Global success, Global failure of the CMS/LMS needs to stop — from Drupal Education for Educators

I know you’re saying “but Bryan, didn’t you mean just the Drupal solution”, no. Drupal is not the answer. Plone, WordPress, Moveable Type, Joomla, PHPNuke, Moodle, NOTEPAD is not the answer. We need to start looking at systems development based on a services and scalability perspective.  No one system is going to solve that problem (emphasis DSC). We need to start looking at what systems do well and then play to those strengths in the creation of a service.

So, what I’ve proposed above is more of a communication between and across systems.  Things like single sign on systems and simple modules within each project could allow users to flow seamlessly between them.  RSS and XMLRPC calls could allow session / user display data to flow seamlessly across each.  The most important thing though is that any system can be any CMS/LMS choice.  Example of that….

  • Core LMS / data system is Moodle
  • CMS is Drupal
  • SMMS is Drupal
  • Syllabus system is WordPress
  • Communications system is Plone
  • Blogging platform is moveable type
  • Wiki collaboration via Wikispace (emphasis on bulleted points: DSC)
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From DSC:
I ran across this 10/4/07 NITLE keynote presentation from Jason Cole (one of the co-authors of Using Moodle, 2nd ed.) and on slide 4/46 he mentioned the following:  (the bulleted text is his, the graphic and callouts are mine)

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The CMS and the PLN — from Jon Mott and his “The End In Mind” blog

From DSC:
These two elements are part of our learning ecosystem — at least at this point in time. As Jon points out, they each have their strengths and weaknesses. It will be interesting to see — given time — what the trends become concerning these two elements of the ecosystem.

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Revisiting and rediscovering Moodle: a Story — from Moodle Monthly — by Jared Stein

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Learning Ecosystems -- by Daniel S. Christian

Subscribe to Learning Ecosystems

My objective with this blog is to provide you with a broad-range of insights and resources regarding some tools, technologies, and strategies that help people learn and communicate.  I address elements that relate to the worlds of higher education, K-12, and the corporate training/development.  I seek to identify and relay patterns and trends in the quickly-changing landscapes out there, helping folks keep a pulse check on such items as:

  • 1:1 computing, AI, personalized learning
  • “The Forthcoming Walmart of Education”; changing business models, opportunities, and threats within the world of higher education
  • The disruptive power of technology
  • What elements should be in your learning ecosystem
  • “Learning from the Living Room”
  • Keeping students engaged
  • Digital storytelling
  • Multimedia (tools, techniques, trends, other)
  • Mobile learning
  • Building your global network
  • Instructional design
  • Web design and production
  • …as well as other educationally-related topics.

To get an idea of my views on the above topics — along with some of the other topics I’ve covered in the last 3 years — please feel free to review my personal site at Calvin College.  Here’s an example archives page covering all of 2009:

I look forward to our future discussions as we try to make our individual and corporate contributions to the worlds of education…thereby making the entire world a better place.

Daniel S. Christian

Daniel S. Christian
© 2025 | Daniel Christian