

Also see:


From DSC:
I haven’t had a chance to reflect and adequately comment on all of this, but I wanted to pass these things along and file them for later review.


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The Agenda with Steve Paikin: The Classroom of 2030 — with thanks to Will Richardson for posting this on Twitter

About the video:

  • Published on October 29, 2012 | Length: 52:57
  • The internet, individual tablets, smart screens: will digital technology realize the promise of customized, student-centred education? The first in The Agenda’s Learning 2030 series, from the Communitech Hub in Kitchener, Ontario.

 LWF World Summit – The Barbican – June 17th-21st, 2013



Other resources/links

This is Learning Without Frontiers
Learning Without Frontiers (LWF) is a global platform that facilitates the ongoing dialogue about the future of learning. LWF attracts an engaged and open-minded audience who are forward thinking, curious and receptive to new ideas and perspectives about education, teaching and learning.  They are an international audience of thought leaders, policy makers, innovators, entrepreneurs and leading practitioners from across the education, digital media and technology sectors.  They are education leaders, intellectuals, social and political theorists, artists, designers, futurists, architects, publishers, broadcasters, technologists, parents, teachers and learners.  They come to ask the big questions, discuss the big challenges and seek to answer them by innovation, enterprise and an enduring optimism.



NGLC releases profiles of latest grantees — from by Carie Page


When we launched our RFP, we had a handful of names that we could use to exemplify breakthrough approaches in K-12 and higher education. Today, however, after announcing the last group of grantees for this wave in October, we aren’t just guessing at what a breakthrough model might look like. We now have 30 grantees actively developing and launching truly breakthrough approaches to education.

Explore the Portfolio

High School graduation rates revealed: The 5 best and 5 worst states — from by Andrew Freeman
You’ll be surprised to learn how many students are not graduating in your state.

From DSC:
What does it say when the center of America’s power structures — the District of Columbia — graduated only 59 percent of their students to capture theeee worst performing part of the nation?!
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Along these lines of innovation/experimentation (but this time within higher education):

The Future of Learning, Networked Society - Ericsson


Can ICT redefine the way we learn in the Networked Society? Technology has enabled us to interact, innovate and share in whole new ways. This dynamic shift in mindset is creating profound change throughout our society. The Future of Learning looks at one part of that change, the potential to redefine how we learn and educate. Watch as we talk with world renowned experts and educators about its potential to shift away from traditional methods of learning based on memorization and repetition to more holistic approaches that focus on individual students’ needs and self expression.

Learn more at

Addendum on 10/24/12:

Commenting/summarizing on that video, Molly Gerth [at]

[Godin] asserts that education should change in the following ways:

  • We can now have homework during the day with a human teacher and online lectures at night.
  • He also calls for open book and open note tests all the time as there is no longer value in memorization.
  • Seth believes in access to any course, any time in the world, any time you want to take it.
  • He calls for precise, focused education rather than a mass-produced education.
  • No more multiple choice tests!
  • We should offer cooperative tasks rather than isolation.
  • Teachers should become coaches.
  • Lifelong learning should be encouraged.
  • The famous college should “die.”
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The future of education, according to McGraw-Hill — from by Kirsten Winkler


Certainly, there needed to be a set of skills defined to call a student college-ready, but the path of how to achieve these fixed goals should be an individual one that allows students to go after their interests and respects their individual talents. Students shouldn’t be in the same grade when they’re not on the same level. What we’re talking about is a flexible system that would depend on when a student is ready rather than when a curriculum defines they’re ready.

Such a more flexible model is inspired by some of the things that are happening in higher education already. This is a great example of how innovation taken from higher ed is making its way into high schools.

Vinet Madan used a nice metaphor when he explained this approach in our interview. It’s like the decision to take either the scenic route by the coast or the highway to get to your goal. Ultimately, both routes will take you to the destination, it’s just a personal preference.

Also see:

How students can create their own e-textbooks on an iPad — from

Excerpt (emphasis DSC):

In July, Greg Kulowiec and I taught a workshop on Creating Digital Course Content. One of our participants, a high school math teacher, initially set out to create his own textbook. However, as we started exploring BookCreator, he realized that the real value may be in the students creating their own collection of books over the course of the year.

From DSC:
I like this idea of giving students more tools to create their own content.

When talking to an ed tech contact from Ohio at this summer’s Moodlemoot, he mentioned that in his 20 districts, there’s a new paradigm now — students are creating the content.

Perhaps this is the answer to the oft-asked question, “WHO will create and maintain the content?”

  • Publishers?
  • Teams of specialists within a school district, college, or university?
  • Teachers and faculty members? 
  • Or will it be the students themselves, guided by their teachers and faculty members?

Why school?: How education must change when learning and information are everywhere [Kindle edition]
Publication date: September 10, 2012

Will Richardson: Why School?

Book description

Traditional educators, classrooms, and brick-and-mortar schools are no longer necessary to access information. Instead, things like blogs and wikis, as well as remote collaborations and an emphasis on ‘critical thinking’ skills are the coins of the realm in this new kingdom. Yet the national dialogue on education reform focuses on using technology to update the traditional education model, failing to reassess the fundamental design on which it is built.

In ‘Why School?,’ educator, author, parent and blogger Will Richardson challenges traditional thinking about education — questioning whether it still holds value in its current form. How can schools adjust to this new age? Or students? Or parents? In this provocative read, Richardson provides an in-depth look at how connected educators are beginning to change their classroom practice. Ultimately, ‘Why School?’ serves as a starting point for the important conversations around real school reforms that must ensue, offering a bold plan for rethinking how we teach our kids, and the consequences if we don’t.

Also see Will’s blog posting re: this new book –> Why School?


I’m excited because it’s an opportunity, I hope, to spread a different conversation around what schools can be and, I think, need to be at this moment when our access to information and teachers and a whole bunch of other stuff is exploding. I sincerely believe that over the next couple of decades, what happens in schools is going to fundamentally change, and that there are basically two competing narratives around what that change looks like. Right now, the not so wonderful narrative is taking hold. I’m humbly hoping that Why School? can in some way serve as a support for the other more student-centered narrative to take hold.

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An open letter to students: You’re the game changer in next-generation learning — from educause by Mark David Milliron


I say that because the most-needed voice in this conversation is not ours. We in the ed-tech world have been talking, visioning, and showcasing innovation for decades. Based on the results to date, I don’t think our voice is enough. I’ve come to the conclusion that the voice that will push real change is yours. Indeed, if you—the students—are willing to accept a set of key educational responsibilities as you stand up for your core educational rights, you might be the real game changer we need in catalyzing next-generation learning.

College of Education helps innovate Kentucky schools– from by Amanda Nelson


LEXINGTON, Ky. (Aug. 1, 2012) — Several Kentucky school districts have started working with the University of Kentucky College of Education in a unique partnership to innovate and improve schools. The districts are participating in the college’s Next Generation Leadership (NxGL) Academy, an output of its Kentucky P20 Innovation Lab.

From DSC:
It seems like there would be a lot of WIN-WINs here: 

  • Better/closer collaboration between K-12 and higher ed
  • Enhanced student teaching experiences
  • Better pulse checking on where the changing K-12 student is at
  • More informed teams — bringing a variety of perspectives to the table — to look at the best ways to reform education
  • and more



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