Podcasting: Ideas for teachers — from Learning Objects Community — posted by Nancy Rubin

What is a podcast and how can I teach with it? If you are wondering what a podcast is, that might be a good place to start. Podcasts are basically audio files that can be produced with a standard computer, a microphone, software, and a web site where you will post your completed podcasts. Audio podcasts are usually an MP3 file and are the most common types of podcasts. Enhanced podcasts can have images to go along with the audio. They can also have chapter markers, making it easier to skip to different portions of an episode. Enhanced podcasts are not necessarily supported by all devices. Video podcasts are movies, complete with sound. Video podcasts can be in a variety of formats, but MPEG-4 is the most popular and the only format that will play on iPod and iPad.

Some classroom ideas for podcasting:

  • Record directions for students
  • Record lessons
  • Record supplemental materials
  • Record instructions for a substitute teacher
  • Record classroom rules
  • Interview people at your school
  • Create a news show and discuss current events
  • Record a speech
  • Record student readings so they can hear what they sound like

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