EDUCAUSE 2010 Day 2: Hamel, Gates, lecture capture, and tough publishers — from by Joshua Kim

From DSC:
Especially of interest here to me was the item about TechSmith and Sonic Foundry…veerrry interesting. Also, administrators, deans, and department chairpersons NEED to hear Hamel’s presentation/thoughts. To me, it held some of the most lasting value from any presentation that was offered online yesterday.

Gary emphasized the need for us to keep reinventing ourselves — and I would add, given the pace of change, this is just as true of each of us as individuals as our collective organizations.  He noted the accelerating pace of change, that knowledge itself is changing…and that most organizations today were never built to handle this kind of change. He stressed the need to be more nimble.

The web:

  • Dematerializes
  • Disintegrates
  • Disintermedites
  • Democratizes

Too often organizational change is episodic, convulsive — reacting to a time of crisis. (From DSC: Read…when the organization has been broadsided.)

We are broadsided not because we couldn’t see things coming down the pike, but because those things were not pallatable to us….hmmm…sounds of online learning and web-based collaboration are ringing in my ears…

Try to imagine the unimaginable.

From DSC:
I was reading a white paper from Tegrity today (see below graphics). It mentioned that the next frontier for lecture capture technologies is focused on developing more personalized learning experiences.




—  A brief aside from DSC:
Reminds me of some of the functionality found in Livescribe’s echo smartpen.


The ability to integrate lecture capture platforms with Learning Management Systems (LMS’s) can help to automate the authentication and authorization needed to ensure learners get to review what they are allowed to review. Integration hooks provided by lecture capture and LMS vendors are viable as methods of ensuring a baseline approach to secure access. Yet most lecture capture systems do not know who the viewer is (as the LMS does the authentication and authorization); they only know that the stream is permitted to play and that students of the course are watching.

This sets the stage for the next transformation of lecture capture solutions – into platforms that can understand not just who their users are, but also what those users need to do and how their experience can be personalized and enhanced.

The coming shift will bring creation of custom learning environments that cater to the individual student by offering personal context-sensitivity, the ability to draw on the knowledge of peers and instructors, and the ability to better manage and monitor each individual learner’s behaviors and customize their experience to their individual needs. Among the major effects of this shift:

  • Democratization of the content creation process as learners themselves contribute to or otherwise use lecture capture tools to learn from or teach others
  • Faster learning by enabling learners to access information more quickly through bookmarks – and placing efficiencies within the platform to streamline teaching and learning
  • Changing impact on educators, who can rely on lecture capture feedback loops based on features like bookmarking to enable them to adjust content and teaching styles to suit learner needs
  • Use of presence and the fact that a system can know a learner to automate and make more efficient the act of finding peers or instructors for further learning interactions
  • Greater ability to deliver content and offer customized features via mobile devices

This white paper focuses on the evolution of lecture capture as a tool for creating a coherent environment for learner-centered instruction, showing the possibilities for improved efficiencies and better learning outcomes.

From DSC:
The integration of a lecture capture system w/ an LMS got me to thinking…what if each person in the world had a constantly-updated, adaptive, web-based learner profile that detailed their current age, current and past places of residence, language(s), hobbies, interests, courses taken, major(s), minor(s), last grade completed, which RSS feeds they subscribe to, which sources of educational content they prefer, etc. Given permission by the student, a vendor’s tool could then query the database and look for particular fields…plugging that  content into their own application for greater context and engagement.

So if a 3rd grader in India loved horses, the math problems could utilize that information to make the problems more engaging to that person.

Hmmm…along these lines, I think I’ll set up some Google alerts to include:

  • Multi-agent systems
  • Adaptive learning systems
  • Artificial intelligence education
  • Distributed e-learning systems
  • Semantic web education
  • Learning agents
  • Intelligent tutoring
  • Online tutoring

The next few years should be veeeerrrryyy interesting. Fasten your seatbelts!

McGraw-Hill Education buys software maker Tegrity — WSJ

Also see:

Why McGraw-Hill Bought a Lecture-Capture Company — from The Chronicle  by Jeff Young
[Yesterday] McGraw-Hill Education announced that it has bought a lecture-capture company called Tegrity Inc, putting the textbook publisher squarely in the education-software business. Officials say they made the move because of the importance of “user-generated content” as textbooks go digital.

Web collaboration trends — from The Webinar blog by Ken Molay

Intercall put out a press release today summarizing results from a survey of college students about watching webcast courses. I have to admit I was surprised by how widespread some of the behavior characteristics are… I knew that streaming courses over the web was done, but I didn’t realize how many students relied on it.

Consider that 48 percent of students said they take multiple classes scheduled for the same time! That’s a far cry from my college days, when I would painstakingly juggle which classes to sign up for based on whether I could get from one side of campus to the other in time. 78 percent of students said that professors had made courses available online, either live or on demand. What do you think these students are going to expect of communications when they enter the workforce? Will they agree to attend multiple product briefings or team meetings scheduled for the same time because they figure they can watch the webcast recording later?

The survey polled college students ages 18 to 25 about their attitudes and behaviors towards streamed video content of their college courses. Additional findings from the survey include:

  • Use of streaming is on the rise — Eight in ten students (78 percent) report that professors have made lectures available either by live video feed or posting a videotaped lecture for students to access online. Nearly a third (30 percent) say their professors use web streaming frequently.
  • In two places at once — Almost half (48 percent) of students take multiple classes scheduled for the same time which was virtually impossible before streaming. Also, 63 percent “attend” classes even though they are in reality, out of town.
  • Juggling jobs and studies — Streaming helps those students who are working their way through school: 47 percent say having content available to view at a later time allows them to work more hours at their job.
  • Students are taking control over the way they learn — Nearly 60 percent say streaming video allows them to spend more time studying by themselves and grasp concepts better because they can go at their own pace (44 percent).
  • We want our streaming! — More than two-thirds (67 percent) of students said they wish more of their professors used streaming and the majority (85 percent) say they would find it helpful to have their classes live streamed or video posted online.
  • Parents just don’t understand — A third of U.S. students say that their parents or guardians would be very upset to know how often they actually attend classes in person because they “attend” by watching video of their course online. However, the majority of respondents report that streaming improves students’ performance and helps them balance school with work.

Lecture Capture: Policy and Strategy — University Business by Ellen Ullman
What is happening to the pedagogical process because of lecture capture?
July/August 2010 2010

Kodak's Zi8

From DSC:
Jay Cross’s posting on this reminded me of some physics professors who were using this exact same camera to capture their lectures. It does an amazing job! From 25 feet back I could read every single item on a 16′ chalkboard — including all formulas, graphs, etc.

The only key downside is that the resulting file sizes are enormous. Any given lecture is around 2 GB in size. Whew!

— from Wimba by Matt Wasowski
As more than 500 of you know, there has been a groundswell in the last 12 months about wanting to use virtual classroom technology for lecture capture.  This was never more evident than yesterday when I had half-a-thousand educators from schools of all shapes, sizes, and locations register to learn about how they can conduct lecture capture via Wimba.
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Lecture Capture: A Guide for Effective Use — from Tomorrow’s Professor blog

References from that posting include:

Bongey, S. B., Cizadlo, G., & Kalnbach, L. (2006). Explorations in course-casting: Podcasts in higher education. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 23(5), 350-367.

Brittain, S., Glowacki, P., Van Ittersum, J., & Johnson, L. (2006). Podcasting lectures. Educause Quarterly, 3, 24-31.

Brotherton, J. A., & Abowd, G. D. (2004). Lessons learned from eClass: Assessing automated capture and access in the classroom. Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 11(2), 121-155.

Coghlan, E., Futey, D., Little, J., Lomas, C., Oblinger, D., & Windham, C. (2007). ELI Discovery Tool: Guide to Podcasting. Retrieved from GuideToPodcasting/12830

Copley, J. (2007). Audio and video podcasts of lectures for campus-based students: Production and evaluation of student use. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 44(4), 387-399.

Dale, C. (2007). Strategies for using podcasting to support student learning. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 6(1), 49-57.

Dey, E. L., Burn, H. E., & Gerdes, D. (2009). Bringing the classroom to the Web: Effects of using new technologies to capture and deliver lectures. Research in Higher Education, 50(4), 377-393.

Duke University Center for Instructional Technology. (2005). Duke University iPod First-Year Experience

Final Evaluation Report 2005. Retrieved from

Edirisingha, P., & Salmon, G. (2007). Pedagogical models for podcasts in higher education. LRA/BDRA demonstration file, conference pre-print copy. Retrieved from

Evans, C. (2007). The effectiveness of m-learning in the form of podcast revision lectures in higher education. Computers & Education, 50, 491-498.

Fernandez, V., Simo, P., & Sallan, J. M. (2009). Podcasting: A new technological tool to facilitate good practice in higher education. Computers & Education, 53, 385-392.

Flanagan, B., & Calandra, B. (2005). Podcasting in the classroom. Learning & Leading with Technology, 33(3), 20-25.

Harrity, M. B., & Ricci, A. (n.d.). How course lecture capture can enhance student learning. Retrieved from Collaboratory/News/NERCOMPHandout.pdf

Kim, J. (2009). Capturing lectures: No brainer or sticky wicket? Educause Research Bulletin, 2009(24), 1-10. Retrieved from CapturingLecturesNoBrainerorSt/192206

Lane, C. (2006). Podcasting at the UW: An evaluation of current use. Retrieved from podcasting_report.pdf

Lewis, J., Coursol, D., & Khan, L. (2001). College A study of comfort and the use of technology. Journal of College Student Development, 42(6), 625-631.

Lund, C. R. F. (2008). Moving lectures out of the classroom to make room for learning [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from workshops/handout.asp?titleID=170&eventID=639

McKenzie, W. A. (2008). Where are audio recordings of lectures in the new educational technology landscape? In Hello! Where are you in the landscape of educational technology? Proceedings ascilite Melbourne 2008. Retrieved from

Nagel, D. (2008, September). Lecture capture: No longer optional? Campus Technology. Retrieved from

Pinder-Grover, T., Millunchick, J. M., & Bierwert, C. (2008, October). Work in progress: Using screencasts to enhance student learning in a large lecture material science and engineering course. Proceedings of the 38th IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference. Saratoga Springs, NY. Retrieved from

Pinder-Grover, T., Millunchick, J. M., Bierwert, C., & Shuller, L. (2009, June). The efficacy of screencasts on diverse students in a large lecture course. Paper presented at American Society for Engineering Education, Austin TX. Retrieved from

Soong, A. S. K., Chan, L. K., Cheers, C., & Hu, C. (2006). Impact of video recorded lectures among students. In L. Markauskaite, P. Goodyear, & P. Reimann (Eds.), Who’s learning? Whose technology? (pp. 789-794). Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press.

Veeramani, R., & Bradley, S. (2008). U-W Madison onlinelearning study: Insights regarding undergraduate preference for lecture capture. Retrieved from

Vogele, C., Garlick, M., & The Berkman Center Clinical Program in Cyberlaw. (2006). Podcasting Legal Guide. Retrieved from

Winterbottom, S. (2007). Virtual lecturing: Delivering lectures using screencasting and podcasting technology. Planet, 18, 6-8.

Young, J. R. (2008, January 25). YouTube professors: Scholars as online video stars. Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from

Zhu, E., & Kaplan, M. (2011). Technology and teaching. In M. Svinicki & W. J. McKeachie (Eds.), Teaching tips: Strategies, research and theory for college and university teachers (13th ed., pp. 235-366). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

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Camtasia Relay 2 brings searchable video to lecture capture — from The Journal by David Nagel

From DSC:
The idea of being able to search a lecture for a particular section/point seems very useful to me. This article made me reflect on the question (again) of where is the innovation occurring? Is is not within the digital, online, and hybrid-learning worlds? If this sort of innovation continues in these spaces — and I don’t see any signs of these trends abating in the future — will strictly face-to-face environments be able to keep up? Will they be as competitive, relevant, and effective in the new learning worlds that are quickly developing before our eyes?

Lecture capture: A guide for effective use — from Tomorrow’s Professor Blog

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iPod and iPhone Recording — from by Jeff Towne

Blue Mikey

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