50 tips for better presentations — from Clive Sheperd (UK)

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India -- The next university superpower? -- from BBC News in March 2011

The 100 most influential technology investors in Europe — from The Telegraph by Milo Yiannopoulos
In conjunction with “social capital” company PeerIndex, The Telegraph has compiled a list of the European VCs and angels with the most online influence.

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euornews learning world -- Art and Education

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From DSC:
I wish they would be more upfront about their pricing — i.e. how many credits each “course” is. You purchase credits…and then you find out how many credits you will need to get their services.  I mainly post this to show the level of innovation occurring out there in the online-based world; and online-based tutoring will only grow.



Originally saw this at Ewan Mcintosh’s links for 2-24-11





Also see:




From Total Immersion’s site:

Virtualmob is a leading and a growing firm with in Mobile Marketing Media. We are the first company with in UAE and EU, which focuses exclusively on Full-service with in the Mobile Ecosystem; that is from displaying and capturing digital image in to reality, advertising & marketing, consulting and helping businesses to understand the potential of the mobile space

We merely specialise in Augmented Reality solutions for businesses, helping industries to display their digital image in to the Real World! Our offerings are unique, as we boast to provide customised solutions for businesses on various platforms with in the Mobile Marketing space, such as Augmented Reality, Location based Advertising, Geo-Fencing, Behaviourial ad targeting and so on…http://virtualmob.co.uk/

Learning Without Frontiers-January 2011 -- London Day 1


Learning Without Frontiers- from January 2011-Day 2 in London

Jane Hart updates her Learning Tools Directory for 2011

Jane Hart updates her Learning Tools Directory for 2011

  • Instructional Tools
  • Social & Collaboration Spaces
  • Conferencing Tools
  • Document and Presentation Tools
  • Blogging, Web, and Wiki Tools
  • Image, Audio, and Video Tools
  • Communication Tools
  • Microsharing Tools & Twitter Apps
  • Personal Producitivity Tools
  • Browers, Players, and Readers
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Using digital media for your e-Portfolio — from JISC

e-Portfolios are an important part of many learners’ academic life. This advice document introduces the concept of an e-Portfolio and explains how digital media can be used effectively.

Also see:

The master and apprentice, the teacher, the teacher as interpreter of the book, and the book itself has each served, during one epoch or another, as a prime organizing entity or model for our culturally-accepted theory about educating novices. Compared to today, knowledge changed slowly during this long period, and therefore these time-honored models for learning served us well. But a printed book is static, seemingly out of step in this dynamic digital age, and so can no longer serve successfully as the most important central organizing entity for learning today. The student electronic portfolio is superseding the book as the most useful organizing element: It is a dynamic organizing space in a dynamic knowledge process.

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London: Videos from the Learning Without Frontiers Festival now online

Learning Without Frontiers is a global platform for disruptive thinkers and practitioners from the education, digital media, technology and entertainment sectors who come together to explore how new disruptive technologies can drive radical efficiencies and improvements in learning whilst providing equality of access.

If you were unable to attend the recent LWF Festival of Learning & Technology in London we’re pleased to let you know that videos from the conference are now online for your personal or group viewing pleasure.  There are a number of ways to view these videos so just choose the one you prefer.

To view, comment & join the discussions you can visit the video pages on the LWF site here

Amongst the alternatives, they are available on the following platforms:

iTunes (download to your PC, iPad or iPhone)*



And for users of Apple TV simply search for the Learning Without Frontiers channel under podcasts.

*You can also search for Learning Without Frontiers in the iTunes store – they are FREE!

Vadrum Meets the Barber of Seville (Drum Video)

My thanks to Mr. Joseph Byerwalter for the above link.


Also see:


andreavadrucci.com -- an amazing drummer!



From DSC:
Talk about a video-based resume!  Wow!

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The Social Learning Handbook is now available — Jane Hart

“It is becoming apparent that we are at the beginning of a fundamental shift in the way that both learning and working is happening in organisations. The revolution that is social media means that now everyone can have access to the Social Web and a range of services and applications to support their own as well as their team’s learning, performance and productivity.

This should not be seen as a threat to the L&D profession, but as an opportunity to take on the new challenges it offers. The first step will be to understand the changes that are taking place, and then become immersed in the new social media tools that are underpinning this change in order to help others in the organization work and learn smarter. Social Learning, after all, is not something you just talk or read about; it’s something you do!”

Learning Technologies 2011 and Learning and Skills 2011 | London

24-Jan-2011 » Training Press Releases » Europe’s largest organisational learning event kicks off at London Olympia on Wednesday this week and over 4,000 L&D professionals are expected to attend on 26-27 January.

Also see:

Learning and Skills 2011 -- January 26-27, 2011

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