Matthew 6:33

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”


From DSC:
Having gone through Northwestern, the culture there was highly competitive and it seemed like the whole point of being there was to land a job by the time you graduated. If you didn’t have a job by the time you graduated, you were falling behind.


Evanston, where NU is located, is surrounded by the Chicagoland area — filled with corporations, industry, banking, retail, and more.  Much of the surrounding culture of Chicago tends to lean towards status — what # of the Beamer are you driving? Oh, a 755, you must be important/rich/successful in life.  You must have a corner office — you’ve made it big! Congrats! How many people do you have working for you? Wow — 250…pretty good.


So when a friend of mine from church introduced me to Matthew 6:33, she was really introducing me to the LORD’s Re-Prioritization Plan for me. As is often the case, the way the world works (and often the way I was trained), is usually 180 degrees different from the ways of the LORD.  Don’t seek the corner office Daniel — seek his kingdom and his righteousness first.  Don’t pursue the Beamer, you can’t take it with you. Build up for yourself, Daniel, treasures in heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy, and where thieves cannot break in and steal.


Keeping balance and priorities in life has been a challenge for me at times — relationships, family, work, my health, further schooling, etc.  But this verse helped me — and still helps me today — keep the right goal and priority in mind.