School of art brings a new slant to the rooftop garden — from by Bridget Borgobello


School of art brings a new slant to the rooftop garden


The School of Art, Design & Media at Nanyang Technological University campus in Singap...


School of art brings a new slant to the rooftop garden


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The physical is virtual – from and Aurasma

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China-Hong Kong: Thorny issues of higher education ties — from by  Yojana Sharma

One of the little-publicised sections of China’s economic plan for the next five years includes Hong Kong for the first time since the former British colony’s handover to China in 1997. However, Hong Kong and southern China have already been forging higher education ties with a view to creating a common higher education space in the not-too distant future.

“For the first time Hong Kong is included in China’s latest five year plan, giving us a strategic role in the development of the Pearl River Delta,” Tony Chan, President of Hong Kong’s University of Science and Technology, told a conference in Hong Kong in March.


Addendum on 4/5/11:

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India -- The next university superpower? -- from BBC News in March 2011

IEEE Dest 2011 -- Conference on Digital Ecosystems.

Note some of the topics in the call for papers/proposals:

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Toshiba’s AirSwing

Toshiba's AirSwing

Asia Society

Asia Society

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