Revolution or evolution? Social technologies and change in higher education —  from The Chronicle by guest bloggers Derek Bruff, Dwayne Harapnuik, and Jim Julius

Have you ever heard about a clever and effective use of some new educational technology (blogs, wikis, Twitter, smart phones, whatever) and thought to yourself, “Wow, that’s a great idea, but I’m pretty sure that I have a few colleagues who wouldn’t be able to make heads or tails of it”? New social technologies, along with the easy access to information that the Web provides, can open up new avenues for learning that have the potential to revolutionize higher education. Some have argued that higher education must be radically transformed or it will face extinction. But is revolution possible in an environment where evolution–in fact, slow evolution–seems the norm?

We explored this question during an interactive session we led at the recent annual conference of the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in St. Louis…

Also see:
Their Prezi on this.

40 for the next 40: A sampling of the drivers of change that will shape our world between now and 2050 — from and Toffler Associates

From the foreword:

We are in the midst of an accelerating, revolutionary transformation. Change is happening everywhere – in technology, business, government, economics, organizational structures, values and norms – and consequently affects how we live, work and play. As industry and government leaders, we must acknowledge that this change demands new ways of governing and of running our organizations. The ways in which we communicate and interact with each other will be different. The methods through which we gain and process information will be different. The means by which we earn and spend money will be different. Through the culmination of these and other changes, organizations will be radically transformed.

This change is not unexpected. Forty years ago, Alvin and Heidi Toffler recognized that the pace of environmental change was rapidly accelerating and threatened to overwhelm the relatively slow pace of human response. Through Future Shock, the Tofflers persuaded us to consider the future by imagining drivers of change and preparing for a wide range of resulting future environments. Now as we look towards the next 40 years, we continue to use these time tested methodologies, our founders’ legacy to Toffler Associates, for understanding the forces of future change. We focus on the convergence and interdependence of seemingly orthogonal aspects to connect the dots and develop strategies for future success. In this way, we recognize, as the Tofflers did, that preparation is the best defense against the future (emphasis DSC).

Here is a sampling of 40 drivers of change that – we believe – will shape the future.

From DSC:
Includes sections on Politics, Technology, Social, Economics, and the Environment.

Education-related quotes from:
Poverty: ending the cycle
A 36-year study by Concordia University looks at the cycle of poverty through three generations of Montrealers

The third generation, growing up right now in this technological society, has no bright future without high school, Serbin says.

“Lack of education causes huge barriers, and these kids have a lot farther to go than others,” she says, “because they come from backgrounds with little education and stimulation.”

So is it any wonder that the dropout rate isn’t budging? Serbin asks.

“(Premier Jean) Charest talks about parents providing support, which is great. But how do you enable parents to do that?”

We need to teach parents the skills and offer them programs and support, so they in turn can support their children academically, she says. If poverty places parents in acute stress, how is it possible for them to help their children without outside support?

From DSC:
To me, this begins to get at the heart of the matter of education reform — helping develop stable, solid families with parents that actively support the education of their children.

It’s tough — if one was never taught the importance of education, how does one acquire that perspective? We need to help parents build a respect for education. But I realize that when a person is out there just trying to get by at all, it’s hard to worry about education. That’s why next year, I hope to begin offering a program on developing digital literacy to those children who come out of a background of significant need. I want to help them identify, develop and use their passions.

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Surviving the future is an unsettling glimpse into the human psyche right now, as our culture staggers between a fervent belief in futuristic utopian technologies on the one hand, and dreams of apocalyptic planetary payback on the other. Thought provoking and visually stunning, Surviving the Future looks at the stark and extreme choices facing our species as we prepare ourselves for the most challenging and consequential period in our history.”

— from


As seen as CBC-TV on Thursday Oct-21-2010

Surviving the Future -- as seen on CBS on 10/21/10


Surviving the future


— originally from

From DSC:
Although I don’t agree with many things in this piece, it’s important to reflect upon some of the sometimes exciting and sometimes disturbing things in this piece. Looking at some of the enormous challenges and potential directions ahead of us this century, it’s all the more important that our hearts are hearts of flesh, not hearts of stone!

Surviving the Future

From biotech visionaries growing new body parts, to in vitro meat, from a global sensor web that monitors the health of the earth’s biosphere, to a massive effort to reverse-engineer the human brain, Surviving the Future takes a disquieting and astonishing look at some of science’s most radical new technologies.

The film also takes a hard look at the ‘new normal’ of the climate crisis, as we balance our desire to be environmentally responsible—to ‘do the right thing’—and still participate in the consumer economy that is, for better or worse, the basis of our society.

Surviving the future is an unsettling glimpse into the human psyche right now, as our culture staggers between a fervent belief in futuristic utopian technologies on the one hand, and dreams of apocalyptic planetary payback on the other.

Thought provoking and visually stunning, Surviving the Future looks at the stark and extreme choices facing our species as we prepare ourselves for the most challenging and consequential period in our history.

From DSC:
These are some of the things I was alluding to in my post here…I’d be more comfortable with many of these things if the state of the heart were in better condition.

From DSC:
Thanks to Dr. Kate Byerwalter at GRCC, I was reading an article in the Kalamazoo Gazette by Julie Mack entitled, ‘Waiting for Superman’ powerful but misleading.  Julie brings up some good points, such as (emphasis mine):

It’s hard to argue with Guggenheim’s larger themes: American education needs to improve; inner-city schools are especially substandard, and  teachers’ unions are fierce defenders of a dysfunctional status quo.

On one hand, the movie ignores the heart of the problem. Contrary to what the movie suggests, the big crisis in American education is not lack of opportunity for the academically ambitious; it’s the struggle to serve families who don’t see the value in education.

The common dynamic in poor-performing schools is a vicious cycle of low expectations, starting with stressed-out, poverty-stricken parents who don’t have the time nor energy to nurture their children’s education. That leads to kids who don’t care about school because their parents don’t seem to care —  and to teachers who get tired of beating their heads against a wall in the face of student and parental indifference.

Absolutely, schools have a responsibility break that cycle. But it’s also important to acknowledge the difficulty of that dynamic. To put the entire blame on educators, as Guggenheim does, seems hugely simplistic and unfair.

On the other hand, for far too long, the educational establishment has used the “it’s-the-parents-fault” argument to avoid accountability for its own failures. In that respect, “Waiting for Superman” is a powerful, desperately needed wakeup call.

If “Waiting for Superman” can galvanize the educational world to up its game, that may offset the film’s considerable flaws. Guggenheim tells a great story. Too bad it’s only half the story.

From DSC:
Being a father of three, I don’t know what I would do as a single parent. I have often thanked the LORD for my wife, because I know that our family would not be what it is without my wife.  There is no way that I could do everything that she and I are able to do together as a team. Heaven forbid something were to happen to her, I think I would quickly find that there wouldn’t be enough time or energy to do so. Not only can I not be at two places at one time, but I know that
I wouldn’t have the energy that it takes to properly parent our kids.

That is, after a long day’s work (again, if I was a single parent), I would have to reach down real deep to find the energy that it takes to check to see whether our three kids have done their homework.  Thanks to my parents, I care enough about education — and have been sold on its benefits — to make that effort. But if that wasn’t my background, I could easily see how tough it would be to begin an upward spiral that would last not just for my kids — but for the future generations of our family as well.

I’m not saying that inner-city schools all  have single parents — no way. Nor am I saying that non-inner city schools are full of happily-married couples heading them up. Again, no way.

But what I am saying is that with a significant amount of marriages in the U.S. ending up with divorce, I’ll bet that many kids only have one parent at home.  And with only 1 parent, that makes things difficult … not impossible, but difficult.  (Also, our struggling economy is a huge factor, a source of stress, and a piece of the complex puzzle as well.)

Still, we must find ways to stem the losses of up to a third of our students dropping out of school. It’s far too costly to waste their God-given gifts. The status quo must go — it’s too dangerous.

The new poor

My thanks to Mr. Joseph Byerwalter for this item

Powerful clip.

From DSC:
First of all, I got this item from:

One Facet of the Future of Educational Publishing — by Jeff Frank

I really enjoyed watching the Strage Prize video, and it led me to think more about the relationship between online video and the publication of educational research. In my role as Managing Editor of the Teachers College Record, I read a very large number of qualitative and ethnographic studies. While the best of these papers give the reader a strong sense of the subjects and the study location (and the author/researcher), after watching the 2010 Strage Prize video, I was fascinating by how much this video added to my understanding and appreciation of Lalitha’s paper.

I think having the two together–the written work and the video/podcast–adds something of unique value. I hope more educational researchers and publishers experiment with these kinds of paired works, because I think they offer readers a wonderful educative experience.

Side note from DSC:
Think interactive, multimedia on an iPad sort of device.


Which led me to:

Strage Prize 2010 — by Gary Natriello | October 8, 2010

This video features the work of Lalitha Vasudevan and her paper, “Performing New Geographies of Literacy Teaching and Learning.” The paper focuses on the literacies and digitally mediated lives of youth, and was published in the July 2009 issue of English Education.

The video’s production and publication is supported by the Strage Junior Faculty Prize. The Prize was established in 2009 by Teachers College alumna Alberta Strage and her husband Henry to recognize junior faculty achievement. Alberta also serves on both the President’s Advisory Council and the International Advisory Council for Teachers College. We appreciate both their generosity to Teachers College and support for the work of our junior faculty.

The Prize supports the production of a web video to highlight original and innovative work of a junior faculty member at Teachers College. All currently untenured members of the faculty in tenure-line appointments are eligible to compete for the prize by submitting an article, book chapter, paper, or other original product appearing during the previous year.

Congratulations Professor Vasudevan!

Working in retirement: A 21st century phenomenon — from by Ann Pace

(From Families and Work Institute) — Working in retirement may still sound like an oxymoron, but not for long. Just as people in their twenties are now creating a new life stage of transitioning into the workforce, the generation of workers currently in their fifties and sixties is redefining the notion of “retirement.” Already today, one in five workers aged 50 and older has fully retired from his or her former career job but currently is working for pay in a new role, which we define as a “retirement job.” And this will soon become the “new normal” — fully 75% of workers aged 50 and older expect to have retirement jobs in the future, according to a groundbreaking new study by Families and Work Institute and the Sloan Center on Aging & Work.

“Working in retirement” is quickly becoming a new stage in career progression.  Following the traditional path of early-, mid-, late-career employment, but prior to total withdrawal from work, this new stage is a bridge that tends to emphasize working by choice and for enjoyment.

Education from cradle to college curbs poverty, produces Gates scholars — from The Atlanta Journal-Constitution by D. Aileen Dodd

But Johnson came out of it, in large part because of the “cradle to college pipeline” at Charles Drew Charter School — an academic haven where student test scores have zoomed 200 percent in 10 years and circumstance is no predictor of failure.

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Teaching with Digital Video — from ISTE by Lynn Bell and Dr. Glen L. Bull

Teaching with Digital Video

With digital video, your students can:

Watch a demonstration of the speed of sound
Analyze classmates’ poetry performances
Create videos that document cultural differences

And the best part is that it’s engaging. Your students are most likely already watching, creating, uploading, and sharing digital video in their spare time, so why not incorporate this tool they already enjoy in the classroom?

Bull and Bell bring together lesson plans, ideas, and resources aligned with the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) and content-area standards so that you can use digital video in the classroom effectively. The book also includes information on acquiring, creating, and communicating with digital video.

Learn more about this book and topic: listen to an interview with the editors Glen L. Bull and Lynn Bell on ISTE Casts.

Also relevant here:

The Future of Online Socializing— from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project and Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center

The social benefits of internet use will far outweigh the negatives over the next decade, according to experts. They say this is because email, social networks, and other online tools offer “low friction” opportunities to create, enhance, and rediscover social ties that make a difference in people’s lives. The internet lowers traditional communications constraints of cost, geography, and time; and it supports the type of open information sharing that brings people together.

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From DSC:
As I was working out today, I noticed that the United States is on Day 53 of the oil spill!!! The figure has now risen to 40,000 barrels of oil a day that is spewing into the the Gulf of Mexico. Not only is this an enormous waste, but the
environmental and economic costs are also enormous!

Oil spill -- day 53!

And thoughts about loss and costs ran through my mind…

Then, later today, I saw this article and those thoughts returned to my mind:

Urban Schools Are Broken, Not the Kids, Founder of University Prep Schools Says — from Crain’s Detroit Business by Tom Henderson (from 6/3/10 with emphasis below from DSC)

“We can’t attain our goal of being a top 10 state if we continue to be a 34th state in student achievement,” said Nolan Finley, editorial page editor of The Detroit News, to begin a morning panel Thursday on innovative education reform at the Mackinac Policy Conference. We can’t continue to allow one of five students to drop out, three of five students in urban areas.

“If you keep your head when all around you are losing theirs, maybe you don’t understand the damn problem,” said Michael Flanagan, state superintendent of public instruction for the state of Michigan. “Many of us in the K-12 community are in denial. But the fact is, economic development is education, and education is economic development.”

And I reflected upon the figure of 30%, which stuck in my mind as the drop out rate that the US is up to for many cities (don’t quote me on this).

The point is…what a waste! When a student drops out, society is hurt. It’s costly to lose that person’s skills, thoughts, ideas, talents, gifts, abilities. And it can be costly to clean up after these losses, as the bulging prisons confirm. We are all in this boat together.

Every day, a much greater “spill” is occurring in our nation — with enormous costs for the societies of the world — yet we don’t seem to have the urgency that we should have.

Report: Tough times ahead for children of the Great Recession — from by Sarah Garland |  The Hechinger Report

More children will live in poverty this year. More will have two parents who are unemployed. Fewer children will enroll in prekindergarten programs, and fewer teenagers will find jobs. More children are likely to commit suicide, be overweight, and be victimized by crime.

This is all according to a reportRequires Adobe  Acrobat Reader released Tuesday by the Foundation for Child Development that measures the impact of the recession on the current generation.

These are the children of the Great Recession, a cohort that will experience a decline in fortunes that erases 30 years of social progress, the report contends. Known as the Child and Youth Well-Being Index, the report predicts that in the next few years, the economy may recover and the unemployment rate may drop, but the generation growing up now could feel the harsh impact of the recession for years to come.

“These are the lasting impacts of extreme recessions,” said Kenneth Land, a professor of sociology and demography at Duke University and the author of the report.

To provide a preview of the “world’s fair of ideas” that will transpire at the conference our partner, Bentley Systems, is hosting three Webinars featuring WorldFuture 2010 speakers. The Webinars are free but require advance registration. Registration here.

The Virtualization of America (and the World)
A Conversation with Michael Rogers
Time: Tuesday, June 8, 2:00 PM EDT US (6:00 UTC)
Register Now Here

The Internet will change tremendously in the next 10 years. A more important question is, how will it change us? Children born this decade will have to learn what “offline” means, because being online will be the normal condition of life. It is an era of social reorganization equaled only by the rise of cities 6,000 years ago. But unlike urbanization, this enormous transition will take place in a matter of decades rather than centuries. At WorldFuture 2010, “practical futurist” Michael Rogers will describe what will be gained in this historic transition, what will be lost, and what challenges are ahead.

Internet Evolution: Where Hyperconnectivity and Ambient Intimacy Take Us
A Conversation with Lee Rainie
Time: Thursday, June 17, 2:00 PM EDT (6:00 UTC)
Register Now Here

Imagine the implications of the future that most technology experts foresee: Wireless devices are embedded in everything including us; cameras record activity in all public spaces; databases catalogue our online moves; invisible, ambient networked computing makes us available to more people in more ways; software exhibits humanlike thinking; and a direct brain-to-computer interface is possible. These are just some of the future scenarios predicted by experts, as documented by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, directed by Lee Rainie. At WorldFuture 2010, Rainie will discuss the most recent, widely covered Future of the Internet Survey, which asked Internet experts from across the globe for their take on how the Web will evolve in the decade(s) ahead.

The City Sustainable
A Conversation with Jennifer Jarratt and John Mahaffie
Time: Tuesday June 29, 2:00 PM EDT (6:00 UTC)
Register Now Here

What’s the future for the metropolis? Except for some experiments in planned communities, cities develop haphazardly over the ages. At WorldFuture 2010, leading futurists Jennifer Jarratt and John Mahaffie will introduce alternatives to the city of today, which are masses of people, buildings, and structures linked together chaotically. The tools for reinventing the city in the twenty-first century include new building technologies that bring sustainability and greater efficiency into construction and changes in the very concept of “city” from urban concrete to green communities.

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