Student-provided sites from The Teaching & Learning Digital Studio at Calvin College

Student-provided sites from The Teaching & Learning Digital Studio at Calvin College

Digital Studio Sites is a blog with a large collection links from the Teaching & Learning Digital Studio Staff at Calvin College (Grand Rapids, MI) that covers a wide range of academic topics and more. The staff scours the Web for the best, most interesting, and useful Web sites for the classroom (and maybe beyond) on the Internet and continually updates the list of links. Professors can quickly find sites related to their field of study by keyword, search, or by subscribing via RSS feed.

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Envisioning the post-LMS era: The Open Learning Network — from Educause Quarterly by Jonathan Mott

Learning management systems (LMSs) have dominated the teaching and learning landscape in higher education for the past decade,1 with a recent Delta Initiative report indicating that more than 90 percent of colleges and universities have a standardized, institutional LMS implementation.2 LMS-related decisions continue to rank among the most pressing IT issues for campus leaders and administrators, as explained in EDUCAUSE Review’s “Top-10 IT Issues, 2009,” which lists several challenges associated with LMS implementations, including:

  • Acquisition strategies
  • Adapting LMSs to local needs
  • Managing rising costs
  • Maintaining system stability and integrity
  • Integrating LMSs with other campus tools and data3

While the LMS has become central to the business of colleges and universities, it has also become a symbol of the higher learning status quo. Many students, teachers, instructional technologists, and administrators consider the LMS too inflexible and are turning to the web for tools that support their everyday communication, productivity, and collaboration needs. Blogs, wikis, social networking sites, microblogging tools, and other web-based applications are supplanting the teaching and learning tools previously found only inside the LMS.

The dilemma thus created is succinctly summarized in the “Top-10” report:

Although the LMS needs to continue serving as an enterprise CMS [course/content management system], it also needs to be a student-centered application that gives students greater control over content and learning. Hence, there is continual pressure for the LMS to utilize and integrate with many of the Web 2.0 tools that students already use freely on the Internet and that they expect to find in this kind of system. Some educators even argue that the next requirement is a Personal Learning Environment (PLE) that interoperates with an LMS.4 (emphasis DSC)

Where the LMS is vertically integrated and institutionally centralized, the PLE is the educational manifestation of the web’s “small pieces loosely joined,” a “world of pure connection, free of the arbitrary constraints of matter, distance, and time.”5 Proponents assert that the PLE’s greater flexibility, portability, adaptability, and openness make it far superior to the LMS as a teaching and learning platform. The PLE is not without its weaknesses, however. Potential security and reliability concerns abound. This conundrum leaves higher education with what appears to be an unsatisfying either-or choice that requires significant tradeoffs whichever path we choose.

In an increasingly sophisticated technology environment, however, I contend that we can bring together — or mash up — the best of both the LMS and the PLE paradigms to create a learning platform more ideally suited to teaching and learning in higher education — an “open learning network” (OLN) (emphasis DSC). An OLN is intended to be, at the same time:

  • Secure and open
  • Integrated and modular
  • Private and public
  • Reliable and flexible

The framework outlined in this article provides a blueprint for developing what KnowledgeWorks calls a “lightweight, modular infrastructure” with built-in resilience to meet the dynamic needs of today’s “learning agents.”6

The OLN has three key features:

  1. It is malleable.
  2. It leverages technologies that did not exist when the LMS was born in the late 1990s.
  3. It strikes a manageable balance between imperatives of institutional networks and the promise of the cloud (emphasis DSC).

The university network works in tandem with the cloud

Mobility coming to Moodle…

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Quizzes in an age of course management software — from

Most days, students in my literature classes will have accessed Moodle, and will have taken a multiple-choice quiz on the day’s reading.

The secret sauce to the quizzes is, frankly, the course management system.  Here’s why:

  • The online delivery means that the quizzes take zero minutes of class time (emphasis DSC). I usually teach the MWF (50-minute) schedule, and I can’t be wasting time on quizzes.
  • The online delivery also means that students can look at the questions before they read (emphasis DSC), which, if I’ve thought about the questions enough, can help frame the reading a bit.
  • Because the quizzes are multiple choice, Moodle grades ‘em (emphasis DSC). I’ll repeat that: THE CMS GRADES THE QUIZZES!  This is awesome for lots of reasons: 1) the student knows, right away, how they’re doing. 2) I know before class starts whether the class has understood the assigned reading. And, 3) I don’t have to grade them.  I’m never behind on them.
  • It turns out that the quizzes, easy as they are, reductive as they are, do usefully predict student performance. They’re terrible at differentiating between A/B range students, but they do an awesome job at sorting students who are at risk (emphasis DSC).  Over the course of the semester, there are so many questions that if you miss 1 or 2, it’s no big deal.  But if you’re *always* missing 2 out of 5 questions, then it will eventually dawn on you that you’re doing D-level work.
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2minuteMoodle: What is it and how to do it? — from Nona Muldoon (back from 8/1/09)

The 2minuteMoodle motto
“Where before there was a spectator, let there now be a participant.” ~ Jerome Bruner

Scaffolding can be characterised as acting on this motto (Bransford et al, 2000), and the aim of the 2minuteMoodle is to provide students additional scaffolding in the learning and teaching process at CQUniversity.

What is scaffolding?
In educational setting, scaffolding is a metaphor used to describe learner support mechanisms, which may be delivered by human and/or embedded in computer-based technological tools. Proponents such as Shaphiro suggest that scaffolding provides learners with a “support structure that aids them in attaining a higher level of achievement” (2008, p. 29).


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Global success, Global failure of the CMS/LMS needs to stop — from Drupal Education for Educators

I know you’re saying “but Bryan, didn’t you mean just the Drupal solution”, no. Drupal is not the answer. Plone, WordPress, Moveable Type, Joomla, PHPNuke, Moodle, NOTEPAD is not the answer. We need to start looking at systems development based on a services and scalability perspective.  No one system is going to solve that problem (emphasis DSC). We need to start looking at what systems do well and then play to those strengths in the creation of a service.

So, what I’ve proposed above is more of a communication between and across systems.  Things like single sign on systems and simple modules within each project could allow users to flow seamlessly between them.  RSS and XMLRPC calls could allow session / user display data to flow seamlessly across each.  The most important thing though is that any system can be any CMS/LMS choice.  Example of that….

  • Core LMS / data system is Moodle
  • CMS is Drupal
  • SMMS is Drupal
  • Syllabus system is WordPress
  • Communications system is Plone
  • Blogging platform is moveable type
  • Wiki collaboration via Wikispace (emphasis on bulleted points: DSC)
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Reading 2.0: Bluebonnet Books + Moodle + Video Conferencing — from by  Roxanne Glaser

Partnered with Baylor University

Overview:  Baylor students partner with local elementary students using Bluebonnet Books.  Baylor students act as reading mentors for children and final project is a seven minute dramatization of the book.

The Big Picture:

  • Teachers select books (Bluebonnet Books)
  • Baylor students meet their partner classes via video conference
  • Each class and their Baylor partners Moodle
  • Each class creates 7 minute presentation to sell their books

From DSC:
I ran across this 10/4/07 NITLE keynote presentation from Jason Cole (one of the co-authors of Using Moodle, 2nd ed.) and on slide 4/46 he mentioned the following:  (the bulleted text is his, the graphic and callouts are mine)

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From Richard Wyles, Eduforge
Please be aware that the current Eduforge website will be decommissioned on the 31st March 2010. We’re planning an exciting new stage for the Eduforge community including a brand new website – currently hosted at

The new site offers resources and a showcase area for open source projects. You are most welcome to establish a new project space or transfer your existing project to the new Eduforge. Simply register now on

Our mission has also changed to support the Open Source Learning Laboratory — short e-learning based education courses focused on open source. See for the courses we’re starting with. The courses are being delivered in association with Flexible Learning Network and Catalyst IT of Wellington, New Zealand, and are fully recognised by the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand.


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Reflections on Learning Technologies 2010 #LT10uk — from Learning Conversations by Mark Berthelemy

From DSC:
Mark brings up some excellent points here. Well worth the read.

A Better Way to Manage Knowledge

We give a lot of talks and presentations about the ways and places companies and their employees learn the fastest. We call these learning environments creation spaces — places where individuals and teams interact and collaborate within a broader learning ecology so that performance accelerates. During these discussions, it’s inevitable that somebody raises their hand. “Wait a minute,” they say, “isn’t this just knowledge management all over again?”

The New Reality: Constant Disruption

We now face something entirely different. Today’s core technologies–computing, storage, and bandwidth–are not stabilizing. They continue to evolve at an exponential rate. And because the underlying technologies don’t stabilize, the social and business practices that coalesce into our new digital infrastructure aren’t stabilizing either. Businesses and, more broadly, social, educational, and economic institutions, are left racing to catch up with the steadily improving performance of the foundational technologies. For example, almost forty years after the invention of the microprocessor, we are only now beginning to reconfigure the digital technology infrastructure for delivery of yet another dramatic leap in computing power under the rubric of utility or cloud computing. This leap will soon be followed by another, then another.

From DSC:As an educational technologist, I can instantly relate to the blazingly-fast speed they are referring to. The questions are:

  • How do we set up the best learning ecosystems given such rapid pace of technological change?
  • How long will those elements last (and/or what principles/tips/tricks can we employ to have things around long enough for a solid ROI)?
  • How do we best equip our students?

For one thing, we must all learn to be very, very flexible…and adaptive. Change truly is not an option if you want to be marketable and relevant. And, you MUST BE PLUGGED INto a network or networks.

What’s new in Moodle 2.0? — from Synergy Learning

What’s new in Moodle 2.0?

“Below are two presentations detailing the key additional features in Moodle 2.0 to date (nothing is set in stone). Presentation 1 is all about Usability and Appearance, and presentation 2 details the upgrade information, databases and administration.”

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The CMS and the PLN — from Jon Mott and his “The End In Mind” blog

From DSC:
These two elements are part of our learning ecosystem — at least at this point in time. As Jon points out, they each have their strengths and weaknesses. It will be interesting to see — given time — what the trends become concerning these two elements of the ecosystem.

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Revisiting and rediscovering Moodle: a Story — from Moodle Monthly — by Jared Stein

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