
Joshua Kim at InsideHigherEd.com writes of an iPad 2 LMS Fantasy

  • Integrated Speech-to-Text Authoring
  • Integrated Video Authoring
  • Voice-Over Presentation Capture and Sharing
  • Synchronous Class Discussions and Virtual Office Hours
  • Deep Integration with iTunesU

…and Joshua ends his Apple LMS fantasy in this manner:

“Speculation is that Apple will eventually move into producing full educational programs, offering undergraduate and graduate degrees through the new Apple University application.”


From DSC:
Will Apple turn out to be the Forthcoming Walmart of Education? I’m not sure, but business models are morphing and a variety of pressures are at play within higher education that are causing massive changes and disruption…time will tell. In the meantime, fasten your seatbelts and keep all of your hands and arms inside the vehicle!

Also see:

Enhanced Facetime will be great for remote lectures or office hours, high-definition video editing will facilitate exploratory learning and reporting, and real-time image mirroring will stylize lectures in science, history, and geography. Additionally, mobile learning is made possible through the iOS 4.3 hotspot update, permitting Internet connectivity for apple phones, tablets, and laptops. This will be especially valuable for recession-hit school districts, such as Detroit, scrambling for ways to solve ballooning class sizes. Skeptical educators can be relieved that the iPad was deemed classroom ready by Reed College, and that remote learning can be just as effective as in-class lecturing.