The legal world in 10 years (if we’re really lucky) — from by Jordan Furlong
Here are eight predictions for how the legal sector will be different and mostly better in 2033. If you have an alternative vision, there’s one sure way to prove me wrong.

What part are you going to play in determining the future? This isn’t a spectator sport or a video game. “The future” will be what you (and everyone else) make it by your decisions, commitments, sacrifices, and leadership — or, equally, by your inaction on all these fronts.

There’s a meme making the rounds that says, “People in time-travel movies are always afraid of committing one tiny action in the past, because it might completely change the present. But people in the present don’t seem to believe that committing one tiny action in the present could completely change the future.” I think that has it exactly right. The future we get is the future that you and I start making in the present, meaning today, right now.

Shadow AI: A Thorny Problem For Law Firms — from by Sharon D. Nelson, John W. Simek, and Michael C. Maschke
Its use is often unknown to a law firm’s IT or security group.