Computer programming for all: A new standard of literacy — from by Dan Rowinski

From DSC:
Dan Rowinski brings up some solid questions and points here, and I’ve heard others wrestle with the question whether we should require all students to take programming courses.

I’ve taken some computer programming courses and I’ve had some experience with scripting. 

Bottom line:
I find it to be a very different way of thinking. Programmers have their shortcuts which are intuitive to them and work very well for them. But the syntax loses many of the rest of us:

  • What happened to that variable?
  • Why did you make it a local vs. a global variable?
  • What occurs in this loop?
  • Why did (blank) not make it into the array?
  • Where do I have to declare this variable?
  • Why is the syntax written like this?
  • Is (blank) a reserved word of the programming language’s syntax or can I use it?

The reason programmers make a pretty good coin is because most people don’t like programming and don’t want to do it. The manner of thinking doesn’t work for them. It’s highly-detailed and very unforgiving. Along these lines and by way of example, I find that people in the web world fall into 1 or 2 camps: either they are web developers (i.e. the back end world of programming, databases, infrastructure, etc.) or they are web designers (i.e. the front end world of graphic design and layout, interface design, interaction design, etc.). It is a rare person who excels at both the front and back ends.

If we are going to make programming required, we had better do a better job with providing higher-level languages that are more intuitive for the masses.  Or we’ll just discourage many who try their hand at it.  And it’s not that I don’t value programming — I do! In fact, I wish that manner of thinking came much easier to me. But it doesn’t.


appliness – the first digital magazine for web application developers


Addendum on 4/13/12:

  • Java leads programming language popularity – measured by book sales — from by Joe Brockmeier
    How do you calculate the popularity of various programming languages? The TIOBE folks try to rank programming language popularity by searching the Web. The RedMonk team pulls data from GitHub and Stack Overflow. But O’Reilly has a unique method: It measures book sales as an indicator of technology trends. By that measure, at least, Java and JavaScript come out on top. Mike Hendrickson, O’Reilly’s vice president of content strategy, has been taking a deep dive into the state of the computer book market in a series of posts beginning on March 29th. The most recent is a look specifically at programming language popularity related to sales.
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Big-data related items

The online future is personal, and that requires big data — from by Mathew Ingram

.What can you do with a supercomputer? –– from by Sebastian Anthony


IBM supercomputer (p690 cluster)


What big data really needs is security — from by Ryan Lawler

BigDataWeek plans lots of meetings in April around the world– from by David Strom


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From DSC:
Yesterday, I introduced a vision that integrates a variety of trends and emerging technologies that I’ve been keeping an eye on.


Click this thumbnail image to access the larger image / vision

Today, I want to focus on what this means for jobs, employment, career development — especially as it relates to higher ed and the corporate world.

As the trends are pointing out, there will be teams of specialists — with a variety of skillsets required — and each of these team members will play a different role. Some of these positions are captured in the graphic immediately below:
(many for-profit schools already have that table set)



Within higher ed, the extent to which this affects faculty members depends upon how these teams are formed. If faculty members don’t go along with this, institutions will likely reach out to adjunct faculty members — or contracted firms/help — to fill the gaps. Unless there are some other distinguishing factors, those institutions who don’t move towards a team-based approach will become irrelevant. It will be increasingly difficult for one person to develop the content that can compete with a team of specialists.  Also, organizations of excellence — who have higher initial development costs — will be able to spread these costs out over a global pool of students — resulting in a significantly cheaper alternative.  Organizations who don’t move in this direction may find that the pipelines coming into their institutions continue to get smaller.

There will be new jobs available — and changes to some existing jobs — as well, such as:

  • Virtual tutors
  • Virtual field trip guides (picture a person with some type of mobile device capturing a variety of places, events, talks, etc. in another country).
  • Curators
  • Technical support personnel specializing in building and supporting these platforms
  • Data analytics professionals
  • Artificial intelligence specialists
  • Specialized programmers
  • User interface designers
  • User experience designers
  • …and more

Roles may be altered for professors, teachers, and trainers. But teaching others how to discern quality information will likely continue to be important.

Employers may end up developing their own curriculum/cloud-based apps.  Apprentices, interns and prospective employees will be able to access these materials, with the understanding that they will be assessed at some point.

The web-based learner profiles will demonstrate where someone has been — and where they are currently at.

That’s it for now, but I will be jotting down further thoughts re: this vision from time to time. 








Gartner: Five megatrends as personal cloud replaces PC Era — from by Brian Taylor

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

Steve Jobs called it the post-PC era. Gartner has another term for today’s world of personal computing meshed with mobility and the cloud. Indeed, A new Gartner report is dubbed “The New PC Era: The Personal Cloud.” Gartner contends that the era of the PC as the hub of business computing will end by 2014. The personal cloud will replace it, bringing along with it flexibility in choosing devices, enhanced user satisfaction and greater worker productivity.

A word of caution from Gartner: Businesses will have to “fundamentally rethink how they deliver applications and services to users.”

Megatrend No. 1:  Consumerization — You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet
Megatrend No. 2:  Virtualization — Changing How the Game Is Played
Megatrend No. 3:  “App-ification” — From Applications to Apps
Megatrend No. 4:  The Ever-Available Self-Service Cloud
Megatrend No. 5:  The Mobility Shift — Wherever and Whenever You Want

Also see:

Gartner Says the Personal Cloud Will Replace the Personal Computer as the Center of Users’ Digital Lives by 2014
Gartner Special Report Examines How Businesses Must Meet Consumers’ Cloud Expectations in Order to Win Customers

STAMFORD, Conn., March 12, 2012—      The reign of the personal computer as the sole corporate access device is coming to a close, and by 2014, the personal cloud will replace the personal computer at the center of users’ digital lives, according to Gartner, Inc.

Apple, Microsoft, and the 3-D desktop of your dreams — from by Kit Eaton

Microsoft’s Craig Mundie on the future of computing — from by Steve Clayton

Smart homes: Are we there yet? — from — also see

This is "the first home designed from scratch to incorporate a digital layer connecting the house and its elements to the Internet," says Openarch. "Its inhabitants lead a new digital and connected life. It is flexible and thanks to its ability to transform, it can adapt to any condition that the user requires."


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Code wars: PHP vs Ruby vs Python – Who reigns supreme? [Infographic from Udemy]
programming languages, infographic
Source: Udemy Blog

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KidsRuby is for underage programmers — from by Sara Williams 



Computer programming is very tough no doubt but it is very interesting when you see your work is appreciated on a big platform. If you’re a kid by yourself or have kids who want to be programmers but wondering from where to start this early career then Ruby is your answer.

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From DSC:
I would also add that being able to program — and extract data from — educationally-related  apps will be a key skill to have as well.  Analytics in education continues to build up steam — though I wish such efforts and investments in analytics would be more focused on creating personalized/customized learning — and not so much on mining data for standardized testing and reporting for the legislators and administrations to review.

. -- learn web design, web development, and iOS development







From DSC:
I read the following quote from Codecademy signs up 97,000 people for its New Year’s resolution coding class (emphasis mine):

Codecademy, a startup that uses interactive online lessons to turn anyone into a computer programmer, has signed up 97,000 students in less than 48 hours for its New Year’s resolution class Code Year.  That’s more than twice as many students as were enrolled in the 150 U.S. computer science undergraduate programs that the Computer Research Association surveyed last year.

This is both positive and troubling to me. Positive in that more people will learn how to program across the world, and thus (hopefully) becoming qualified to fill many of the open programming-related positions out there.  It’s troubling in that the quote mentions that within 48 hours, the number of students signed up was already more than twice the number of students enrolled in Computer Science programs at the undergraduate level in the entire United States.

What does that statement tell us?

  • Are there a lot more people interested in programming out there but can’t afford to pay their way through an undergraduate program?
  • That many people aren’t qualified to get into an undergraduate program but are hoping to gain skills anyway?
  • Perhaps people are just trying it out and many won’t actually pursue this route…
  • Perhaps there’s some duplication here, as some of the same undergrads are also enrolled in Codeacademy…
  • Perhaps the people taking these courses won’t be qualified…but perhaps they will be qualified…
  • Perhaps a student-teaching-student model will unfold here with massive FAQ’s and examples being developed over time…

Hmmm…regardless, this is an excellent example of the disruption being caused by technology and the Internet. I expect many more examples in 2012. Perhaps the “Walmart of Education” that I’ve been tracking over the years will have different components to it, with one major piece of it coming from the Codeacademy’s of the world.

Some of the questions that come to my mind for those of us working within higher education are:

  • How do we help educate the world at more reasonable prices?
  • What opportunities does the Internet offer us?
  • What new business models and transformations should we be pursuing that use the Internet?
  • Are there things that we can do to better address why all of these people are not enrolling in our undergraduate CS programs?


Marc Andreessen: Predictions for 2012 (and beyond)  — from by Paul Sloan


Software has chewed up music and publishing. It’s eaten away at Madison Avenue. It’s swallowed up retail outlets like Tower Records. The list goes on.

No area is safe–and that’s why Andreessen sees so much opportunity.

Fueling his optimism: ubiquitous broadband, cloud computing, and, above all, the smartphone revolution. In the 1990s, the Internet led to crazy predictions that simply weren’t yet possible. Now they are.

5 things to know about the future of Computer Science — from by Peggy Heminitz

  1. Computer science is key to solving the world’s most crucial problems — environmental sustainability, poverty, hunger and homeland security.
  2. The U.S. Department of Labor predicts that computing-based jobs will be among the fastest-growing and highest-paying over the next decade.
  3. By the year 2018, there will be 1.4 million computer specialist jobs available, but only enough college graduates to fill a fraction of them.
  4. Kindergarten through grade 12 education has fallen behind in preparing students with the fundamental computer science knowledge they need for 21st century careers.
  5. Computer science needs more people and more diversity.
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