Key questions you should ask before you flip your class — from Flipped Learning by jbergmann


I am preparing to do a workshop with Icelandic Educators this week and I was asked to give them a list of questions to consider as they begin to flip their classes.  As I wrote these I realized that many people could benefit from these questions.  It is no doubt an incomplete list.  If you have more questions that I should include, please comment and I will add them.

Case study: Flipped classrooms work for students. Period. — from by David Grebow and Greg Green, principal at Clintondale High School in Clinton Township, Michigan.

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

I’m a principal at Clintondale High, a financially challenged school near Detroit. I’m in charge of doing my best to make sure that Clintondale students get the best education possible when they walk through our doors.

There are constant hurdles to making this happen. We are a school of choice, so not all students come in with the same skill levels in reading, math, science or other subjects. Almost 75% of our students receive free or reduced-price lunch because of today’s economic climate, and a large part of our student population commutes from Detroit, which often times takes an hour or longer, especially if the bus is late.

Every year, our failure rates have been through the roof.  The students weren’t paying attention, they weren’t doing their homework, they were being disruptive, or they weren’t coming to school at all. Sadly, these issues are not that uncommon, particularly in this economic climate, where the percentage of students who fall into the poverty category is increasing by the day.

To watch this happen every day, where it is your responsibility to try to provide the very best you can for the students, is beyond frustrating. It’s heartbreaking.

Our staff agreed that our failure rates were not good. But how do you go about addressing these issues with no money, no additional resources and no clear solution from the experts who already know the system is broken?

How do you get your staff on board with change you want to implement, but no one else has ever tried it on a mass scale? How do you get your students excited about learning when they’ve never shown much interest before?

You flip it. Here’s how it works…


From DSC:

Thanks Techsmith for helping out here. You demonstrated that there can be a higher calling for business — helping out our fellow mankind with tangible/concrete/immediate assistance.



Back from March 2012:
Flipped learning: A response to five common criticisms — from November Learning by Alan November & Brian Mull


Also see:

Flipped Learning #26: The Power of the Transformation with Jon Bergmann — from by Troy Cockrum


Troy has Flipped Learning pioneer Jon Bergmann on the final podcast of this calender year.   The two discuss Jon’s book “Flip Your Classroom”, as well as his upcoming book, the differences between Flipped Classroom and Flipped Learning, flipping a class vs. flipping a lesson, the powerful transformations teachers are making, FlipCon13, and more.

You can also catch up on a lot of resources from the Flipped Learning Network by going to

SmartBoard, make way for Educreations — from by Katrina Schwartz


One of the biggest, fastest shifts in ed tech the last couple years has been the evolution from the use of large interactive whiteboards to the use of mobile, agile multi-purpose apps. Currently, there are at least six products, all competing to become teachers’ favorite. Replay Note, ScreenChomp, ShowMe, DoodleCast Pro, Knowmia, Explain Everything and Educreations all offer teachers the ability to record the visual and audio components of a “whiteboard” lesson on their iPads, and share it online.

The Future of TV -- an infographic from Beesmart


From DSC:
The educational “store” part of this graphic could take several forms:

  • Online-based exchanges between buyers and sellers (teachers/professors and learners) — professors as their own brand
  • Institutional offerings/brands
  • Team-based content from newly-developed firms, organizations
  • Each of us puts up our own learning materials for others to take (for free or for a price)
  • Other


16 flipped learning uses in K-12 and college classrooms — from by Roger Riddell


Flipped classrooms require educators to reconstruct traditional classrooms by sending lectures home and providing more face-to-face time at school, but elementary- through university-level instructors are finding good reasons to try them out.

Frequently traced back to Colorado teachers Aaron Sams and Jonathan Bergmann, who were quick to experiment with posting videos online in 2008, the flipped classroom concept is small, simple and has shown positive results. The general idea is that students work at their own pace, receiving lectures at home via online video or podcasts and then devoting class time to more in-depth discussion and traditional “homework.”

Here are 16 examples of flipped learning at all levels nationwide and abroad:


In this flipped class, teachers learn from students’ video — by Kim Fortson
As many students can attest, video creation doesn’t have to be difficult and it certainly doesn’t have to be scary. One teacher shares how the flipped classroom can be a lesson in media literacy for students and teachers alike.


New York technology teacher and trainer Rob Zdrojewski is flipping the flipped classroom–or, rather, his students are.

Using a video technology known as screencasting, Zdrojewski, who will host two workshops at the upcoming FETC Conference in January, turns the popular phrase on its head by asking his students at Amherst Middle School to create instructional videos for their teachers.

“The term ‘flip your classroom’ is really for the teachers to flip the classroom for the students, but this is like flipping the professional development for your staff–but having students teach the teachers,” Zdrojewski says. “It’s another catchphrase we’ve been using.”

Understanding the Flipped Classroom: Part 1 — from by Pamela Kachka
Understanding the Flipped Classroom: Part 2 — from by Pamela Kachka

Part 1 looks at the history of the flipped classroom. Part 2 looks at what it takes for someone to teach effectively in a flipped classroom.

Flipped classroom: The full picture for higher education — from by Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D.


The Flipped Classroom, as most know, has become quite the buzz in education.  Its use in higher education has been given a lot of press recently.  The purpose of this post is to:

  1. Provide background for this model of learning with a focus on its use in higher education.
  2. Identify some problems with its use and implementation that if not addressed, could become just a fading fad.
  3. Propose a model for implementation based on an experiential cycle of learning model.


From DSC:
The above posting includes a great video by Penn State TLT:



Also see:

Using a wiki to promote collaboration and critical thinking — from Janine Lim


This post contains resources and links for my Andrews University Faculty Institute session titled Using a Wiki to Promote Collaboration and Critical Thinking.

Also see Janine’s and Alayne Thorpe’s work at:

Flipping the elementary classroom  — from by J. Bergmann

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

A question I have been frequently asked is how do you flip an elementary classroom?  Does the flipped methodology work for the younger grades?  The answer is yes–sorta.

My current role is that of a K-8 technology facilitator.  I work directly with an amazing staff who has taught me much about students in the younger grades.

Here is my advice for elementary teachers.

Don’t flip a class:  Flip a lesson.

Start with a lesson that students struggle with and make a short video.  An easy way to determine what to make a video of is to ask yourself:  What do I constantly have to repeat or what do kids really need extra help on?

Flipped classrooms: Improved test scores and teacher satisfaction — from


The preliminary results of our TeacherView Survey on Flipped Learning are in based on responses from close to 500 teachers nationwide.  These results should make any school or district administrator look seriously into how to begin flipping instruction broadly.

66% of surveyed teachers reported that their students’ standardized test scores have INCREASED since they began flipped instruction.
80% report that their students’ attitudes have improved since flipped instruction began.
88% of teachers report that their job satisfaction has improved since flipping the classroom (with 46% reporting significant improvement).

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