ChatGPT Gold Rush Of 2024 — from
GPT marketplace, McAfee’s anti-deepfake tech, and more…

Forget pickaxes and panning for nuggets; the new frontier of wealth lies in lines of code.

OpenAI just announced that their GPT Store is launching this week, and it allows ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise customers to create and sell their own custom AI models – no coding required. ?

Translation for those sleeping in the back:

This is the beginning of the GPT Gold Rush.

Opens AI’s move allows users to create a GPT for essentially any need. Imagine a specific GPT for anything from a fitness coach to a master chef recipe generator AND you get paid when people use it.

Are We All In On OpenAI’s GPT Store? — from
Custom GPTs: A new revenue stream?; DIY AI sales development rep

Excerpt from OpenAI’s GPT Store: A Game-Changer or a Gamble? section:

But before you dive in to Custom GPTs, there are a few things you should know.

  1. Access to these custom GPTs is exclusive to ChatGPT Plus paid accounts. This could be a strategic move by OpenAI to increase Plus account adoption, and it could deter potential users.
  2. OpenAI hasn’t been forthcoming about the revenue sharing model. This lack of transparency could definitely discourage creators from sharing their custom GPTs.
  3. Some of the data uploaded to and chat transcripts in custom GPTs are shared back with OpenAI for future AI model training.