Some of the Best Online Learning Games for Kids — from by Courtney Schley

If you’re looking for apps and games that not only keep young kids occupied but also encourage them to explore, learn, and express themselves, we have some great suggestions.

The apps we cover in this guide are good learning apps not because they’re designed to make kids smarter, to drill facts, or to replace in-school learning, but because they each offer something fun, unique, and interesting for kids and adults.

As with our guides to STEM and learning toys, we didn’t test scores of apps to try to find the “best” ones. Rather, most of our favorite apps have been chosen by teachers for their students in classrooms, used by Wirecutter parents and their kids, or recommended by the experts and educators we spoke with.

SATs Have Never Been About Equity — from by Pepper Stetler
The history of the SAT raises questions about how we value and measure intelligence, Pepper Stetler writes.

Excerpts (emphasis DSC):

Even though the overwhelming majority (about 80 percent) of the country’s colleges and universities will remain test optional for the Class of 2029, our national conversation about the role of standardized admissions tests in higher education focuses almost exclusively on elite colleges, whose enrollments represent only 1 percent of students. Such a myopic perspective will do little to increase access to higher education. Real change would require us to reckon with the history of standardized tests and how they have persistently disadvantaged large numbers of students, particularly students of color and students with disabilities.

One hundred years later, academic success is defined as the capacity to do well on a standardized test. It does not just predict a person’s academic ability. It defines academic ability. And those who have the most time and resources to devote to the test are the ones who will succeed.

Top EdTech Trends Shaping Education in 2024-2025 — from

  • Trend #1: Schools Are Using Career Technical Education to Increase Student Engagement
  • Trend #2: Districts Are Looking to Scale Up Tutoring
  • Trend #3: Virtual Learning Solutions Can Help Address Teacher Shortages | Everyone deserves to be understood
Understood is the leading nonprofit empowering the 70 million people with learning and thinking differences in the United States.


UC Berkeley Law School To Offer Advanced Law Degree Focused On AI — from by Michael T. Nietzel; via Greg Lambert

The University of California, Berkeley School of Law has announced that it will offer what it’s calling “the first-ever law degree with a focus on artificial intelligence (AI).” The new AI-focused Master of Laws (LL.M.) program is scheduled to launch in summer 2025.

The program, which will award an AI Law and Regulation certificate for students enrolled in UC Berkeley Law’s LL.M. executive track, is designed for working professionals and can be completed over two summers or through remote study combined with one summer on campus.

Also relevant, see:

Training AI to Mentor Like a Partner: Insights from Dr. Megan Ma — from

This week on The Geek in Review, we discuss the future of legal technology with Dr. Megan Ma, a distinguished research fellow and Associate Director of the Stanford Program in Law, Science, and Technology at the Stanford Center for Legal Informatics, also known as Codex. Dr. Ma’s groundbreaking work in integrating generative AI into legal applications takes center stage as she shares her insights on translating legal knowledge into code and the implications of human-machine collaboration in the legal field.


No-one wants to feel like a muppet! — from by Mary Myatt
High challenge, low threat

But what is crucial is that this is not a public, humiliating struggle which dehumanises the person, it is the private conversations we have with ourselves about what is working and what isn’t.

The second strand is that the circumstances are always low threat. No-one else can see our struggling to get the solution.

No-one is pointing the finger.

It is when we feel safe at this deep level that we are prepared to risk things and have a go.

If we are serious about providing pupils with an ambitious curriculum, we need to consider how the ‘high challenge’ is balanced by ‘low threat’.


College Writing Centers Worry AI Could Replace Them — from by Maggie Hicks
Those who run the centers argue that they could be a hub for teaching AI literacy.

But as generative AI tools like ChatGPT sweep into mainstream business tools, promising to draft properly-formatted text from simple prompts and the click of a button, new questions are rising about what role writing centers should play — or whether they will be needed in the future.

Writing centers need to find a balance between introducing AI into the writing process and keeping the human support that every writer needs, argues Anna Mills, an English instructor at the College of Marin.

AI can serve as a supplement to a human tutor, Mills says. She encourages her students to use MyEssayFeedback, an AI tool that critiques the organization of an essay, the quality of evidence a student has included to support their thesis or the tone of the writing. Such tools can also evaluate research questions or review a student’s writing based on the rubric for the assignment, she says.


Psalm 8
For the director of music. According to gittith.[b] A psalm of David.

Lord, our Lord,
    how majestic is your name in all the earth!

You have set your glory
    in the heavens.
Through the praise of children and infants
    you have established a stronghold against your enemies,
    to silence the foe and the avenger.
When I consider your heavens,
    the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
    which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
    human beings that you care for them?[c]

You have made them[d] a little lower than the angels[e]
    and crowned them[f] with glory and honor.
You made them rulers over the works of your hands;
    you put everything under their[g] feet:
all flocks and herds,
    and the animals of the wild,
the birds in the sky,
    and the fish in the sea,
    all that swim the paths of the seas.

Lord, our Lord,
    how majestic is your name in all the earth!

The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed,
    a stronghold in times of trouble.
10 Those who know your name trust in you,
    for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.


The Burden of Misunderstanding — from by Phil Hill
How ED’s outdated consumer-protection view of online education could lead to bureaucratic burden on every online course in US higher ed

Time to Comment
There are plenty of other points to be made on this proposed rule:

  • the lack of evidence supporting the treatment of online ed differently than f2f or hybrid;
  • the redefinition of regular and substantive interaction;
  • the impact of this simplification rule actually complicating matters for compliance; and
  • the risk of auto-withdrawal for 14-day inactivity periods, etc.

For now, I wanted to be more precise on what I believe is a misunderstood compliance burden of ED’s proposed rule, and ED’s inability to listen to feedback from colleges and universities and associations representing them. And that while the details of this proposed rule might seem arcane, it will have a major impact across higher ed.

It is very important to note that we are in the middle of the public comment period for these proposed rules, and that ED should hear directly from colleges and universities about the impact of the proposed rules. You can comment here through next Friday (August 23rd).

From DSC:
Phil brings up numerous excellent points in the above posting. If the Department of Education’s (ED’s) proposed rules on online attendance taking get finalized, the impacts could be huge — and negative/costly in several areas. Faculty members, directors and staff of teaching and learning centers, directors of online programs, provosts and other members of administrations, plus other relevant staff should comment– NOW — before the comment period ends next Friday (August 23rd).


Augmented Course Design: Using AI to Boost Efficiency and Expand Capacity — from by Berlin Fang and Kim Broussard
The emerging class of generative AI tools has the potential to significantly alter the landscape of course development.

Using generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools such as ChatGPT, Gemini, or CoPilot as intelligent assistants in instructional design can significantly enhance the scalability of course development. GenAI can significantly improve the efficiency with which institutions develop content that is closely aligned with the curriculum and course objectives. As a result, institutions can more effectively meet the rising demand for flexible and high-quality education, preparing a new generation of future professionals equipped with the knowledge and skills to excel in their chosen fields.1 In this article, we illustrate the uses of AI in instructional design in terms of content creation, media development, and faculty support. We also provide some suggestions on the effective and ethical uses of AI in course design and development. Our perspectives are rooted in medical education, but the principles can be applied to any learning context.

Table 1 summarizes a few low-hanging fruits in AI usage in course development.

Table 1. Types of Use of GenAI in Course Development
Practical Use of AI Use Scenarios and Examples
  • Exploring ideas for instructional strategies
  • Exploring ideas for assessment
  • Course mapping
  • Lesson or unit content planning
  • Text to audio
  • Transcription for audio
  • Alt text auto-generation
  • Design optimization (e.g., using Microsoft PPT Design)
  • Improving learning objectives
  • Improving instructional materials
  • Improving course content writing (grammar, spelling, etc.)
  • Creating a PowerPoint draft using learning objectives
  • Creating peripheral content materials (introductions, conclusions)
  • Creating decorative images for content
  • Creating a scenario based on learning objectives
  • Creating a draft of a case study
  • Creating a draft of a rubric


Also see:

10 Ways Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Instructional Design — from by Rob Gibson
Artificial intelligence (AI) is providing instructors and course designers with an incredible array of new tools and techniques to improve the course design and development process. However, the intersection of AI and content creation is not new.

I have been telling my graduate instructional design students that AI technology is not likely to replace them any time soon because learning and instruction are still highly personalized and humanistic experiences. However, as these students embark on their careers, they will need to understand how to appropriately identify, select, and utilize AI when developing course content. Examples abound of how instructional designers are experimenting with AI to generate and align student learning outcomes with highly individualized course activities and assessments. Instructional designers are also using AI technology to create and continuously adapt the custom code and power scripts embedded into the learning management system to execute specific learning activities.Footnote1 Other useful examples include scripting and editing videos and podcasts.

Here are a few interesting examples of how AI is shaping and influencing instructional design. Some of the tools and resources can be used to satisfy a variety of course design activities, while others are very specific.

Taking the Lead: Why Instructional Designers Should Be at the Forefront of Learning in the Age of AI — from by Rob Gibson
Education is at a critical juncture and needs to draw leaders from a broader pool, including instructional designers

The world of a medieval stone cutter and a modern instructional designer (ID) may seem separated by a great distance, but I wager any ID who upon hearing the story I just shared would experience an uneasy sense of déjà vu. Take away the outward details, and the ID would recognize many elements of the situation: the days spent in projects that fail to realize the full potential of their craft, the painful awareness that greater things can be built, but are unlikely to occur due to a poverty of imagination and lack of vision among those empowered to make decisions.

Finally, there is the issue of resources. No stone cutter could ever hope to undertake a large-scale enterprise without a multitude of skilled collaborators and abundant materials. Similarly, instructional designers are often departments of one, working in scarcity environments, with limited ability to acquire resources for ambitious projects and — just as importantly — lacking the authority or political capital needed to launch significant initiatives. For these reasons, instructional design has long been a profession caught in an uncomfortable stasis, unable to grow, evolve and achieve its full potential.

That is until generative AI appeared on the scene. While the discourse around AI in education has been almost entirely about its impact on teaching and assessment, there has been a dearth of critical analysis regarding AI’s potential for impacting instructional design.

We are at a critical juncture for AI-augmented learning. We can either stagnate, missing opportunities to support learners while educators continue to debate whether the use of generative AI tools is a good thing, or we can move forward, building a transformative model for learning akin to the industrial revolution’s impact.

Too many professional educators remain bound by traditional methods. The past two years suggest that leaders of this new learning paradigm will not emerge from conventional educational circles. This vacuum of leadership can be filled, in part, by instructional designers, who are prepared by training and experience to begin building in this new learning space.


Using Classroom Observations for Support as a New Teacher — from by Sunaina Sharma
Constructive feedback from colleagues helps new teachers identify areas of strength and growth and develop strategies to achieve their goals.

Stepping into the classroom for the first time as a new teacher can feel like navigating uncharted territory. The mix of excitement and nerves is palpable, and the fear of making mistakes looms large. Amid the whirlwind of lesson planning and classroom management, one often-overlooked opportunity for growth is classroom observations. Approach observations with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Embrace vulnerability as a sign of strength, and use feedback as a springboard for growth.

Teaching Young Students About Classroom Expectations in the First Week — from by Alicia Meyers
Early childhood educators can use a series of fun catchphrases during the first week of school to teach students some ground rules.

The first week of school for pre-K to second-grade teachers comes with an ever-evolving list of expectations to teach. Cue Montell Jordan: “This is how we do it…”

The first week is our blank slate, our opportunity to create a foundation to build off of. The earlier we introduce and enforce our expectations, the earlier learning can begin. It’s essential that we teach, model, and role-play each expectation with students, and the more fun we have with it, the more it will stick.

Below are five of my favorite first-week catchphrases that teach clear expectations, which I call the “first week [fun]damentals,” along with how to teach them, the why, and teacher tips to make execution easier.

Your New? Your Better? Your Stronger? — from by Marcus Luther
A back-to-school reflection for educators (and my own answers!)

Which is how I arrived at these three questions to ask myself:

  • What is one thing I want to do new this year?
  • What is one thing I want to get better at as a teacher?
  • What is one strength I want to be even stronger?

Three questions that are really three lenses to look forward with and hold myself accountable for:

The Instructor Mental Health Landscape — from

According to the results of a new survey by Wiley, an increasing number of instructors – along with students – are facing mental health difficulties post-pandemic. And while instructors are aware of the challenges their students are trying to cope with, they’re also feeling the strain, with levels of exhaustion and burnout on the rise. Faced with being asked to do more with less, instructors turn to their family and peers for support. However, as the stigma around mental health lessens many are also seeking out professional help.

Read our report to discover key takeaways from the front lines of the ongoing mental health crisis and explore the implications for instructors, schools, and students alike.


Gemini makes your mobile device a powerful AI assistant — from
Gemini Live is available today to Advanced subscribers, along with conversational overlay on Android and even more connected apps.

Rolling out today: Gemini Live <– Google swoops in before OpenAI can get their Voice Mode out there
Gemini Live is a mobile conversational experience that lets you have free-flowing conversations with Gemini. Want to brainstorm potential jobs that are well-suited to your skillset or degree? Go Live with Gemini and ask about them. You can even interrupt mid-response to dive deeper on a particular point, or pause a conversation and come back to it later. It’s like having a sidekick in your pocket who you can chat with about new ideas or practice with for an important conversation.

Gemini Live is also available hands-free: You can keep talking with the Gemini app in the background or when your phone is locked, so you can carry on your conversation on the go, just like you might on a regular phone call. Gemini Live begins rolling out today in English to our Gemini Advanced subscribers on Android phones, and in the coming weeks will expand to iOS and more languages.

To make speaking to Gemini feel even more natural, we’re introducing 10 new voices to choose from, so you can pick the tone and style that works best for you.


Per the Rundown AI:
Why it matters: Real-time voice is slowly shifting AI from a tool we text/prompt with, to an intelligence that we collaborate, learn, consult, and grow with. As the world’s anticipation for OpenAI’s unreleased products grows, Google has swooped in to steal the spotlight as the first to lead widespread advanced AI voice rollouts.

Beyond Social Media: Schmidt Predicts AI’s Earth-Shaking Impact— from
The next wave of AI is coming, and if Schmidt is correct, it will reshape our world in ways we are only beginning to imagine.

In a recent Q&A session at Stanford, Eric Schmidt, former CEO and Chairman of search giant Google, offered a compelling vision of the near future in artificial intelligence. His predictions, both exciting and sobering, paint a picture of a world on the brink of a technological revolution that could dwarf the impact of social media.

Schmidt highlighted three key advancements that he believes will converge to create this transformative wave: very large context windows, agents, and text-to-action capabilities. These developments, according to Schmidt, are not just incremental improvements but game-changers that could reshape our interaction with technology and the world at large.


The rise of multimodal AI agents— from
Technology companies are investing large amounts of money in creating new multimodal artificial intelligence models and algorithms that can learn, reason and make decisions autonomously after collecting and analysing data.

The future of multimodal agents
In practical terms, a multimodal AI agent can, for example, analyse a text while processing an image, spoken language, or an audio clip to give a more complete and accurate response, both through voice and text. This opens up new possibilities in various fields: from education and healthcare to e-commerce and customer service.

AI Change Management: 41 Tactics to Use (August 2024)— from by Daan van Rossum
Future-proof companies are investing in driving AI adoption, but many don’t know where to start. The experts recommend these 41 tips for AI change management.

As Matt Kropp told me in our interview, BCG has a 10-20-70 rule for AI at work:

  • 10% is the LLM or algorithm
  • 20% is the software layer around it (like ChatGPT)
  • 70% is the human factor

This 70% is exactly why change management is key in driving AI adoption.

But where do you start?

As I coach leaders at companies like Apple, Toyota, Amazon, L’Oréal, and Gartner in our Lead with AI program, I know that’s the question on everyone’s minds.

I don’t believe in gatekeeping this information, so here are 41 principles and tactics I share with our community members looking for winning AI change management principles.


How Generative AI will change what lawyers do — from by Jordan Furlong
As we enter the Age of Accessible Law, a wave of new demand is coming our way — but AI will meet most of the surge. What will be left for lawyers? Just the most valuable and irreplaceable role in law.

AI can already provide actionable professional advice; within the next ten years, if it takes that long, I believe it will offer acceptable legal advice. No one really wants “AI courts,” but soon enough, we’ll have AI-enabled mediation and arbitration, which will have a much greater impact on everyday dispute resolution.

I think it’s dangerous to assume that AI will never be able to do something that lawyers now do. “Never” is a very long time. And AI doesn’t need to replicate the complete arsenal of the most gifted lawyer out there. If a Legal AI can replicate 80% of what a middling lawyer can do, for 10% of the cost, in 1% of the time, that’s all the revolution you’ll need.

From DSC:
It is my sincere hope that AI will open up the floodgates to FAR great Access to Justice (A2J) in the future.

It’s the Battle of the AI Legal Assistants, As LexisNexis Unveils Its New Protégé and Thomson Reuters Rolls Out CoCounsel 2.0 — from by Bob Ambrogi

It’s not quite BattleBots, but competitors LexisNexis and Thomson Reuters both made significant announcements today involving the development of generative AI legal assistants within their products.

Thomson Reuters, which last year acquired the CoCounsel legal assistant originally developed by Casetext, and which later announced plans to deploy it throughout its product lines, today unveiled what it says is the “supercharged” CoCounsel 2.0.

Meanwhile, LexisNexis said today it is rolling out the commercial preview version of its Protégé Legal AI Assistant, which it describes as a “substantial leap forward in personalized generative AI that will transform legal work.” It is part of the launch of the third generation of Lexis+ AI, the AI-driven legal research platform the company launched last year.

Thomson Reuters Launches CoCounsel 2.0 — from by Joe Patrice
New release promises results three times faster than the last version.

It seems like just last year we were talking about CoCounsel 1.0, the generative AI product launched by Casetext and then swiftly acquired by Thomson Reuters. That’s because it was just last year. Since then, Thomson Reuters has worked to marry Casetext’s tool with TR’s treasure trove of data.

It’s not an easy task. A lot of the legal AI conversation glosses over how constructing these tools requires a radical confrontation with the lawyers’ mind. Why do attorneys do what they do every day? Are there seemingly “inefficient” steps that actually serve a purpose? Does an AI “answer” advance the workflow or hinder the research alchemy? As recently as April, Thomson Reuters was busy hyping the fruits of its efforts to get ahead of these challenges.

Though this next item is not necessarily related to legaltech, it’s still relevant to the legal realm:

A Law Degree Is No Sure Thing— from
Some Law School Graduates Earn Top Dollar, but Many Do Not

Is law school worth it? A Juris Doctor (JD) offers high median earnings and a substantial earnings boost relative to a bachelor’s degree in the humanities or social sciences—two of the more common fields of study that lawyers pursue as undergraduate students. However, graduates of most law schools carry substantial student loan debt, which dims the financial returns associated with a JD.

A Law Degree Is No Sure Thing: Some Law School Graduates Earn Top Dollar, but Many Do Not finds that the return on investment (ROI) in earnings and career outcomes varies widely across law schools. The median earnings net of debt payments are $72,000 four years after graduation for all law school graduates, but exceed $200,000 at seven law schools. By comparison, graduates of 33 law schools earn less than $55,000 net of debt payments four years after graduation.

From DSC:
A former boss’ husband was starting up a local public defender’s office in Michigan and needed to hire over two dozen people. The salaries were in the $40K’s she said. This surprised me greatly, as I thought all lawyers were bringing in the big bucks. This is not the case, clearly. Many lawyers do not make the big bucks, as this report shows:

…graduates of 33 law schools earn less than $55,000 net of debt payments four years after graduation.


Also relevant/see:


Very creative architecture!

From DSC:
I thought this was very creative! Nice work.

A Curtain-Like Facade Wraps a Seoul Textile Maker in Billowing Brick — from by Kate Mothes and German architecture firm behet bondzio lin architekten

A South Korea fashion brand and textile manufacturer’s headquarters in Seoul gets a stunning new look thanks to German architecture firm behet bondzio lin architekten. Located in Seongsu-dong, a neighborhood historically known for its red brick factory buildings, the new multistory structure defies the material’s traditionally angular application by incorporating an undulating, drapery-like facade.

The architects conceived of a design inspired both by the flow and flexibility of textiles and the consistent rhythm of ocean waves.


2024 CHLOE 9 Report
August 13, 2024

CHLOE 9 | Strategy Shift: Institutions Respond to Sustained Online Demand

The ninth installment of the Changing Landscape of Online Education (CHLOE) report, produced by Quality MattersTM , Eduventures® and Educause — offers an overview of the current state of online learning in higher education as well as insights into its future development. The report was compiled by surveying chief online officers (COLOs) — the professionals best situated to assess the current state of this ever-developing field — at U.S. two- and four-year colleges and universities.

The majority of survey participants report both learner demand for online learning surging and institutional strategic priorities shifting to meet this demand, as well as the adaptation to the new presence of AI tools in the academic environment. Notable findings from the 53-page report include:

Priorities for Online Learning: Institutions are increasingly prioritizing the development of online versions of both on-campus courses (69%) and on-campus degrees (65%) in order to meet demand. In terms of their topmost priority, 43% of COLOs chose online versions of on-campus degrees (the majority of public four-year institutions identified this as their top priority), with online versions of on-campus courses selected as the top priority by 39%.
Tuition and Institutional Revenue: …
AI in Higher Education:  …
Third-Party Servicers:  …
Regular and Substantive Interaction: …

Two-thirds of colleges are prioritizing online versions of on-campus programs, poll finds — from by Natalie Schwartz
The ninth Changing Landscape of Online Education survey offers a glimpse into the distance education marketplace.

Dive Brief: 

  • Roughly two-thirds of colleges are making it a priority to create virtual versions of on-campus classes and programs, according to an annual survey of chief online learning officers.
  • College officials likely see creating online versions of existing programs as easier than launching entirely new academic programs, according to the report.
  • However, 48% of chief online learning officers still said their priorities included launching new online programs with no campus equivalent.

CHLOE 9 Report by Quality Matters, Eduventures, and EDUCAUSE Highlights Continuing Shift of Learner Demand and Institutional Strategy Toward Online Learning — from
Key findings include increased demand from on-campus students for online options, a notable shift in institutional strategies to align with this demand, and the growing use of artificial intelligence in online education.

BOSTON, Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Quality Matters, EDUCAUSE, and Eduventures Research have released the ninth edition of the Changing Landscape of Online Education (CHLOE) report, compiling the perspectives of chief online learning officers (COLOs) around the United States. CHLOE 9: Strategy Shift: Institutions Respond to Sustained Online Demand reveals a continued increase in student preference for online learning and the strategies institutions are employing to address this demand.

The report also outlines institutional perspectives on a host of other factors contributing to the state of online education, including artificial intelligence, third-party servicers, OPMs and regular and substantive interaction.

Addendum on 8/15/24:

The State of Online Learning | The CHLOE 9 Survey – Part 1 — from by Glenda Morgan

For the uninitiated, since 2017 the CHLOE report has surveyed Chief Online Learning Officers (COLOs) at higher education institutions in the US to map the changing landscape of online education. It has become an invaluable resource in understanding the topography of online learning in the US as well as how it is changing as more institutions move online and that environment becomes more regulated and more competitive.

I found this year’s survey much more engaging than in recent years. Many of the questions asked and the way they were framed address the issues of concern to people managing online learning. There is a lot in the survey, and I am going to break my coverage into two parts. In this first post, I want to cover the more general findings of the survey as well as some of my concerns with it. In my next post, I want to do a deeper dive into what the CHLOE survey reports about outsourcing and OPMs, a topic that we have covered extensively in this newsletter.


How to use accommodations and modifications in the classroom — from by Amanda Morin

In a busy classroom, it can be daunting to meet the varied learning needs of all your students. Knowing you’re also responsible for implementing instructional accommodations and modifications in students’ IEPs and 504 plans can make it feel even more challenging. But with the right information, you can provide these important supports to help all students thrive.

Here are key concepts to keep in mind and steps you can take to implement accommodations and modifications for your students.

Unschooling: A way of learning outside of school and it requires no lessons, tests or grades — from by  Janay Reece

BALTIMORE — What if your child didn’t go to school?

Believe it or not, some parents don’t send their children to school five days a week, and it’s called unschooling.

It is a growing and sometimes controversial approach to homeschooling.

Rather than using a defined curriculum, unschooling parents trust their kids to learn organically. Unschoolers are focused more on the experimental process of learning and becoming educated, rather than with “doing or going to school.”

People Are Hunting for Education ‘Fads.’ What Does That Say About Schools? — from by Daniel Mollenkamp

Public schools are particularly vulnerable to pressure, Cuban said on a call with EdSurge. That’s because national problems tend to become school ones, Cuban says. Schools have to walk a “tightrope,” striking a balance that is both stable for students and able to adapt to changes in the broader society, he says.

Pressure on schools to respond to new issues often ends up altering curricula or introducing new courses, because that’s the easiest part of the public education system to change, Cuban argues. But classrooms are isolated from the superintendent’s office, the school board and other “policy elites” who push change, he says.

Many kids can’t read, even in high school. Is the solution teaching reading in every class? — from by Julian Roberts-Grmela
Some high schools and states are experimenting with ways to integrate literacy instruction across all classes

Every teacher at her school, the Health Sciences High and Middle College, in San Diego, shares in the responsibility of teaching students literacy skills, regardless of the subject they teach. That’s because so many students, even incoming ninth graders, arrive at the school without basic reading skills, according to Douglas Fisher, an administrator at the school. While some students also receive one-on-one remediation, Fisher said that research shows those interventions aren’t enough to close the gap.

“We have kids that on our benchmark knowledge assessments are scoring what is the equivalent of second grade, first grade, fourth grade,” said Fisher, who is also a professor and chair of educational leadership at San Diego State University. Yet, by the time students graduate, he said, the goal at the secondary school is that they have “reading levels ready for college.”


From DSC:
[For those folks who use Google Chrome]

When you keep getting distracted from all of the extraneous items — such as those annoying videos and advertisements — that appear when you launch a web page, there is a solution to quickly hiding all of those items. It’s called Postlight Reader. I’ve been using it for years and wanted to put this information out there for folks who might not have heard about it.


I highly recommend it if you are having trouble reading an article and processing the information that it contains. Instructional Designers will know all about Extraneous Load (one of the types of Cognitive Load) and how it negatively impacts one’s learning and processing of the information that really counts (i.e., the Germane Cognitive Load).

Note the differences when I used Postlight Reader on an article out at


The page appears with all kinds of ads and videos going on…I can hardly
process the information on the article due to these items:



Then, after I enabled this extension in Chrome and click on
the icon for Postlight Reader, it strips away all of those items
and leaves me with the article that I wanted to read:



If you aren’t using it, I highly recommend that you give it a try.


Postlight Reader – Clear away the clutter from all of your articles. Instantly.

The Postlight Reader extension for Chrome removes ads and distractions, leaving only text and images for a clean and consistent reading view on every site. Features:

  • Disable surrounding webpage noise and clutter with one click
  • Send To Kindle functionality
  • Adjust typeface and text size, and toggle between light or dark themes
  • Quick keyboard shortcut (Cmd + Esc for Mac users, Alt + ` for Windows users) to switch to Reader on any article page
  • Printing optimization
  • Sharing through Facebook, Twitter and Email
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