Why mobile learning is the future of workplace learning [infographic by UpsideLearning; as found on wiredacademic.com]

From DSC:
Here’s a portion of the infographic that I want to highlight — look at how many streams of content are flowing by (perfect for building one’s own learning ecosystem!)




 I would add augmented reality-based apps
to the on-demand and embedded areas as well…


What's the best way to deal with ever-changing streams of content? When information has shrinking half-lives?

Building Informal Learning Habits — from clomedia.org by Tom Spencer
Short but disciplined upfront planning can help employees identify opportunities for informal skill development throughout their normal work day.

The Connected Workspace — infographic from jess3.com


From DSC:
Again I’m struck with the amount of informal learning going on here and that people need to build their own learning ecosystems.



Also see:

Jay’s Informal Learning Super Deck — from internettime.com by Jay Cross; thanks Jay for sharing this information/these slides



 From  slide 169/370




 From  slide 225/370


From DSC:
As I mentioned the other day…perhaps helping folks build their own learning ecosystems — based upon one’s gifts/abilities/passions — should be an objective for teachers, professors, instructional designers, trainers, and consultants alike. No matter whether we’re talking K-12, higher ed, or corporate training, these ever-changing networks/tools/strategies will help keep us marketable and able to contribute in a variety of areas to society.

Thanks again Jay for sharing this information/these slides with us!

What if the hokey-cokey really is what it’s all about? Social networking & psychology of learning — from Donald Clark


Psychology of learning in 5 words
What makes good learning practice? Well, I always think the psychology of learning can be summed up in three wordsless is more’. You could add another two ‘…and often’. There’s a number of established and well researched ways to improve memory and therefore learning:

Lumify Movie Studio hits 3.0, brings full-featured video editing to iPhone — from maclife.com by J.R. Bookwalter



Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 5.0 or later.
This app is optimized for iPhone 5.


From DSC:
I have not tried this, but it looks very interesting…feedback anyone?


Why are organizations wringing their hands over informal learning instead of doing something about it? — from internettime.com by Jay Cross
A Google+ Hangout with Craig Wiggings, Charles Jennings, Enzo Silva, Pascal le Rudulier, Clark Quinn, and Jay Cross.


Learning industry should pay more attention to:

  • Informal Learning
  • Competencies
  • Leadership learning
  • Measurement
  • Mobile learning technologies


Less is more — from Harold Jarche


If you were to sum up the psychology of learning in three words, it would be ‘less is more’. Donald Clark

In FrogDesign’s presentation on Design is Hacking How we Learn, slide #27 clearly shows where the emphasis of our learning efforts should be, and where organizations should place the most support and resources: practice.

how we learn



From DSC:
In the corporate world, my thought is to provide the training as to where and how employees can get/stay in the know — especially by encouraging the use and ownership of blogs, social media, and developing/leveraging their personal learning networks.  But also to provide the infrastructure and tools — the plumbing if you will — to allow for people to quickly connect with each other and to easily share information with each other (i.e. to develop their own learning ecosystems). Formal classes won’t cut it. As Harold and other members of the Internet Alliance have long been saying, it’s about informal learning. (Speaking of his Internet Alliance colleagues, Charles Jennings recently discussed how the pace of change is affecting the corporate world big time; and, just as in higher ed, being able to adapt is key to staying relevant.)

As a relevant aside…my issue with my Master’s Program in Instructional Design for Online Learning was that there was too much emphasis on theory and not enough emphasis on practice.




 Also see:



From DSC:
What caught my eye here was the use of scenarios and using those scenarios to help define/create/plan for our future.



Learning Insights Report 2012 — from Kineo and elearningage.co.uk


Actual report here:

Learning Insights Report 2012 -- from Kineo and elearningage.co.uk


Learning in a Social Organization (LISO): a clickable guide — from  by Jane Hart

From DSC:
A great picture of a dynamic, active, practical, constantly-changing, learning ecosystem:


Learning in a SocialOrganization (LISO) -- from Jane Hart - September 2012


The new workplace — from internettime.com by Jay Cross

Excerpt (emphasis by DSC):

Six years ago few people believed that informal learning made much of a difference. Today’s common wisdom is that most workplace learning is experiential, unplanned, social, and informal.

Informal learning tops many training department agendas. Companies are attracted by the low price tag. However, few of them are doing much systematically. They’ve converted a few programs but they’ve failed to improve their learning ecosystems.

We’ve shifted how we think about learning since the Informal Learning book came out. It’s a new ball game and we need to play by new rules. Consider what’s changed…

From DSC:
If this is the case, what could/should that mean for those of us working within higher education?

Survey shows people take training as infrequently as they go to a conference; but they learn continuously in other ways — from Learning in the Social Workplace by Jane Hart


Although there are probably few surprises in the responses to the four main questions themselves, it is when you view the amalgamated results that you can see the bigger picture.

Addendum on 5/17/12 from Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie – May 9, 2012 | #722 – Updates on Learning, Business & Technology.

Results of Learning Directions Pulse Survey

* 33% of organizations reported they are SHRINKING the use of face-to-face classrooms.
* Greatest planned growth in learning activity mode is in the use of Webinars.
* Strongest interest in change and updates was in Leadership Development.
* While 40% show a strong interest in Social Learning – only 20.1% plan a growing utilization with a strong piloting base.
* Mobile and Tablet Device use for Learning is being piloted by 30.1%

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