How the iPad will change the world -- from

“Even though the iPad looks like an iPhone built for the supersize inhabitants of Pandora, its ambitions are as much about shrinking our laptops as about stretching our smartphones. Yes, the iPad is designed for reading, gaming, and media consumption. But it also represents an ambitious rethinking of how we use computers. No more files and folders, physical keyboards and mouses. Instead, the iPad offers a streamlined yet powerful intuitive experience that’s psychically in tune with our mobile, attention-challenged, super-connected new century. Instant-on power. Lightning-fast multitouch response. Native applications downloaded from a single source that simplifies purchases, organizes updates, and ensures security.”

From DSC:
From my perspective, the iPad will usher in more interactivity, more multimedia-based content, more end-user control, more choice about the type of media one consumes (even on the same article/topic), and the ability to quickly “drill down” more deeply into a topic.

Also see — and item originally from:

13 ways of looking at an iPad — from