Why Podcasts Haven’t Revolutionized Education…Yet — from John Hendron

“Yet, why hasn’t podcasting become a revolution in schools? With so many students toting iPods or cell phones around that can play multimedia content, it seems natural that these tools would be loaded up with math curriculum materials, English poetry lessons, and even a lecture on famous artists, if not by a parent’s decree, then by mandate of the student’s school! Come on folks, it’s 2010!”

“I’m not at all disappointed with the lack of adoption of podcasts-as-content in schools because I don’t think podcasts are the medium for our current generation of digital millenials. Podcasts are passive presentations of audio or video that lack the interactivity of another human being or even of downloadable applications.”

Also see:

RSS for educators

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From DSC:
To me, this device has the potential to really move multimedia-based communications forward.  For one thing, “magazines” will never be the same again.

The new iPad from Apple

Apple Launches iPad
“Apple today introduced iPad, a revolutionary device for browsing the web, reading and sending email, enjoying photos, watching videos, playing games, reading e-books, and much more. Its high-resolution Multi-Touch display lets you interact with content — including 12 innovative new apps designed especially for iPad and almost all of the 140,000 apps available on the App Store. At just 0.5 inches thick and 1.5 pounds, iPad is thinner and lighter than any laptop or notebook. iPad will be available in March starting at the breakthrough price of just $499. ” Read more: apple.com/ipad

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Here’s my vision of what a Smart Classroom should look like in the near future (please click on the image  below to see an enlarged image and to get some further details of my thoughts here):

My vision for what a Smart Classroom should look like -- 2009

Click image to see larger image w/ details

My thanks to Mr. Yohan Na for help with this graphic. The vision leverages the same idea as Steelcase’s Media:Scape product line:

"Pucks" on each table to "plug and play" various types of media



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© 2025 | Daniel Christian