If educational publishers would publish content to be iPad ready, can you imagine the power of this type of an interface/”chalkboard of the future” in a professor’s hands? He/she could:

  • Intuitively and efficiently locate an item
  • Drag it over to the main viewing are
  • Enlarge a table of data and then annotate it
  • Quickly shrink a graphic and move it to the side of the screen after discussing it
  • Annotate a photo or a website
  • Send the captured image of what he/she had been displaying and working on to devices that can “hear” that signal
  • Etc. etc. etc.



From DSC:
Also relevant here are the following images I created a while back:

One part of the board could provide downloadable, discipline-specific templates

Potential resources for the new "chalkboard" - compliments of the publishers

Reflections on The E-Book Sector — from InsideHigherEd.com

First of all, some excerpts (with emphasis from DSC):

E-textbooks might be the most-talked about and least-used learning tools in traditional higher education. Campus libraries and e-reader manufacturers are betting on electronic learning materials to overtake traditional textbooks in the foreseeable future, but very few students at traditional institutions are currently using e-textbooks, according to recent surveys.

Not so in the world of for-profit online education.

For-profit institutions in general are moving toward wider e-textbook use than other sectors of higher education, Stielow says. “I think a great many [for-profits] are certainly trying to move toward this model,” agrees Bickford. And the ones that have appear to be succeeding.

Why is that?

John Bourne, executive director of the Sloan Consortium, which studies online learning, posits that it might be a function of the more centralized administrative structures at for-profit institutions. “For-profits do things like provide lesson plans for instructors, provide you with what you’re supposed to do; they hire all these adjuncts to deliver all these things that have been sculpted by instructional designers,” says Bourne. Being able to dictate to the faculty what text format they should assign to their students probably makes it easier to implement e-textbook adoption across the institution, he says.

It is more difficult to engineer change at such scale at nonprofits, because of their more distributed governance models. At those colleges, faculty control of curricular texts — including mode of delivery — is “sacred,” Bourne says.

Manny Rivera, a spokesman for Phoenix, says that the online giant’s centralized administration does indeed allow it to make sweeping changes without many hang-ups. “The university is set up to be more nimble to confront market forces,” Rivera says. “So we’re able to innovate more quickly.”

From DSC:
To be more nimble…to confront market forces…to be able to innovate more quickly…to use materials created by teams of specialists…hmmm….sounds like a solid position to be in as the bubble continues to expand (and may even be beginning to slowly burst based upon where students are going — more community colleges, more state/public schools, lower-cost alternatives, etc.)

Double tablet from Kno -- June 2010

From Kno’s blog:

So how did this all get started? The eTextbook has been available for almost a decade now, yet has not taken off. This was our starting point – we asked the question – why haven’t eTextbooks taken off?

Students are immersed in the digital world, with their computers, access to the web, and social networking on their phones. But, most of this is an “add-on” to their 18 (or more) pounds of a physical textbooks. Textbooks are heavy, costly, and awkward to carry around, but still they are the central reference source for majority of students. Why is that? Why hasn’t a digital device taken off, providing students with a lighter, cheaper, and more functional alternative?

Answering this question was simple: talk to the students, and let them tell us what’s going on. So, that’s exactly what we did, and the answer was surprisingly clear. Students have a “relationship” with their textbooks and build their studying habits around them. Things like seeing both pages in a two page spread, the way they hold their books, using a highlighter, writing on sticky notes they’ve placed on a page, even putting their finger in the book to look something up while holding their place. Lighter and cheaper is a good start, but not enough. It’s this relationship with the textbooks that needs to be carried over to the digital world.

Also see:
Kno dual-screen tablet appears at D8, we go hands-on — from Engadget

Unthethered 2010

Learn Creative Suite 5 on Adobe TV

Deliver innovative ideas in print, web, interactive and mobile. Learn the new features and how to get started with all CS5 products on the How To channel on Adobe TV.   Watch now

From DSC:
Below is a great book that I highly recommend for instructional designers, multimedia developers, and any teacher or professor who is putting materials online. Check it out — especially the chapters on cognitive load theory.

e-Learning and the Science of Instruction: Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers of Multimedia Learning — Dr. Ruth Clark



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Professors control course content by publishing e-textbooks

Earn more, charge less

He also spends less money publishing them. With his original textbook, he printed 3,000 copies and had to store them, so he didn’t break even for a while. That’s not the case with creating e-textbooks.

“You don’t have to have a bunch of books laying around, you don’t have to have the initial startup costs,” Chamberlain said, “and then you can send that savings on back to the students.”

For the past five years, Florida State College at Jacksonville has been driving down the cost of textbooks for its students through the SIRIUS initiative. SIRIUS brings together between 50 and 75 faculty members to create course material and textbooks for classes they’re qualified to teach, said Chief Operations Officer Jack Chambers. So far, they’ve developed 20 interactive general education courses.

The textbooks cost $60.98 in print, but this fall, they will publish online through CafeScribe at a price of $48 each. Eleven other colleges will use them as well.

Before the courses publish, a team of content specialists, instructional designers, quality assurance staff and multimedia personnel review them, as do expert faculty members outside the college (emphasis DSC).



Press Release: CK-12, Leading Non-Profit Provider of Digital Textbooks to Schools, Makes the Grade with California’s Free Digital Textbook Initiative — eSchoolNews.com

CK-12 FlexBooks:

CK-12's flexbooks

CK Foundation


Key Benefits

Access to free textbooks
High quality educational content created by educators
Content customized to reflect “today” and the different needs of students
Quality ensured by CK-12’s Community of Educational Practitioners
Increased pedagogic choice for all teachers, aligned to state standards as well as developmentally correct content
Supported by publishing tools that facilitate quick and easy content creation and distribution
Collaborative learning via a community where authors, teachers, and students create, access, share, rate, recommend, and publish

From DSC:
In an assignment for a class last week, I ran across a time-saving tool offered via timetoast.com. If you want to put together interactive timelines — without having to know programming languages or scripting languages — you might be interested in kicking the tires on this web-based tool. As an example, I was able to put together the following timeline of instructional media* in an hour or so:

Daniel Christian: Example of a timeline created at timetoast.com

Further reflections on this from DSC:

  • As I was putting this timeline together, I saw how Thomas Edison and others proclaimed that technology X would make _____ obsolete…or that invention Y would change education forever. (I made a note to myself that I didn’t want to make such bold proclamations…and appear so foolish…but I’m probably too late in this area!) 🙂
  • But anyway, I reflected on how school museums were first used, on how radio and instructional television had an impact for a while but then died down in terms of educational use, how the training films of WWII impacted what we know and do today, and the post WWII research in audio-visual-based arenas , and then the advent/rise of the personal computer as well as other educational technologies and the Internet……….and I thought of how disappointed people probably were after the hype ended. But then I reflected upon these technologies as seeds that were planted over time and later produced a harvest. They changed our “wineskins” (see below):

    • Radio didn’t really disappear or disappoint. We still use it today; however, not necessarily for education, but we appreciate the audio it delivers to us (whether that be in music or in talkshows). Some seeds were planted…and the wineskins were changed**.

    • Motion picture films and TV didn’t disappear or disappoint either, really. We still use these technologies today…but again, not necessarily for education (though some programs are definitely educational in nature and intent). We are used to viewing films and consider it second nature to watch video. So, other seeds were planted…and the wineskins were changed again.**

    • Neither did the computer disappear or disappoint. We are still using computers today and they present another piece of the communications juggernaut that’s been created. Again, more seeds were planted…and the wineskins were changed yet again.**

    • The Internet is here and growing as well. A significant ROI is being enjoyed with each passing day — and from educational perspectives no doubt. Again, the fields are starting to grow, and are growing quickly now. The seeds are no longer seeds and the wineskins we have today are not like the wineskins from 100+ years ago. **

So what am I saying here?
I’m saying that we are used to using/hearing/seeing audio, video, interactivity, multi-directional communications because of these technologies. They
cultivated the ground for people using the technologies that we are:

  • Comfortable with
  • Using
  • and innovating with today.

So when we employ highly-powerful, multimedia-based, educationally-beneficial items on the Net today — when we contribute podcasts, vodcasts, lectures, exercises, animations, etc. to the Net — we can thank these technologies for being the technological ancestors in the tech-family tree. They really didn’t disappoint after all. They were the seeds that were planted over time to create a wonderful harvest….a very powerful communications network…the most powerful one the world has ever known. Not bad for 100 years.

Based upon article by Robert Reiser:

Reiser, R. (2001). A history of instructional design and technology: Part I: A history of instructional media. ETR&D. Vol. 49(1). pp. 53-64.

**As Jesus once responded when asked about why his disciples didn’t fast, he replied:

16“No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse. 17Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”

These technologies created the environment…the proper wineskins…to lay the foundation for the “new wine” to be poured into our worlds without this new wine “running out” and ruining the wineskins. Can you imagine if someone had been able to introduce these technologies within 10-20 years…would they have taken? Given human nature, I doubt it. The wineskins took time to change. The thing is, the pace of change is quickening and is increasingly more difficult to keep up with.

I wonder…will the current wineskins hold? Or are our wineskins now very used to this pace of change?

© 2025 | Daniel Christian