Best Month Of Code 2020 Coding Kit Products — from by Luke Edwards
The best kits to get the most out of the Month of Code 2020
2020 in review: Legal software for working remotely — from by Nicole Black
How to Work Remotely as a Lawyer: A Guide — from by Teresa Matich; with thanks to Nelson Miller for this resource
Whether you’ve looked at working remotely as a lawyer in the past (or as a paralegal, legal assistant, legal professional) with dreams of traveling the world, or whether you’re looking into it for the first time now, this guide contains clear, practical tips for opening a remote legal practice without interruption. We’ll cover:
The Advantages of Teaching Soft Skills to CS Undergrads Online — from by Orit Hazzan; with thanks to Sarah Huibregtse for posting this out on LinkedIn.
At first, I wondered whether teaching soft skills online is even possible since, unlike theoretical courses, I assumed that close face-to-face (F2F) interaction is required in order to practice such skills. Eventually, I realized that teaching this course online has, in fact, some advantages, that this teaching format opens up new opportunities, and that this medium can even foster several soft skills that I had not previously considered teaching in the F2F format. This blog demonstrates these advantages by focusing on the use of the breakout rooms option available in Zoom, which I used extensively in the course.
From DSC:
When reading the abstract of the article/research entitled, “Does Telemedicine Reduce Emergency Room Congestion? Evidence from New York State,” I wondered again:
Will the growth of telemedicine/telehealth influence the growth of telelegal?
I think it will.
We show that, on average, telemedicine availability in the ER significantly reduces average patients’ length of stay (LOS), which is partially driven by the flexible resource allocation. Specifically, the adoption of telemedicine leads to a larger reduction in ER LOS when there is a demand surge or supply shortage.
Also see: