The future of colleges and universities -- from the spring of 2010 by futurist Thomas Frey

From Spring 2010

From DSC:

If you are even remotely connected to higher education, then you *need* to read this one!

Most certainly, not everything that Thomas Frey says will take place…but I’ll bet you he’s right on a number of accounts. Whether he’s right or not, the potential scenarios he brings up ought to give us pause to reflect on ways to respond to these situations…on ways to spot and take advantage of the various opportunities that arise (which will only happen to those organizations who are alert and looking for them).

Make some money by writing how-to articles — from Digital Inspiration by Amit Agarwal


Then you have a bunch of popular sites like eHow, Hubpages, Squidoo, Associated Content, Examiner and even Google Knol that work on a similar model – you can write content on almost any topic and get paid on a revenue share basis.  A big advantage with writing on such sites is that you only need to focus on creating great content and rest everything – including the article’s layout, SEO, hosting, etc. – is taken care of by the service.

Videojug, one of the most popular how-to websites on the web known for high-quality , is also getting into the game of “user generated content” with the launch of Videojug Pages – it’s a place where anyone can write how-to articles on their favorite topics and get paid per impression.

From DSC:
I don’t know anything about this site, nor how solid their courses are. What’s important to note here is the direction things seem to be going in. Also notice the power of the Internet to set up exchanges between buyers and sellers!

The Power of Online Exchanges

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From DSC:
One of the amazingly-powerful features of the Internet is its ability
to match up buyers and suppliers…to set up online
exchanges. Look for more of this sort of thing in the future.

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The Power of Online Exchanges

From DSC: Here are a couple of items to highlight the continued power of the Internet to create exchanges & new business models within the worlds of education — both for K12 as well as for higher ed:

From DSC:
The above reminds me of a graphic I did last July:

Some potential/different models of pricing -- Daniel Christian --  July 2009

Some potential/different models of pricing -- Daniel Christian -- July 2009

The Internet is great at setting up exchanges.

The power of online exchanges

These days, it looks like such exchanges are more and more coming into the worlds of education. For example, check out and notice that you can be a student and a teacher at the same time. Pay for courses…get paid to offer courses.

“The easy, flexible and affordable way to learn a language.”

“Give online classes and earn money in your spare time.”

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