The type of learning materials that can be produced by an organization such as Virtual Heroes is the type/quality of material that will be produced in a vision that I have been calling “The Forthcoming Walmart of Education.



Also see:

From DSC:
This is why I would encourage the U.S. government to see if they can get 1-2 billion — from the billionaires who are donating much of their wealth to charitable causes — in order to create such professionally-done, interactive, engaging, team-created learning materials.
Then make those materials available — free of charge — throughout the world.

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Podcasting: Ideas for teachers — from Learning Objects Community — posted by Nancy Rubin

What is a podcast and how can I teach with it? If you are wondering what a podcast is, that might be a good place to start. Podcasts are basically audio files that can be produced with a standard computer, a microphone, software, and a web site where you will post your completed podcasts. Audio podcasts are usually an MP3 file and are the most common types of podcasts. Enhanced podcasts can have images to go along with the audio. They can also have chapter markers, making it easier to skip to different portions of an episode. Enhanced podcasts are not necessarily supported by all devices. Video podcasts are movies, complete with sound. Video podcasts can be in a variety of formats, but MPEG-4 is the most popular and the only format that will play on iPod and iPad.

Some classroom ideas for podcasting:

  • Record directions for students
  • Record lessons
  • Record supplemental materials
  • Record instructions for a substitute teacher
  • Record classroom rules
  • Interview people at your school
  • Create a news show and discuss current events
  • Record a speech
  • Record student readings so they can hear what they sound like

Also see:



— the above items are just 2 of the items from’s 2010 products I can’t live without


Daniel Christian: Creating Slideshows – August2010

With my special thanks to Mr. Damon Zuidema, Mr. Bill Vriesema,
and Mr. Johnny Ansari for their contributions here.

Murdoch says iPad is a game changer — from

News Corp announced their 4Q numbers [August 4] and during the earning call News Corp CEO, Rupert Murdoch, said the iPad was a “game changer” for the media industry.

News Corp has eagerly embraced the iPad and was one of the first media companies to launch a newspaper title for Apple’s new device.  The Wall Street Journal app quickly shot to the top of the apps charts and has been a top download since the launch of the iPad back in April.

News Corp management is very excited by the tablet format with Chief Operating Officer Chase Carey saying the iPad has “transformed people’s expectations and the opportunities around mobile.”  Carey went on to say “it is also a device that for the first time really starts to deliver on the promise of multimedia, where you can see how you could…go between what traditionally would be video content, printed content, advertising that really is attractive that you could penetrate through and engage with.”

Also see:
New online business model will succeed, says Rupert Murdoch

From DSC:
We need to deliver content in multiple ways…and let the students select what works best for them. If a particular student doesn’t connect with the information in one way, perhaps he/she will via another method.

For example…drawing from my own collegiate learning experience, I know that I would have benefited greatly from the use of animations in chemistry and organic chemistry…as I struggled all the way through those courses. I never connected with the material.

Also, they say that one really understands something when one has to teach it…so perhaps we could mentor students as they create their own teaching materials. The class of 2011 could start something…and the class of 2012 could tweak it…followed by the class of 2013, etc.

I tried to capture this a while back in the following graphic:


JISC -- tutorials on digital video


JISC - tutorials on digital audio


Also see:

Virtual Training Site

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Quickstart guide for iMovie ’09 — from by Wesley Fryer

From DSC:
Thanks Wes for putting this out there!

Adobe Museum of Digital Media

Kodak's Zi8

From DSC:
Jay Cross’s posting on this reminded me of some physics professors who were using this exact same camera to capture their lectures. It does an amazing job! From 25 feet back I could read every single item on a 16′ chalkboard — including all formulas, graphs, etc.

The only key downside is that the resulting file sizes are enormous. Any given lecture is around 2 GB in size. Whew!

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