The Third Teacher -- the ways design can transform teaching and learning


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  • Guidelines from
    Guidelines for the design of effective learning spaces should support teaching and learning opportunities. The following factors should be considered when providing learning spaces…



Addendum on 8/18/11:


Tagged with: Video Collage — Michael Wesch


Today [6/19/11] the Digital Ethnography Research Team of 2011 is proud to announce the release of the Visions of Students Today: a “video collage” about student life created by students themselves and presented using the wonders of HTML5, allowing us to “cite” books and videos that are being presented in the remix as they are being shown.

From DSC:
First, a word of caution. Due to the content of some of the stations available herein, I would recommend that only those people who are 18 or older visit this site.

The Visions of Students Today – Call for Submissions — from Professor Michael Wesch

We’re working on a new video, tentatively titled “The Visions of Students Today.” We are hoping that a few students all over the world will be willing to show us how they see their world and how they learn. If you are a student, or even better: a professor or teacher trying to come up with a great way to start off the semester, we hope you will consider submitting a 2 minute video showing us scenes of what you see in your everyday life during your most critical learning moments. Importantly, these critical learning moments may not be in the classroom. They might be with friends, online, watching TV, playing videogames, or playing other games. They can be anywhere with anybody. For students, this is your chance to really show us how you learn. And of course, feel free to show us how you don’t learn as well. Critique us. Show us what doesn’t work. And most importantly, try to find clever ways to show it.

Learn Anthropology on the Web: 10 Top Anthropology Blogs — from

Anthropology is a vast field that spans ethnography, genetics, media studies, culture studies, linguistics and even photography and film. These 10 blogs offer essential insight and information on all these topics and more from student and professional anthropologists.

Tagged with:  

M. Wesch at BLC-2010

Powerful clip.

From DSC:
First of all, I got this item from:

One Facet of the Future of Educational Publishing — by Jeff Frank

I really enjoyed watching the Strage Prize video, and it led me to think more about the relationship between online video and the publication of educational research. In my role as Managing Editor of the Teachers College Record, I read a very large number of qualitative and ethnographic studies. While the best of these papers give the reader a strong sense of the subjects and the study location (and the author/researcher), after watching the 2010 Strage Prize video, I was fascinating by how much this video added to my understanding and appreciation of Lalitha’s paper.

I think having the two together–the written work and the video/podcast–adds something of unique value. I hope more educational researchers and publishers experiment with these kinds of paired works, because I think they offer readers a wonderful educative experience.

Side note from DSC:
Think interactive, multimedia on an iPad sort of device.


Which led me to:

Strage Prize 2010 — by Gary Natriello | October 8, 2010

This video features the work of Lalitha Vasudevan and her paper, “Performing New Geographies of Literacy Teaching and Learning.” The paper focuses on the literacies and digitally mediated lives of youth, and was published in the July 2009 issue of English Education.

The video’s production and publication is supported by the Strage Junior Faculty Prize. The Prize was established in 2009 by Teachers College alumna Alberta Strage and her husband Henry to recognize junior faculty achievement. Alberta also serves on both the President’s Advisory Council and the International Advisory Council for Teachers College. We appreciate both their generosity to Teachers College and support for the work of our junior faculty.

The Prize supports the production of a web video to highlight original and innovative work of a junior faculty member at Teachers College. All currently untenured members of the faculty in tenure-line appointments are eligible to compete for the prize by submitting an article, book chapter, paper, or other original product appearing during the previous year.

Congratulations Professor Vasudevan!

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