Create Khan Academy style video tutorials with ScreenChomp — from the digital inspiration blog by Amit Agarwal
Some of the products that Amit mentioned in the posting include:
- An iPad from Apple used with TechSmith’s ScreenChomp application(if you have an iPad)*OR
- A Wacom Bamboo Tablet with Smooth Draw to create the doodles on the computer screen and Camtasia Studio (if you have a Windows PC)
* Also see
Drawing on the iPad: 12 touchscreen styluses reviewed
— from
Update / addendum on 4-17-2012 from posting w/ same date:
Sal uses a PC with:
Camtasia Recorder ($200)
Wacom Bamboo Tablet ($80)
Prior to that, he used:
Microsoft Paint (Free)
Mac users: In lieu of SmoothDraw, Autodesk Sketchbook Express works (free with a Wacom)