Chemistry lessons could be taught in #virtualreality in the future#VR #MR #AugmentedReality #edtech #tech MT @paula_piccard #MixedReality #ar #xr #cr #innovation #education #teching #chemistry #future #teacher #futureofeducation
— Fred Steube (@steube) July 9, 2019
Amy Peck (EndeavorVR) on enterprises’ slow adoption of AR and the promise in education — from by Jason McDowall
In this conversation, Amy and [Jason McDowall] discuss the viability of the location-based VR market and the potential for AR & VR in childhood education.
We get into the current opportunities and challenges in bringing spatial computing to the enterprise. One of these challenges is the difficulty in explaining a technology that needs to be directly experienced, so much so that Amy now insists C-level executives put on a headset as a first step in the consulting process.
We also talk about VR & AR in healthcare, and the potential impact of blockchain technology.
Fast forward to 29:15 or so for the piece
of this podcast that relates to education.
Also see:
Reality Check: The marvel of computer vision technology in today’s camera-based AR systems — from by Alex Chuang
How does mobile AR work today and how will it work tomorrow
AR experiences can seem magical but what exactly is happening behind the curtain? To answer this, we must look at the three basic foundations of a camera-based AR system like our smartphone.
- How do computers know where it is in the world? (Localization + Mapping)
- How do computers understand what the world looks like? (Geometry)
- How do computers understand the world as we do? (Semantics)
5G and the tactile internet: what really is it? — from by Catherine Ellis
With 5G, we can go beyond audio and video, communicating through touch
However, the speed and capacity of 5G also opens up a wealth of new opportunities with other connected devices, including real-time interaction in ways that have never been possible before.
One of the most exciting of these is tactile, or haptic communication – transmitting a physical sense of touch remotely.
Are we there yet? Impactful technologies and the power to influence change — from by Mary Grush and Ellen Wagner
Learning analytics, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and other new and emerging technologies seem poised to change the business of higher education — yet, we often hear comments like “We’re just not there yet…” or “This is a technology that is just too slow to adoption…” or other observations that make it clear that many people — including those with a high level of expertise in education technology — are thinking that the promise is not yet fulfilled. Here, CT talks with veteran education technology leader Ellen Wagner, to ask for her perspectives on the adoption of impactful technologies — in particular the factors in our leadership and development communities that have the power to influence change.