29 things you should never include on your résumé — from businessinsider.com


Hiring managers receive an average of 75 résumés per position they post, according to CareerBuilder.com. So they don’t have the time or resources to review each one closely, and they spend approximately six seconds on their initial “fit/no fit” decision. If you want to make it past the initial test, you need to have some solid qualifications — and the perfect résumé to highlight those qualifications. Here are 29 things you should never include on your résumé.



What your body language is saying about you in your interview — from advice.careerbuilder.com


Poor body language can send messages that you’re incapable, nervous or unhappy – all adjectives you don’t want an interviewer associating with you. An interviewer may forgive you for a subpar answer on the fifth question you’re asked, but if your body language offers physical evidence you don’t work well under pressure or you’re not confident in your abilities? It’s going to be hard to come back.

Don’t undermine how qualified you are with poor habits. Practice avoiding these common moves before they cost you your next job.



From DSC:
Though it may be too late for some of the items in this last resource, there are still some useful pieces of information in this article for you:

5 things to do in your last semester of college that will prepare you for the real world — from businessinsider.com by Jacquelyn Smith (This is an update of an article originally written by Lydia Dallett.)


  1. Forget landing your dream job. Focus on what can get you there in the future
  2. Map out each week of the rest of the semester, so you can visualize how you’ll achieve your goal
  3. Make an appointment with Career Services ASAP
  4. Network your heart out
  5. Keep an open mind, and apply to everything