Meticulous Blueprint Chalk Typography

Meticulous Blueprint Chalk Typography (by Liz Collini) –– via Katie Hosmer at



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University of Iowa's new Learning Commons - June 2012




Top 100 Schools for Animation, Gaming, and Design - May 2012



The animation education industy has never been so competitive, with schools competing for students and students competing for a small number of available industry jobs. The job rate and student employability has dropped to the lowest in years, so a top-notch animation education has never been so critical.

All this has made choosing the right animation school extremely difficult. To help students navigate through the world of animation schools, we’ve put together the Top 100 most highly-regarded and sought after animation schools on the planet. This list of the Top 100 Schools in Animation, Gaming and Design was compiled via a mixture of school reviews, industry-reviewed lists like the Princeton Review, and via a survey of the animation industry professionals and recruiters from companies like Pixar, J.J. Sedelmaier and DreamWorks who were featured in our Interview Series. And without further ado, here are your Top 100 Schools in Animation, Gaming and Design:


ExoPC and Panama team up to bring ‘tablet desks’ to students— from and The classroom of the future: Panama wants to give students “tablet desks” — from by Doug Drinkwater



The teacher controls the interactive board using an user friendly interface


Adobe Photoshop Controller for EXOdesk
Adobe Photoshop TM Controller for EXOdesk makes it possible to control Photoshop TM from an EXOdesk in order to boost your productivity.


What’s happening in the workplace? — from by Jan Johnson


The evolving office in 2012, equipped with Allsteel’s collaborative furniture collection, Gather



Marriott Hotels & Resorts, Steelcase, and IDEO Collaborate to Innovate on the Future of Meetings and Work
Marriott Hotels & Resorts Launches “The Future of Work Innovation Co-Labs” To Offer Enhanced Hosted Work Experiences for Gen X and Gen Y Global Travelers.

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

Los Angeles, Calif. – The nature of work is changing: it’s mobile, fast-paced and global. While most people demand choice and control to work when and how they want, wherever they are, working remotely doesn’t always offer consistent options when it comes to access, comforts and convenience. Marriott Hotels & Resorts, the flagship brand of Marriott International (NYSE:MAR); Steelcase, the world’s leading workplace experience provider; and global design and innovation consultancy, IDEO, today announced a collaboration to design, create and test innovative concepts and solutions for the future of work and meetings in hotels. The collaboration comes to life this week as a showcase of these potential solutions is unveiled at the Marriott Hotels & Resorts Global General Manager Conference in Los Angeles.

 Also see: -- The Next Office from Steelcase


The new Steelcase space in Strasbourg

Also see:

Also see:



  • .The Pitfalls of sitting too close — from by Kelly Eggers
    It sure sounded like a good idea. When Tuft and Lach Law, a small law practice in St. Paul, Minn. opted for open, shared office space, they didn’t expect to hate it. After all, numerous academic studies have shown that workers are more productive in open offices and, in the trendsetting tech industry, open plans are standard. For the law firm, it didn’t work out that way. “We had a receptionist and secretary sharing a workstation,” said Thomas Tuft. “The one with the biggest voice could be heard on the other’s phone calls and in attorney offices by clients on the phone with the attorneys.” If two people had to take a call simultaneously, they were forced to whisper..
  • Creating Learning Spaces Through Collaboration – The Library is a 3rd Place to Consider — from Aaron Cohen Associates
  • Space-saving dome shaped bookshelf built into workspace ceiling – – from


Space-Saving Dome Shaped Bookshelf Built Into Workspace Ceiling


A sample image from University of Exeter item re: learning spaces


The refurbished Forum Library
opens 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Addendum on 5/24/12:




Adobe announces Creative Suite 6 and Adobe Creative Cloud on 4-23-12


Adobe announces Creative Suite 6 and Adobe Creative Cloud on 4-23-12


.Also see:

From DSC:

  • This last piece from David Nagel addresses my fears and concerns with our current emphasis on standardized tests, common core standards, etc.  The emphasis is on STEM and can lead to a one-size-fits-all type of education that doesn’t allow each student to identify and pursue their own passions enough.


Addendum on 5/2/12:




100 ideas that changed Graphic Design [Thorne]

100 ideas that changed Graphic Design — from by James Thorne
The most influential concepts in the history of the industry


In the new chronologically ordered book “100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design“, Steven Heller and Véronique Vienne explore the most important moments in an industry they themselves helped to define. Part of publisher Laurence King‘s popular “100 Ideas” series, the combination of symbols, techniques, archetypes, tropes and trends represents some of the major creative explosions that continue to inspire an array of visual mediums today. The scope is broad but intelligently refined, connecting all aspects of graphic design, from the age-old technique of text ornamentation to the relatively nascent appearance of pixelated images and digital type.

Another excerpt from book description

New in the “100 Ideas that Changed…” series, this book demonstrates how ideas influenced and defined graphic design, and how those ideas have manifested themselves in objects of design. The 100 entries, arranged broadly in chronological order, range from technical (overprinting, rub-on designs, split fountain); to stylistic (swashes on caps, loud typography, and white space); to objects (dust jackets, design handbooks); and methods (paper cut-outs, pixelation).

Written by one of the world’s leading authorities on graphic design and lavishly illustrated, the book is both a great source of inspiration and a provocative record of some of the best examples of graphic design from the last hundred years.

Also see:

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My notes on two presentations from the Learning Without Frontiers Conference, London, 26th January 2012:

My notes for:
Sir Ken Robinson’s talk

Practice <–>Theory <–> Policy

  • People who practice don’t often have time to get the latest and greatest information re: theory
  • Theorists don’t have much time for practice
  • Policy makers don’t know much about either 🙂

Purposes of education:

  • Economic.  Not solely, but there are economic reasons for providing education. Academic vs vocation programs – Sir Ken doesn’t subscribe to this dichotomy in educational DNA. Need new sorts of education
  • Cultural. Aim to pass on cultural genes – values, beliefs
  • Personal. The most important! In the end, education is ultimately, personal. Too much impersonal testing that students aren’t engaged in.

Key point:

  • There is everything you can do – at all levels; many of us ARE the educational system – at least for the group(s) of students that we are working with. So we can make immediate changes; and collectively this can create a revolution.

Education not linear, not monolithic. Rather, it’s a complex, adaptive system – many moving parts, like a vortex…not like an undistributed canal; more like an ocean with different forces tugging this way and that. (From DSC: I agree with what Sir Ken is saying here, but I especially agree with this particular perspective — thus the name of this blog.)

Personalization is key! Education needs to be customized to the communities where it’s taking place.


  • Curriculum – towards disciplines (skills, processes, procedures) and away from subjects
  • Teaching & Learning – dynamic; flow of knowledge; not static; forms need to tap into streams; move towards collaborative activities; active learning trumps passive learning
  • Assessment – must move from judgment to description


My notes (part way) for:
Jim Knight – If Steve Jobs Designed Schools

What if Steve Jobs had re-invented the education system rather the computer and consumer electronics industry?

Steve Jobs was a contradictory character, combining control freak and Zen Buddhist, and technology with design. He had a revolutionary impact on computing, animation, the music industry, printing, and publishing. Last year he and Bill Gates together expressed surprise at how little impact technology had had on schools. Jobs’s wife is an educational reformer, he was a college dropout; but what would it have been like if Steve Jobs had focused on education? What would the Jobs School be like?

How do we make an insanely great school?

  • Must go really deep to create something that’s easy to use (from DSC — I call this “Easy is hard.”) Need to de-clutter the teaching & learning environment, the curriculum, the qualifications, and the people.
  • How does it make me feel when I walk through the doorway of your school?
  • Get to choose who you want to learn with and from
  • Simple, beautiful space; flexible; social; reflective, all year round
  • More seductive, intuitive, enthralling
  • Does it inspire curiosity?
  • “Don’t need instructions”
  • Not just a school – learning doesn’t stop when school bell rings
  • 24×7 thing
  • Curriculum
  • Is there a range of things to interest everyone?
  • Need more choice; selection; more control of their learning
  • All ages
  • Enterprising
  • Creative, technical, practical…but most of all, it would be fun!

More here…


Learning Space Design Resources — from the University of Arizona

The University of Sydney: Standards for learning spaces

The University’s vision of learning space for the 21st century is a student-centred, quality assured, seamless environment encompassing physical and virtual networks that promote engaged enquiry. The Learning Space review will contribute to a shared view on learning and teaching space and facilities and the related issues of flexibility, capacity, innovation, integration and sustainability. Learning space will be developed and evaluated in line with these principles to develop best practice standards for formal, informal and virtual learning and teaching space.

suppose design office: kiddy shonan C/X nursery school

‘kiddy shonan C/X’ by suppose design office


Learning Environments: Where Space, Technology, and Culture Converge — from Educause

Also see:


Edu2.0 from -- learning space designs

Also see:

Famous Miller House Via spfaust

Famous Miller House Via spfaust


Via Novoceram

Via Novoceram

Addendum on 2/14/12

  • The Almere Library has been designed by Meyer en van Schooten Architects and is located in Almere, The Netherlands.


Live Ink -- works for me!

From DSC:
What I take from this:

  • Allow for scanning — there’s too much information to take in when drinking from today’s firehoses!
  • Use white space
  • Be brief as possible
  • Bulleted lists can be helpful
  • Provide bolding to highlight key points/topics

I noticed McGraw-Hill is starting to incorporate this technology:

  • McGraw-Hill’s Connect platform is incorporating Live Ink, a cool technology that converts text into an easy to read cascading format.

— from SmartTech Roundup: 2012 Predictions & Digital Reading

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 The Inspiration Bookshelf — from Julie Dirksen

From DSC:
Here’s a solid list of resources re: books ID’s should read that seems to support the KISS principle (of which I’m a huge fan) as well as how to make learning fun and engaging.

One of the things I had while writing the book was an inspiration bookshelf.  These were books that not only inspired the content of Design for How People Learn, but also the style of it.  None of these are instructional design books, but they are all books that instructional designers should read…

Also see:

The Right Shade of Autumn– from Yanko Design
Advisor: Wen-Chih Chang | Designer: Liao-Hsun Chen


Color Elite is…[a] combination of e-paper technology, a camera and the Internet. Together they combine to provide you the exact shade or colors you are looking for, and even help reduce the use of paper.



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From DSC:
It’s highly likely that you have already seen a ton of postings re: the news of Steve Jobs’ passing yesterday.  However, I need to reflect, comment upon, and commemorate his life and work here today.


Steve Jobs - 1955-2011

When Apple asserts that Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, it’s true.  They are not just flowery, flattering words.  Jobs was a one in a (hundred) million type of person — carefully crafted for the needs of today. His skillsets were rare.  His negotiation skills were solid.  His vision and courage to pursue the entrepreneurial/innovative way of life are outstanding.  His knowledge — and pursuit of knowledge — as well as his drive helped him bring about many world-changing technologies and projects.  Not too many people could own/direct an animation studio, oversee the production of software and hardware that was fined tuned to creating and distributing multimedia, comment on which font style would be appropriate for a message, relentlessly pursue excellence in user experience/usability in all of an organization’s product lines, present information the way he did, create excitement for his company’s products, etc.

Personally, Steve Jobs has helped me continue to think big — to have wind in my sails that I can make a contribution…that I can help change the world.  All of us can, even if in smaller ways than Steve Jobs did.  But we will need to believe that we can change the world and to persevere through the trials and tribulations that are sure to come our way when we attempt to do so.

I hope that the team that Steve & Co. put into place continue to pursue his passions and visions, as the world needs visionaries.  Though I did not know him, I will yet miss him. I am grateful to God for his gifts, abilities, life and work.



“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.”

— from Steve Jobs’ 2005 commencement speech given at Standford University


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Designing Interactive Narrative -- Stephen Erin Dinehart -- September 2011


Example slides:






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