Michael Horn: Transforming Thomas Jefferson's successful education system

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Michelle Rhee on NPR -- 12-20-10 interview

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary
Building a Knowledge-Based Society
The Needs of a Knowledge-Based Society
Case Study: Finland
Vision of Education for the 21st Century
Case Study: Singapore
How Would the System Function?
Case Study: China
Shifting Roles
Appendix A – Measuring 21st Century Skills
Numeracy and Mathematics
Reading Literacy
ICT/Technological Literacy
Digital Literacy
Appendix B – Consultations & Acknowledgments
Appendix C – PTC Members & Staff

Some quotes:

From Learning Information to Learning to Learn:
The system must place greater emphasis on the learning of skills over the learning of content.

From Data to Discovery:
Content will have to evolve constantly, not only to remain relevant but so students are ready to deal with how rapidly information changes in a knowledge-based society.

From One Size Fits All to Tailored Learning:
As students progress they will increasingly access and engage with their own content, at their own pace of learning and take an increasing role in charting a path best suited to those talents, interests and abilities.

From Testing to Assess to Assessing to Learn:
Technology allows educators and students to assess progress more regularly than with traditional classroom assessments and to identify and address each student’s challenges as they arise. This is in contrast to tests and exams that measure what a student learned at the end of an instructional unit by which time it is often too late to address shortcomings.

From Classroom Learning to Lifelong Learning:
Lifelong learning can be encouraged by incorporating aspects of a student’s life outside of school into their education.

How would the system function?

  • A Blended System:
    The system would have a mixture of face-to-face classroom and online learning. It would also incorporate the immense range of learning opportunities outside the classroom. Some students would prefer a heavier emphasis on classroom learning while others may prefer the options of online learning. There has already been a strong uptake of online learning in BC.
  • Access to Learning Objects and Teaching Tools:
    Technology allows for better access to learning objects, teaching tools, and information. This is important for students, parents and teachers to collaborate in creating an individualised learning path that incorporates the information they need to know in more customised ways.
  • Open Access to Information Systems:
    Students need to be able to access information. Unfettered (but not unguided) access will allow them to learn and to teach themselves as they go forward. Furthermore, access to information will allow students to make informed decisions about their interests and understand the implications of new information for potential career decisions.
  • Constant Feedback and Assessment:
    While the system will be more flexible, there is a need for assessment based standards that will be higher in the future than they are today. Technology can provide new options for assessment and improving learning outcomes. In particular it allows for timely assessment so that students, parents and teachers can be informed during, not after, learning and in ways that allow for correction and celebration.

Education-related quotes from:
Poverty: ending the cycle
A 36-year study by Concordia University looks at the cycle of poverty through three generations of Montrealers

The third generation, growing up right now in this technological society, has no bright future without high school, Serbin says.

“Lack of education causes huge barriers, and these kids have a lot farther to go than others,” she says, “because they come from backgrounds with little education and stimulation.”

So is it any wonder that the dropout rate isn’t budging? Serbin asks.

“(Premier Jean) Charest talks about parents providing support, which is great. But how do you enable parents to do that?”

We need to teach parents the skills and offer them programs and support, so they in turn can support their children academically, she says. If poverty places parents in acute stress, how is it possible for them to help their children without outside support?

From DSC:
To me, this begins to get at the heart of the matter of education reform — helping develop stable, solid families with parents that actively support the education of their children.

It’s tough — if one was never taught the importance of education, how does one acquire that perspective? We need to help parents build a respect for education. But I realize that when a person is out there just trying to get by at all, it’s hard to worry about education. That’s why next year, I hope to begin offering a program on developing digital literacy to those children who come out of a background of significant need. I want to help them identify, develop and use their passions.

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Teacher Ratings Get New Look, Pushed by a Rich Watcher — from the NY Times, by Sam Dillon

PRINCETON, N.J. — In most American schools, teachers are evaluated by principals or other administrators who drop in for occasional classroom visits and fill out forms to rate their performance.

The result? More than 9 out of 10 teachers get top marks, according to a prominent study last year by the New Teacher Project, a nonprofit group focusing on improving teacher quality.

Now Bill Gates, who in recent years has turned his attention and considerable fortune to improving American education, is investing $335 million through his foundation to overhaul the personnel departments of several big school systems. A big chunk of that money is financing research by dozens of social scientists and thousands of teachers to develop a better system for evaluating classroom instruction.

The effort will have enormous consequences for the movement to hold schools and educators more accountable for student achievement.

The meticulous scoring of videotaped lessons for this project is unfolding on a scale never undertaken in educational research, said Catherine A. McClellan, a director for the Educational Testing Service who is overseeing the process.

By next June, researchers will have about 24,000 videotaped lessons. Because some must be scored using more than one protocol, the research will eventually involve reviewing some 64,000 hours of classroom video. Early next year, Dr. McClellan expects to recruit hundreds of educators and train them to score lessons.

From DSC:
I never want to come across as bashing teachers…no way! In fact, I give the teachers of this land an enormous amount of credit. I think the agendas being thrust upon them are often too numerous to meet.
How can one person keep track of — and spend enough individual time with — 26 kids at a time while also addressing the varied requests/agendas of the local school board, the parents, the administration, instructional technologists (like me), etc.  I’m not sure it can be done — at least not the way we have things set up. We need to move more towards the use of educational technologies to offer more personalized, customized learning experiences that can help the teachers — and the students — out.



From Michelle Rhee

Our mission is to build a national movement to defend the interests of children in public education and pursue transformative reform, so that America has the best education system in the world.

America’s schools are failing our kids. On this point, the data is clear. While some people blame the kids, or simply want to throw more money at the problem, we know that real change requires a better system — one that puts students’ needs before those of special interests or wasteful bureaucracies.

Also see:

Why Michelle Rhee isn't done with school reform

Also see:

Teaching 2030

In the raging controversy over the purpose of public education and how to fix the nation’s underperforming schools, the voices of America’s best teachers are seldom heard. Now for the first time, in a provocative book about the future of teaching and learning, 12 of America’s most accomplished classroom educators join a leading advocate for a 21st-century teaching profession to bring expert pedagogical know-how and fresh and provocative policy ideas to the national school reform debate. Together they identify four emergent realities that will shape the learning experience of children born in the New Millennium — and propose six levers of change that can ignite a bright future for our nation’s students by ensuring they all have access to excellent teaching. To create the public schools all students deserve, today and tomorrow, the authors call on policymakers and the public to work with teachers in creating a dynamic and flexible learning environment for students and teachers, and powerful new ways to define and measure school success; transforming public education through digital technologies while reinventing brick and mortar school buildings into 24/7 hubs of community support for students and families; re-imagining teaching as a well-compensated career with many pathways, assuring that every child has qualified and effective teachers and that teaching expertise is constantly spread, in and out cyberspace; establishing a new leadership force of 600,000 teacherpreneurs — classroom experts who continue to teach students regularly while also serving as teacher educators, policy researchers, community organizers, and trustees of their profession.

Teaching 2030 provides a refreshing, grounded, and lively examination of what we need to know and do in order to ensure that every public school student in America has access to qualified, caring, and effective teachers.

About the Author

Barnett Berry is founder and president of the Center for Teaching Quality, based in North Carolina–a nonprofit that seeks to dramatically improve student achievement nationwide by conducting timely research, crafting smart policy, and cultivating teacher leadership. The TeacherSolutions 2030 Team includes Jennifer Barnett (Alabama); Kilian Betlach (California); Shannon C’de Baca (Iowa); Susie Highley (Indiana); John M. Holland (Virginia); Carrie J. Kamm (Illinois); Renee Moore (Mississippi); Cindi Rigsbee (North Carolina); Ariel Sacks (New York); Emily Vickery (Florida); Jose Vilson (New York); Laurie Wasserman (Massachusetts).

The Coming Age of the Teacherpreneur — from edweek.org by Barnett Berry & the TeacherSolutions 2030 Team
In an excerpt from a forthcoming book on the future of education, a group of accomplished educators envisions new roles for teacher leaders.


Ultimately, teacherpreneurship is about propagating a new culture of innovation and creativity in a sector of education that has been woefully lacking in one. Most importantly, teacherpreneurship is not promoting a free-market vision for the profit of a few—but rather how our society can invest substantially in teachers who can expertly serve millions of children and families who are not in the position to choose a better school somewhere else or find the most erudite online teacher anytime, anywhere. Teacherpreneurship is all about the public good, not private gain.

Online Learning: An opportunity to transform public education in Georgia — from talkgwinnett.net by Michael Horn [via Ray Schroeder]

From DSC:
Below are some excerpts that caught my eye:

Nationwide, online learning is booming. A decade ago, fewer than 50,000 K-12 students took an online course; today more than 3 million students do, and the growth of online learning is accelerating. Twenty-seven percent of high school students report taking at least one online course in 2009.

Increasingly, students are enrolling in blended or hybrid arrangements, where they learn at least in part at a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home and at least in part through online delivery.

Change in education is gradual, yet happening much faster than one might expect.

The final direction is still unknown, but one hypothesis is that there will be, broadly speaking, three different roles for teachers of the future:

  • Master teachers who are content experts and can answer content-specific questions.
  • Coaches whose job it is to mentor and motivate students to stay on task and work with them to find solutions for their individual problems when they are stuck.
  • Case workers who work with children who have problems nonacademic in nature.

Expect many teachers to spend less day-to-day time on lesson planning, delivering one-size-fits-none lectures and classroom management.

Teachers already in online environments are reporting that, by and large, they get to know each student far better than they ever did or could in a traditional classroom environment.

Panel Calls for Turning Teacher Education ‘Upside Down,’ Centering Curricula around Classroom-Ready Training and Increasing Oversight and Expectations — from ncate.org
Eight States — Calif., Colo., La., Md., N.Y., Ohio, Ore., and Tenn. — Commit To Implementing Teacher-Ed Transformation

WASHINGTON (November 16, 2010) — A national expert panel composed of education experts and critics today called for teacher education to be “turned upside down” by revamping programs to place clinical practice at the center of teacher preparation. This new vision of preparation also will require the development of partnerships with school districts in which teacher education becomes a shared responsibility between P-12 schools and higher education.

Those and other sweeping recommendations are part of a report by the Blue Ribbon Panel on Clinical Preparation and Partnerships for Improved Student Learning, convened by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) to improve student learning.

The new approaches will involve significant policy and procedural changes in both the state higher education and P-12 education systems and entail revamping longstanding policies and practices that are no longer suited to today’s needs. The changes called for will require state higher education officials, governors, and state P-12 commissioner leadership working together to remove policy barriers and create policy supports for the new vision of teacher education.

Also see:
Momentum Builds to Restructure Teacher Education — from edweek.org by Stephen Sawchuk

National Ed Tech Plan puts technology at the heart of education reform — from The Journal.com by David Nagel

United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today released the final version of the Obama administration’s National Educational Technology Plan (NETP), a federal policy statement that puts technology at the heart of proposed changes to the way education is delivered in this country.


Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology

Spotlight on Technology in Education — from The Innovation Economy

There were three clear messages that the panelist and the audience of experts discussed:

1) We need a Moore’s law for Education…

2) Mass customization and standardization – Imagine yourself as a 4th grade teacher. On the first day of school, you get 25 students and you have to cover some number of topics and all of the students have to get to grade level by end of the year. Let’s take math and fractions for example, some of those kids will already understand the concept, some students need a bit more practice and others are still struggling with adding numbers and are way behind. Every one of those kids is at a skill different level. As a teacher, do you prepare 25 different lessons or do you just aim for the middle? And you have the same problem with reading, writing, science and social studies not to mention the social and emotional development of the students. You can imagine the complexity and the need for some tools that can help. Here is where customization comes in.

What if you had a system that can assess and track student progress against the learning standards during the day and the teachers, parents and students can see that information. The teacher can then use that information to develop individualized learning plans. Here is where standardization comes in.

In the course of education history, some teacher somewhere has developed a good lesson plan that will help a struggling student understand fractions. The problem is that it rarely leaves that classroom or that school and forget about crossing state boundaries. Using technology we can collect, analyze and asses different teaching resources (videos, software, peer learning, tutoring) that address the specific needs of the students. We can then marry the customized student plan with a standardized learning solution. Note, I am NOT taking the teacher out of the equation, you still need their expertise to assess the solution, what we are really doing is giving teachers more tools and freeing up time to be spent where they can add the most value. This solution is already happening in the math center at School of One in NYC.

3) Value outcomes and not time – The concept is very simple, if you know the material, go on to the next level.

From DSC:
Thanks to Dr. Kate Byerwalter at GRCC, I was reading an article in the Kalamazoo Gazette by Julie Mack entitled, ‘Waiting for Superman’ powerful but misleading.  Julie brings up some good points, such as (emphasis mine):

It’s hard to argue with Guggenheim’s larger themes: American education needs to improve; inner-city schools are especially substandard, and  teachers’ unions are fierce defenders of a dysfunctional status quo.

On one hand, the movie ignores the heart of the problem. Contrary to what the movie suggests, the big crisis in American education is not lack of opportunity for the academically ambitious; it’s the struggle to serve families who don’t see the value in education.

The common dynamic in poor-performing schools is a vicious cycle of low expectations, starting with stressed-out, poverty-stricken parents who don’t have the time nor energy to nurture their children’s education. That leads to kids who don’t care about school because their parents don’t seem to care —  and to teachers who get tired of beating their heads against a wall in the face of student and parental indifference.

Absolutely, schools have a responsibility break that cycle. But it’s also important to acknowledge the difficulty of that dynamic. To put the entire blame on educators, as Guggenheim does, seems hugely simplistic and unfair.

On the other hand, for far too long, the educational establishment has used the “it’s-the-parents-fault” argument to avoid accountability for its own failures. In that respect, “Waiting for Superman” is a powerful, desperately needed wakeup call.

If “Waiting for Superman” can galvanize the educational world to up its game, that may offset the film’s considerable flaws. Guggenheim tells a great story. Too bad it’s only half the story.

From DSC:
Being a father of three, I don’t know what I would do as a single parent. I have often thanked the LORD for my wife, because I know that our family would not be what it is without my wife.  There is no way that I could do everything that she and I are able to do together as a team. Heaven forbid something were to happen to her, I think I would quickly find that there wouldn’t be enough time or energy to do so. Not only can I not be at two places at one time, but I know that
I wouldn’t have the energy that it takes to properly parent our kids.

That is, after a long day’s work (again, if I was a single parent), I would have to reach down real deep to find the energy that it takes to check to see whether our three kids have done their homework.  Thanks to my parents, I care enough about education — and have been sold on its benefits — to make that effort. But if that wasn’t my background, I could easily see how tough it would be to begin an upward spiral that would last not just for my kids — but for the future generations of our family as well.

I’m not saying that inner-city schools all  have single parents — no way. Nor am I saying that non-inner city schools are full of happily-married couples heading them up. Again, no way.

But what I am saying is that with a significant amount of marriages in the U.S. ending up with divorce, I’ll bet that many kids only have one parent at home.  And with only 1 parent, that makes things difficult … not impossible, but difficult.  (Also, our struggling economy is a huge factor, a source of stress, and a piece of the complex puzzle as well.)

Still, we must find ways to stem the losses of up to a third of our students dropping out of school. It’s far too costly to waste their God-given gifts. The status quo must go — it’s too dangerous.

RSA Comment with Sir Ken Robinson - October 2010


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