Do you really need separate social learning tools or platforms in the workplace? Part 1 — from  by Jane Hart


As business is becoming more social and we are using new social tools to work collaboratively with one another as we work, do we really need another set of social tools specifically for learning?

10 reasons to move to Moodle 2 from Moodle 1.9 [Henrick]

10 reasons to move to Moodle 2 from Moodle 1.9 — from by Gavin Henrick


Each presentation will be available on YouTube (slides & voice), the slides on Slideshare. I will be adding them as mp3s later on too.

“10 reasons to move to Moodle 2? (Part 1)

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Pearson and Google jump into learning management with a new, free system — from The Chronicle by Josh Fischman


One of the world’s biggest education publishers has joined with one of the most dominant and iconic software companies on the planet to bring colleges a new—and free—learning-management system with the hopes of upending services that affect just about every instructor, student, and college in the country.

Today Pearson, the publishing and learning technology group, has teamed up with the software giant Google to launch OpenClass, a free LMS that combines standard course-management tools with advanced social networking and community-building, and an open architecture that allows instructors to import whatever material they want, from e-books to YouTube videos. The program will launch through Google Apps for Education, a very popular e-mail, calendar, and document-sharing service that has more than 1,000 higher-education customers, and it will be hosted by Pearson with the intent of freeing institutions from the burden of providing resources to run it. It enters a market that has been dominated by costly institution-anchored services like Blackboard, and open-source but labor-intensive systems like Moodle.

Smashing Magazine introduces new section focused on WordPress


Also see:


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New mentality entering LMS market — from by Phil Hill; this was also guest posted on Michael Feldstein’s eLiterate site


The real significance will be the entrance of a new mentality – one based on new investment (venture capital, private equity, strategic publisher moves), one based on startup companies willing to challenge the status quo with new approaches, and one that is almost naive in its assumptions about giving end users what they want.

Presentations from MoodleMoot - July 2011

Moodle Keynote Address in July 2011 by Martin Dougiamas


Quo vadis, LMS? Trends, predictions, commentary — from

The LMS market is in flux. According to a 2010 survey conducted by the Campus Computing Project, Blackboard‘s dominance of the higher education market declined from 71 percent in 2006 to 57 percent in 2010. Open source alternatives Moodle and Sakai have continued to make inroads, as has Desire2Learn–together they now control over 30 percent of the market. The entry of Instructure, whose Canvas LMS recently scooped up the business of the Utah Education Network, provides an additional plot twist. And hanging over it all is the imminent migration of hundreds of legacy Blackboard clients to new systems as their existing platforms are retired.

Often overlooked in the numbers game, though, are more fundamental–even philosophical–questions about the evolving role of the LMS and its ability to meet the needs of higher education today. If the debate of recent years has been between open source and proprietary systems, the focus is gradually shifting to how all of these systems will tackle the thorny issues of informal learning, social networking, assessment, and a mobile learning environment.

To gauge what the future may hold, CT asked leading educators and vendors for their thoughts on the evolution of the LMS in higher education.

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Five common pitfalls of online course design — from Faculty Focus by Elizabeth St. Germain

Magic Quadrant for Corporate Learning Systems — from Gartner

Figure 1.Magic Quadrant for Corporate Learning Systems

Source: Gartner (March 2011)


Market Definition/Description
CLSs continue to expand the functionality and robustness of their components. The five core components that a CLS should provide are:

  • LMS — supports the administration and management of learning programs, such as assessment, records management, provisioning of learning, management of training resources and reporting.
  • LCMS and content authoring tools — enable the creation, storage, delivery and reuse of learning content.
  • Virtual classrooms and multimodal e-learning delivery — underpin various approaches to learning, including formal (for example, instructor-led), structured social, informal and blended styles.
  • Social learning — supports the collaborative learning activities of individuals and teams, as well as the creation and interaction of communities of learners.
  • Professional services — help create custom content, develop learning strategies and support implementation.

10 things you can do with a Moodle webpage [Thibault]

10 things you can do with a Moodle webpage — from by Joseph Thibault




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Moodle Monday: Forums for individual groups

Moodle Monday: Forums for individual groups — from by Tim Dalton


Tagged with: -- from students at the University of Pennsylvania


From DSC:
I saw this at Mashable, and I wanted to post it here for a couple of reasons:

  1. Note the consistent interface between their courses — when putting a course online, we are entering into the world of interface design where consistency is very key, very helpful.
  2. Students at the University of Pennsylvania created this — so this provides a glimpse into what these students think a “course” should look like.


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