E-Learning Trends 2011 — ASTD

Learning Circuits recently polled readers on how they’re using e-learning in their organizations. Here’s what they had to say.

How does your company use e-learning? (check all that apply)

Customer service training 34.2%
Enterprise transformations 12.7%
External customers/clients 20.3%
General business skills (leadership, sexual harassment, etc.) 30.4%
IT (end user/desktop applications) 39.2%
IT (network.infrastructure) 12.7%
IT (programming languages) 6.3%
Keeping staff up-to-date on acquisitions 6.3%
Military 2.5%
Product updates and rollouts 20.3%
Regulatory/compliance issues 35.4%
Salesforce training 20.3%
Supply chain or channel partner training 5.1%
Task-specific skills 35.4%
Technical/manufacturing issues 15.2%
We are in initial stages of implementing e-learning 15.2%
Other (please specify) 13.9%