Everything you ever wanted to know about the blogosphere in one handy diagram — from the nextweb.com
Interesting facts via this wonderful infographic from Intact:
- 133,000,000 million blogs
- 35% of Journalists are now Bloggers
- 48% of Bloggers are in the US
- 66% of bloggers are males
- 1/4 earn $100k+ a year
- Aside from “personal musings”, technology bloggers are the most prominent
- 75% of bloggers are college graduates
From Richard Wyles, Eduforge
Please be aware that the current Eduforge website will be decommissioned on the 31st March 2010. We’re planning an exciting new stage for the Eduforge community including a brand new website – currently hosted at http://staging.eduforge.org
The new site offers resources and a showcase area for open source projects. You are most welcome to establish a new project space or transfer your existing project to the new Eduforge. Simply register now on http://staging.eduforge.org
Our mission has also changed to support the Open Source Learning Laboratory — short e-learning based education courses focused on open source. See http://staging.eduforge.com for the courses we’re starting with. The courses are being delivered in association with Flexible Learning Network and Catalyst IT of Wellington, New Zealand, and are fully recognised by the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand.
SimpleFolio: A Free Clean Portfolio WordPress Theme — from SmashingMagazine.com
Weekend Project: 1,136 Resources for Winning with WordPress — from digitizd.com
Not Blogging in WordPress: Innovative Faculty Use of WordPress MU for Teaching and Scholarship (Learning Technology) — from Educause
“Faculty members and educational technologists have great ideas about new ways to enhance teaching and learning with technology. However, sometimes the available tools make these innovative ideas awkward or impossible to implement without customization. At St. Lawrence University, we have found WordPress MU to be surprisingly flexible, offering us the opportunity to use it in a variety of ways without any customization. In this session, we will look at current ways that a single instance of WPMU is being used for various purposes-sometimes bearing little or no resemblance to blogging-and meeting the needs of our faculty with no customization.”
Top 50 Blogs for e-Learning Tools and Tips — from The Digital Learning People
From DSC:
There are many others out there as well, but I thought that this was an interesting/solid collection of blogs related to e-learning.