community and content-sharing tools make it possible for educators to find and exchange tips and solutions with each other whenever they wish. With the steady expansion of our online audience, we believe the time is right to shift our strategy to focus on Edutopia.org as the main, multimedia channel for all our content. Consequently, the April/May issue of Edutopia magazine will be our last print issue. The future of Edutopia is now on the Internet.”

Another interesting question on Edutopia I saw recently was:
“How do you bring global cultures and foreign languages into your classroom?”

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Digital storytelling for teachers: Microsoft’s guide — from Liberal Education Today by Bryan Alexander

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Internet in hand is the cognitive denominator — from Judy Breck and handschooling.com

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AT&T to invest $2B in mobile network — from CNN.com by Marguerite Reardon

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Print media hail iPad’s potential — from CNN

(CNN) — Now that they’ve gotten a peek at it, publishers of books, newspapers and magazines are hoping Apple’s forthcoming iPad tablet device will breathe new life into their struggling industry.

A handful of publishers already have struck content deals with Apple for the handheld wireless device, which displays text, photos and graphics in high-res color. Apple will launch an online bookstore to sell titles for the iPad, much like iTunes sells music for iPods and other Apple devices.

Also see:

Apple iPad: ‘Oversized iPhone’ for some, ‘iVolutionary’ for others — from CNN

Bottom line, he said, the iPad seemed like a product that would hold appeal for some but might be hard to justify buying for many.

“It’s definitely a niche product. There’s no killer app on this product that would make me run out and buy this product. Most of the things I do with my iPhone I’m happy with.”

Apple’s iPad: The Future of Mobile Computing in Education? — by Dian Schaffhauser
Two university mobile program managers speculate on the impact the iPad might have on higher education

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Transitioning from photography to multimedia — from Tracy Boyer

From DSC:
Tracy mentions some nice resources here:

Some of the most talented multimedia producers in our industry today actually started their careers as photographers. Photographers make up the majority of staffs at nearly every inspirational multimedia company – Media Storm, Bombay Flying Club, Talking Eyes Media, Weyo, and Story4, to name a few. Whether out of necessity or personal aspiration, these photographers have successfully made the transition to multimedia production and now use their still cameras as only one storytelling option. So why did they do it, how were they successful, and how can you follow their lead?

There are excellent resources out there for photographers wanting to learn how to shoot for video, or double task to record audio and take photos in the field. Below is a list of 20 such resources from some of my favorite blogs to get you started:

Mastering Multimedia:
How to make your audio slideshows better
Great audio starts in the field
How best to approach a video story
Sequencing: The foundation of video storytelling
How to make your video editing easier

Ten Tips for Working With Music in Multimedia
Advice to Multimedia Producers
Ten Ways To Improve Your Multimedia Production Right Now
MediaStorm’s Multiclip Workflow
What is a story?
Three Steps to Improving Your Multimedia Video

Multimedia Rules to Live By and Seven Steps to Training Yourself

Adam Westbrook:
Shooting multimedia: a lot to juggle
Five myths about shooting video
10 new years resolutions to make you a better multimedia journalist
The powers and problems of the audio slideshow

10,000 Words:
How to create video storytelling that actually tells a story
How to shoot great video quickly and efficiently
8 Ways to save money on your next multimedia project
Multimedia… but why?

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From DSC:
To me, this device has the potential to really move multimedia-based communications forward.  For one thing, “magazines” will never be the same again.

The new iPad from Apple

Apple Launches iPad
“Apple today introduced iPad, a revolutionary device for browsing the web, reading and sending email, enjoying photos, watching videos, playing games, reading e-books, and much more. Its high-resolution Multi-Touch display lets you interact with content — including 12 innovative new apps designed especially for iPad and almost all of the 140,000 apps available on the App Store. At just 0.5 inches thick and 1.5 pounds, iPad is thinner and lighter than any laptop or notebook. iPad will be available in March starting at the breakthrough price of just $499. ” Read more: apple.com/ipad

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5 Ways To Enhance Instruction with Digital Narratives — from t|h|e by Chris Riedel
Tech vets go toe-to-toe on the latest tools that can improve instruction, boost productivity, or just help make users’ lives a bit more organized

“Over the last decade, advances in technology have made dreams of ubiquitous access to digital media a reality, both on the Web and off. From inexpensive cameras to iPods to cell phones to integrated Webcams, capturing, editing, and sharing digital audio and video has become push-button easy. And that, according to University of Central Florida (UCF) professors Robert Kenny and Glenda Gunter, is good news for K-12 educators.”

Here’s my vision of what a Smart Classroom should look like in the near future (please click on the image  below to see an enlarged image and to get some further details of my thoughts here):

My vision for what a Smart Classroom should look like -- 2009

Click image to see larger image w/ details

My thanks to Mr. Yohan Na for help with this graphic. The vision leverages the same idea as Steelcase’s Media:Scape product line:

"Pucks" on each table to "plug and play" various types of media



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Tips & Tricks for Effective Lecturecasting — from ProfHacker.com by Ethan Watrall

Lecturecasting is all the rage these days.  And whether you are lecturecasting specifically for a class (either online, face-to-face, or any combination thereof), or are putting your lectures out to the wider public on a platform such as iTunes U, it takes a lot of work to get your lecturecasts to the point where they are effective vehicles for your content.

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