A New Culture of Learning -- Brown and Thomas.

Original posting from:
A New Culture of Learning — weblogg-ed.com

Addendum on 1-31-11:
I just saw this posting from Catherine Lombardozzi on the Learning Journal blog, as she comments on Thomas’ & Seely Brown’s book. She concludes:

“I’m thinking that the new culture of learning doesn’t replace the old, it enriches it.”


Online learning in 2011 — from examiner.com by Julie Marciel-Rozzi

From DSC:
Excerpts that caught my eye:

2010 saw the North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS) become the second largest in the country, second only to Florida’s Virtual Public School program. Many North Carolina school districts are finding it more economical and efficient to pay the NCVPS rate of $600/per student per class rather than hiring teachers for courses that fall outside the standard curriculum but remain crucial to providing NC students with a quality, well-rounded education.

NCVPS will continue to grow in 2011 as NC school districts deal with a new round of budget cuts, and a increasingly diverse and demanding student population that expects all schools to offer high quality courses in a variety of subjects.

Educational applications for smartphones like the BlackBerry and Apple’s iPhone (and associated products) will continue to grow in number and variety. Look for more foreign language apps, more apps aimed at all ages (especially younger users), and more apps aimed at learning specific skills “in time”. Learning available when you need it.

Discovery Education Digital Curriculum - as of Dec 2010/Jan 2011

Wordle, Prezi, VoiceThread & More – These Educators Know It All! — from blog.simplek12.com (I love Ed Tech)

Quoting Kimberly:
Here’s who we’ve talked to so far… click on the links below to check out their video interview.

  1. Dave Dodgson, English as a second language teacher in Turkey, talks about Wordle.
  2. Cory Plough, online course developer, facilitator, and instructor in Nevada, talks about Screencast-o-matic and tips for educators new to teaching online.
  3. Steven Katz, Technology Integration Specialist in South Korea, talks about Prezi and Audacity.
  4. Steven Anderson, instructional technologist in Winston Salem, NC, talks about VoiceThread.
  5. Kimberly Munoz, middle school technology teacher in College Station, TX, talks about CoverItLive.
  6. Eric Scheninger, principal from New Milford High School in New Jersey, talks about social media for school administrators.
  7. Shannon Wentworth, instructional technology teacher in Colorado, talks about Glogster.
  8. Richard Byrne, social studies teacher in South Paris, Maine, talks about Drop.io.
  9. Gwynn Moore, instructional technology teacher in Colorado, talks about Piclits.com.
  10. Lisa Parisi, 5th grade teacher from Long Island, New York, talks about Xtranormal.
  11. Kyle Pace, instructional technology specialist in Kansas City, Missouri, talks about TypeWith.me.
  12. Shelly Terrell, vice president of educator outreach for Parentella and teacher in Germany talks about learning beyond the classroom walls.
  13. Alex Francisco, English teacher in Portugal talks about GoAnimate.
  14. Mike Alfred, teacher in Washington, talks about cellphones in his classroom.
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10 blended high school models — from EdReformer.com by Tom Vander Ark

Blended high schools incorporate multiple modes of learning to prepare students for college and careers.  Blended learning is a shift of instructional responsibility for at least a portion of the day to an online environment to boost learning, staffing, and or  facilities productivity. Following are 10 blended high school models in operation or development…

Public Poster

Public Poster— from Tuvie.com

Also see:

From DSC:
What if you could take your iPhone and aim it at a particular area of a “board” and then download that piece of information? As easily as when iPhones trade contact info via “bumping”, one could quickly obtain a piece of information on a bulletin board.

Per Kara Sevensma from the Education Department at Calvin College:

I believe I would recommend this blog for practitioners, but with a caution.  The opinions shared here are an excellent entry point for thinking about technology through the “lens.”  I think serious questions must be raised though about how to identify, assess, implement, and evaluate whether these technologies meet students’ needs.  The conversations about how to then examine the highlighted resources in light of important contextual factors at their placement are limited.  What I love about the blog though is that it opens up the first door (in my opinion) which is becoming aware of what resources are “out there.”  As you know, this can be one of many challenging hurdles teachers face when thinking about implementing technology.

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Learning technology trends to watch in 2011 — from The e-Learning Coach

  • Growth of Social Learning
  • To LMS or Not
  • Pocket Video Technology
  • Mobile
  • iPad or Alt-Tablets
  • Virtual Worlds Rising Up
  • Augmented Reality
  • Blogs
  • eBooks
  • QR Codes
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Top 10 Ed Tech predictions for 2011– from ZDNet.com by Christopher Dawson; featuring insights from Adam Garry, Dell’s manager of global professional learning

  • “1:1 should be a learning initiative instead of a tech initiative”
  • Personalized learning instead of differentiated instruction
  • Product-based assessments
  • Increased focus on conceptual learning
  • The evolution of 1:1 – Different access models

Kno ships education tablet — from InformationWeek.com by Esther Shein
The 14.1-inch touchscreen device, geared at students, offers access to digital textbooks in Kno’s e-bookstore.

Kno Single Screen Education Tablet
Kno Single Screen Tablet
Kno has begun shipping its education tablet to pre-order customers, the company said Tuesday.

The tablet was announced by the startup in September as a less expensive option for students than the company’s previously announced dual-screen tablet. “Since launch, we have been encouraged by the positive response to Kno and we are excited to deliver the first units to our most passionate customers — students and educators,” said Osman Rashid, Kno CEO and co-founder, in a statement. “Over the next month, we plan to deliver units to pre-order customers and work closely with them to ensure a great user experience.”

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