From DSC:
Check out this very cool news from my friend and Bible Study fellow — Mr. Patrick Mohney, President of SEA Biofuels, LLC



This is really amazing.

First of all, people in the developing world, even today, use either campfires or some other smokey cooking system.  This type of cooking is the norm for three billion people today, this leads to millions of deaths per year, as well as a leading contributor of greenhouse gases.  Also, I learned that in some parts of the world, women that normally collect the cooking fuel, are the subject of physical violence and rape as they collect fuel in a territory that another clan, family or tribe feel belongs to them.  I hear these things and think, “Seriously, we have to fix this!”

We could fix this, if we had a clean and environmentally friendly alternative fuel that they could afford.  Now we have just that.  We make fuel from excess agricultural waste like rice husks, coconut shells or almost any woody bio-material.

The stove-fuel combo is the most efficient in the world, but the reason that I am excited about it, is that it is less expensive to operate for the consumer than the alternative fuels.  As it turns out, people that use wood or charcoal to cook with, usually pay for it, and it is not cheap.  Our fuel is usually half to three quarters of the price of the status quo fuel at retail to the consumer.  This is why our stove and fuel is presently the only option that is scale-able and can help millions, or billions of people.

I know you are busy, but we can solve this for half of the worlds people, if you could just pass this on or make some noise.  Like us on FB.

Our mission statement is, “Be a Blessing to others and you will be Blessed”.

God Bless you and your family.

Patrick Mohney
SEA Biofuels, LLC


From DSC and Patrick:
Contribute something today — make the world a better place to live in.


Breathtaking rainbows over the world’s largest waterfall — from by various photographers




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20 stunning infographics to show how climate change affects ecosystems — from; with thanks to Donald Smith for the resource


According to one infographic in this list, many people believe that climate change is happening and that it is irreversible. The difference in opinion is in how climate change is occurring. On the other hand, another information graphic shows that fewer people are believing the climate change scenario despite evidence of glacier melt and an increase in dramatic weather patterns such as more rain and drought. A degree in environmental science may not affect what you believe, but evidence-based science is difficult to refute, especially when faced with over 20 graphic images that show how climate change is affecting ecosystems.

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Science Simulations: A Virtual Learning Environment — from Journey in Technology by Dolores Gende

Where do I find simulations?

One of the best websites for science simulations is PhET from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Originally founded by Physics Nobel Prize laureate Carl Weiman, PhET provides fun, interactive, research-based simulations of physical phenomena for free. These simulations can be downloaded or played directly on your browser.

Teachers can access the Teacher Ideas & Activities page for teacher-submitted contributions, designed to be used in conjunction with the simulations.

These are the links to the core science courses simulations. The PhET website also contains excellent Math simulations.

Simulation Resources

Earth Science/Geology

Augmented Learning — from Kirsten Winkler at

A technology that keeps me excited for a while now is augmented reality in combination with QR codes and geo tagging. One start-up that caught my attention early on was StickBits.

From DSC:
I’m thinking of a related application here — it involves Geology courses. That is, what if the rocks or other types of materials (that students were trying to learn about) were assigned their own QR codes? Then the students could walk around the room, scan in the QR codes, and the relevant information about that rock/material would appear on their device.

Surviving the Future

From biotech visionaries growing new body parts, to in vitro meat, from a global sensor web that monitors the health of the earth’s biosphere, to a massive effort to reverse-engineer the human brain, Surviving the Future takes a disquieting and astonishing look at some of science’s most radical new technologies.

The film also takes a hard look at the ‘new normal’ of the climate crisis, as we balance our desire to be environmentally responsible—to ‘do the right thing’—and still participate in the consumer economy that is, for better or worse, the basis of our society.

Surviving the future is an unsettling glimpse into the human psyche right now, as our culture staggers between a fervent belief in futuristic utopian technologies on the one hand, and dreams of apocalyptic planetary payback on the other.

Thought provoking and visually stunning, Surviving the Future looks at the stark and extreme choices facing our species as we prepare ourselves for the most challenging and consequential period in our history.

From DSC:
These are some of the things I was alluding to in my post here…I’d be more comfortable with many of these things if the state of the heart were in better condition.

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NMC's 5 Minutes of FameThis year’s presentations included:

Language blogs around the world

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Video clip (5.75 MB WMV file)
The above WMV video clip presents a variety of messages/lessons.

What you will see in the attached movie clip is the air traffic around the world over a period of 24 hours taken from a satellite.

It is a 24 hour observation of all of the large aircraft flights in the world, condensed down to just over a minute. From space we look like a bee hive of activity. The yellow dots are airplanes in the sky during a 24 hour period.

Stay with the picture or watch it over again and notice the following:
— See the light of the day moving from the east to the west, as the Earth spins on it’s axis.
— See the flow of aircraft traffic leaving the North American continent and traveling at night to arrive in the UK in the morning.
— Then see the flow changing, leaving the UK in the morning and flying to the American continent in daylight.
— See if you realize that it was summer time in the north (by the sun’s foot print over the planet).
— See the daylight pattern moving across the earths surface and that the sun didn’t quite set in the extreme north and it didn’t quite rise in the extreme south.

We are taught about the earth’s tilt and how it causes summer and winter and also the movement of the daylight pattern and until now we have had to just use our imagination to picture what is going on. With this 24 hour observation of aircraft travel on the earth’s surface we get to see the above in actual action…

Remember to watch the day to night….. (day is over in Australia when it starts).

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Free App Fridays: Astronomy – from Mac Life


Astronomy Picture of the Day
When you’re bored on your commute home and you need some visual stimulation, the Astronomy PIcture of the Day application not only houses some of the most epic photos of the sky we’ve ever seen, but it could also inspire you to spend a little time on the roof top this evening admiring the atmosphere up above. You can easily cycle through images from days before, and there’s an info button that lets you know from where the photo was taken and what you’re looking at.


You probably never thought about having such a gorgeous application installed on your MacBook, but Stellarium has some pretty neat features. For starters, it’s used in Planetarium projectors around the globe. The program pulls information from GPS satellites to show you exactly where the stars and planets are aligned at any given moment, regardless of time of day, though you’ll have to select what city you’re currently in. This is definitely one of those free apps that you should have installed on your computer because not only is it pretty to look at, but it’s also very educational. Fire up the app before nightfall and then head outside to see if you can match the constellations on the application with the ones up above.

Free App Fridays: Maps — by Florence Ion

One example:


History: Maps of the World
This is one of those apps that’s best before bedtime. Not only are the high resolution maps something to gawk at, but they’re educational as well. You can pinch to zoom in and check out the surroundings of your favorite countries and continents during varying years. The app contains maps dating all the way back to the 4th century.

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IBM's City One -- coming in the fall of 2010

CityOne: A Smarter Planet game
Think you know what it takes to make the energy systems that serve a city more efficient? Given the opportunity, could you make the city’s water cleaner and more plentiful, its banks more robust and customer-centric and its retail stores more innovative?

Your mission
Level-Up your skills and discover how to make our Planet smarter, revolutionize industries and solve real-world business, environmental and logistical problems using IBM solutions.

New Game Demo featured in Agility @ Work Lounge at IMPACT 2010.

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Google Maps goes 3D with Earth view -- from

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