Adobe Museum of Digital Media, A lecture by John Maeda

From DSC:
If online courses could feature content done this well…wow! Incredibly well done. Engaging. Professsional. Cross-disciplinary. Multimedia-based. Creative. Innovative. Features a real craftsman at his work. The Forthcoming Walmart of Education will feature content at this level…blowing away most of the competition.


John Maeda -- Adobe Museum -- March 2011







This is also true for materials like the item below!



Comparing online programs

Comparing online programs — from by Steve Kolowich

Much of the debate about online higher education turns on comparing online courses to face-to-face ones. But with colleges of every type increasingly venturing into the fray of online teaching regardless, some have turned toward the practical question of comparing online programs with other online programs.

This, too, has been tricky. Kaye Shelton found this out when she was researching her 2005 book, An Administrator’s Guide to Online Education, which she co-authored with George Saltsman, an educational technologist at Abilene Christian University.

“When I came to the chapter on quality, I just ended up chucking it,” says Shelton, now dean of online education at Dallas Baptist University. While attention to online programs as a recruitment battleground was growing, she says, the literature on how to compare quality was just too thin.

Now, with help from the nonprofit Sloan Consortium (Sloan-C) and dozens of veteran online education administrators, Shelton has developed a “quality scorecard” that she hopes will serve as a standardized measure for comparing any type of fully online college program, regardless of discipline. “I’m hoping that it will become an industry standard,” Shelton says.

The scorecard has 70 metrics, developed over six months by a panel of 43 long-serving online administrators representing colleges of various classifications, including several for-profit institutions. It builds on the Institute for Higher Education’s “Benchmarks for Success in Internet-Based Distance Education,” which was published in 2000 and outlines 24 metrics.

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Christensen on disruptive innovation in higher education — from Lloyd Armstrong, University Professor and Provost Emeritus at the University of Southern California

Although the absence of an upwardly scalable technology driver has rendered higher education impossible to disrupt in its past, we believe that online learning constitutes such a technology driver and will indeed be capable of disruptively carrying the business model of low-cost universities up-market.

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Disrupting College: How disruptive innovation can deliver quality and affordability to postsecondary education— from by Clayton M. Christensen, Michael B. Horn, Louis Soares, Louis Caldera

This emerging disruptive innovation—online education—also presents an opportunity to rethink many of the age-old assumptions about higher education.


The theory of disruptive innovation has significant explanatory power in thinking through the challenges and changes confronting higher education. Disruptive innovation is the process by which a sector that has previously served only a limited few because its products and services were complicated, expensive, and inaccessible, is transformed into one whose products and services are simple, affordable, and convenient and serves many no matter their wealth or expertise. The new innovation does so by redefining quality in a simple and often disparaged application at first and then gradually improves such that it takes more and more market share over time as it becomes able to tackle more complicated problems.

Also see:

Disruption, Delivery and Degrees — from

WASHINGTON — Many college professors and administrators shudder at comparisons between what they do and what, say, computer or automobile makers do. (And just watch how they bristle if you dare call higher education an “industry.”) But in a new report, the man who examined how technology has “disrupted” and reshaped those and other manufacturing industries has turned his gaze to higher education, arguing that it faces peril if it does not change to meet the challenge. The report, “Disrupting College,” was also the subject of a panel discussion Tuesday at the Center for American Progress, which released the report along with the Innosight Institute. (A video recording of the event is available here.)

Maintaining quality in blended learning: From classroom assessment to impact evaluation — from Educause

ELI’s online seminars offer an opportunity to hear from experts around the world on a specific teaching-and-learning-with-technology–related topic. The goal of this seminar is to examine one of the blended learning focus session topics in greater depth. With the help of the ELI community’s input, we’ve selected research and quality assurance of blended learning as the topic for our first online seminar.

With more faculty members teaching in the blended learning mode, effective course design is critical to maintaining quality while incorporating both face-to-face and online components. In this online seminar, participants will learn how to develop assignments that fit the learning objectives and align with the blended format of the course. In addition, participants will learn how course assignments can be used to provide evidence that students are meeting program goals. Finally, we’ll discuss the benefits of classroom-based research to evaluate the impact of technology on teaching and on students’ learning. Participants will learn how they can successfully accomplish scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) research and use it to improve course and program outcomes.

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Four Pillars of Online Course Quality — from Faculty Focus by Mary Bart
The eQuality program looks at quality from four different perspectives, which the Open Campus calls the four pillars of program quality, and has qualitative and quantitative assessments for each.

  1. Quality Courses – The quality checks in this area ensure the courses provide a sound learning environment, implement best practices in online learning, meet college requirements for academic rigor, and reflect all official curriculum requirements.
  2. Quality Instruction – The quality checks in this area ensure sound instructional approaches and techniques for reducing the transactional distance in online courses.
  3. Quality Support – The quality checks in this area focus on those elements outside the courses that make the teaching and learning experience easier and more fulfilling, including, technical support, student advisement, faculty training, and staff training and development.
  4. Quality Administration – The quality checks in this area examine the policies, procedures, guidelines, and other interactions between the institution and the staff, faculty, and students. The goal is to minimize the organizational barriers to student success, student satisfaction, and faculty satisfaction. This pillar is by far the most complicated to manage and improve, Schilke says.
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K12 virtual schools graduate over 1,000 students — from
More than 90 percent of the 2010 graduating class to attend colleges, universities

HERNDON, Va., Jun 28, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Over 1,000 students graduated this year from virtual schools using the award winning, nationally-acclaimed K12(R) curriculum and online school program.

K12 Inc., America’s largest provider of proprietary curriculum and online school programs for students in kindergarten through high school, operates public virtual schools in 25 states (and D.C.) in partnership with charter schools and school districts.

The majority of graduates — 93 percent — plan to continue their education at colleges and universities, according to K12’s 2010 senior survey. The survey also indicated that K12 graduates received over 1 million dollars in combined scholarship money.

K12 students from this year’s class have been accepted to many of the nation’s most prestigious colleges and universities, including Cornell, Duke, Middlebury College, University of Pennsylvania, Northwestern, Princeton, Stanford, Vanderbilt, University of Southern California, and many more schools across the U.S.

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