From DSC:
I guess I’m in a reflective mood again this morning. After reading and reflecting on Clive’s posting, I ran across Tony Bates’ posting, “Do we need academic journals any more?

I found myself nodding or saying “Yes! — Amen to that!” several times. For example, Tony mentions:

However, its late publication, the length of the journal, and its traditional format all make me wonder if such journals are useful anymore. (This one is also incredibly boring, like most of the others). I get the feeling that the primary stakeholders in journals these days are not the readers but the authors, who need publication for tenure and promotion. Do they really expect anyone other than reviewers to read this stuff?”

…I don’t have the time to sit down and read – or even – skim – a complete issue of a whole academic journal, and I’m not even working full-time. Maybe that’s my loss, but surely in this day and age we can find better ways of disseminating useful information that has a sound academic base, without trivializing it.

There is still a need for a ‘full’ article that’s been properly peer reviewed, especially if it is presenting original data or research, but why not have a ‘rolling’ publication of articles when ready, using abstracts with links to the full article, RSS feeds and Twitter notices, with opportunities for online comments and discussion of the articles? Shouldn’t journals about e-learning be walking the talk, instead of existing in a pre-digital age? (Long live blogs.)

From DSC:
Academia needs to be relevant, up-to-date, and responsive. We can not cling to the status quo. We must prepare students to learn how to learn. We need to help them be willing and prepared to change (with an eye towards discernment in which changes to make — which involves critical thinking, research skills, synthesizing skills, cross-disciplinary thinking, and problem-solving skills).

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Pulse – a news reader for the iPad


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Finding research on workplace learning — from Learning Conversations

Are you serious?!?

Are you serious?

I went to go search the ERIC  database just now for articles related to copyright law as it pertains to instructional materials. You know what? The most recent hit I got was from 2008! That’s unbelievable to me. It’s May 2010, and if I can’t get a scholarly article on this from 2010, we’ve got a serious problem with our academic journals. This situation is unacceptable and won’t be where students go if we can’t provide a much more up-to-date experience.

If I were to go to a lawyer about this situation, I sure hope that they would have more up-to-date materials than I currently have access to as a student.

Now I know that I could pick up many scholarly journals and look at articles from March, April, May 2010 at this point. But when did those ideas first get started? When were the articles written? When were they reviewed? When were they sent back for changes? When were they re-submitted? When did they finally make it into “print”? What’s the BEST we can do with printed journals? With online-based journals?

I’ll also grant you that I’m approaching this from somewhat of a tech-perspective — and technology always seems to outpace many other areas. But still…that all the more backs up my point here as we must move towards providing more up-to-date methods of sharing scholarly information.

Along these lines, I don’t want to read a textbook that is prior to 2009 — and ideally 2010 — at this point. In my area of work, I need up-to-date methods, techniques, information, skills.

We need more avenues that are similar to:

  • Artstore
  • Creative Commons

Some resourses for those interested in language instruction & technology — my thanks to David Smith — Director, Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning as well as Associate Professor, Department of Germanic and Asian Languages at Calvin College for these resources:

Online-based, free journal: Language Learning & Technology


ReCALL -- journal

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Impact -- looking at elearning in the workplace

Impact is an online publication of the E-learning Network of Australasia (ElNet at, a not-for-profit organisation and Australia’s only national e-learning association. The journal has been established to address the paucity of research publication avenues that provide a particular emphasis on e-learning in organisational, corporate and workplace settings, and which seek to bridge academic and business communities. Focusing on stimulating and generating dialogue, as well as promoting the development and sharing of evidence-based best practice, the journal publishes both refereed and non-refereed contributions from authors worldwide relating to the design, implementation, evaluation and management of workplace e-learning across a range of sectors and industries.

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Real-time scholarship — from by Gideon Burton

“The tools are only getting better and better for discovery, networking, data mining, networking, collaborating, representing findings and disseminating learned communication. I pity my colleagues trapped in the print paradigm. By the time a journal article appears (or even an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education), what they report on will be secondary to the real conversation. The real scholars are the real-time scholars (emphasis DSC). We use legacy knowledge systems and respect them for what they do, but we don’t wait for them to fossilize the conversation; we’re too busy growing live knowledge with the more intellectually agile tools of mobile phones, microblogging, and live update streams.”

From DSC:
Gideon Burton expresses my viewpoints on this topic as well. The pace of exchanging information and learning about new information has picked up considerably. Those who rely on getting their information via printed journals are going to be at least 1 step behind. (This goes for textbooks as well.)

But my larger concern here is that if we aren’t connected in real-time to a global network of colleagues and peers, our knowledgebases may be a version or two behind — and worse yet, we may be relaying inaccurate information. We need a real-time, up-to-date, ever-growing, ever-adapting learning ecosystem.

Once again I ask, “Can you hear the engines roaring? As for myself, I’m trying not to come out onto the racetrack in an old “Model T”, as I have a significant co-pay on emergency room visits!

The pace has changed significantly and quickly

Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center ( AIRCC ) is a non profit organization promoting science & engineering research worldwide with out any discrimination. It’s acting as a bridge between young and experienced professionals through series of activities such as workshops, conferences and journals etc.

AIRCC depends on researchers, academicians and corporate support for bridging relationships with existing scientific & engineering organizations and customizing relationships with standard bodies. The main purpose of this forum is to promote new research and applications in the field of Computer science & Engineering and allied fields.

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