Millions of TV’s (as completely converged/Internet-connected devices) = millions of learners?!?

From DSC:

The other day, I created/posted the top graphic below. Take the concepts below — hook them up to engines that use cloud-based learner profiles — and you have some serious potential for powerful, global, ubiquitous learning! A touch-sensitive panel might be interesting here as well.

Come to think of it, add social networking, videoconferencing, and web-based collaboration tools — the power to learn would be quite impressive.  Multimedia to the nth degree.

Then add to that online marketplaces for teaching and learning — where you can be both a teacher and a learner at the same time — hmmm…



From DSC:
Then today, I saw Cisco’s piece on their Videoscape product line! Check it out!







Resources for “Enterprise Learning and Collaboration in 3D Virtual Worlds” Webinar– from Karl Kapp

“Dan Bliton of Booz Allen Hamilton asked Tony and Karl to present a webinar entitled ‘Enterprise Learning and Collaboration in 3D Virtual Worlds.’ The presentation promises to be a lot of fun. Here are the supporting resources.”

© 2025 | Daniel Christian