Tips & Tricks for Effective Lecturecasting — from by Ethan Watrall

Lecturecasting is all the rage these days.  And whether you are lecturecasting specifically for a class (either online, face-to-face, or any combination thereof), or are putting your lectures out to the wider public on a platform such as iTunes U, it takes a lot of work to get your lecturecasts to the point where they are effective vehicles for your content.

Digital Directors Guild

From DSC:
Anyone who has followed my work knows that I am interested in digital storytelling. Why?

  1. First of all, because of the engagement factor. Those in education and training know what one must first engage the student — draw them in and get them hooked — before anything else of any lasting substance can happen
  2. Digital storytelling unleashes a huge amount of creativity — students can play different roles on a team: script writing, videography, illustration, music/audio creation, acting, props, etc.
  3. This medium combines the power of multiple other types media — a very potent communication mechanism; one that is able to elicit emotion as well
  4. There is power in a story — and, with repetition — is one of the best ways I’ve experienced of having learning “stick” with me (i.e. addresses long term memory and a greater ROI from one’s investment in education)


Original posting from:

Mastering Multimedia useful tips roundup — from Colin Mulvany

“Many of may old posts that deal with tips about how to do video storytelling and audio slideshows get linked on a lot of blogs used by college professors who teach digital media classes. Most of these posts are buried amongst my pontifications about the changes facing the newspaper industry. So for anyone interested,  here is a roundup of my best multimedia suggestions and useful tip posts in one place…”

Disruptive Innovation in the Classroom — from The Journal by Bridget McCrea
One expert discusses how disruptive innovations like online learning will change the way students learn and progress.

From DSC:
I am not sure we are fully appreciating the scope of the changes about to take place throughout higher education. If we look at what the Internet has done to other industries — and the corresponding (amazingly-short) timeframes it took to turn those industries on their heads — we will begin to have a better appreciation for the massive changes coming down the pike. When the iPod was introduced in October 2003, it didn’t take Apple long to completely dominate the music distribution business. Also, take a look at journalism and how quickly things have changed there (relatively speaking). I believe higher education is next. For more background on my stance on things, you might want to check out two pages/presentations:

  1. The Forthcoming Walmart of Education (Dec 2008):
  2. A Potential Vision for the Future (Spring/ Summer 2008):

Learning Ecosystems -- by Daniel S. Christian

Subscribe to Learning Ecosystems

My objective with this blog is to provide you with a broad-range of insights and resources regarding some tools, technologies, and strategies that help people learn and communicate.  I address elements that relate to the worlds of higher education, K-12, and the corporate training/development.  I seek to identify and relay patterns and trends in the quickly-changing landscapes out there, helping folks keep a pulse check on such items as:

  • 1:1 computing, AI, personalized learning
  • “The Forthcoming Walmart of Education”; changing business models, opportunities, and threats within the world of higher education
  • The disruptive power of technology
  • What elements should be in your learning ecosystem
  • “Learning from the Living Room”
  • Keeping students engaged
  • Digital storytelling
  • Multimedia (tools, techniques, trends, other)
  • Mobile learning
  • Building your global network
  • Instructional design
  • Web design and production
  • …as well as other educationally-related topics.

To get an idea of my views on the above topics — along with some of the other topics I’ve covered in the last 3 years — please feel free to review my personal site at Calvin College.  Here’s an example archives page covering all of 2009:

I look forward to our future discussions as we try to make our individual and corporate contributions to the worlds of education…thereby making the entire world a better place.

Daniel S. Christian

Daniel S. Christian
© 2025 | Daniel Christian