Student-provided sites from The Teaching & Learning Digital Studio at Calvin College

Student-provided sites from The Teaching & Learning Digital Studio at Calvin College

Digital Studio Sites is a blog with a large collection links from the Teaching & Learning Digital Studio Staff at Calvin College (Grand Rapids, MI) that covers a wide range of academic topics and more. The staff scours the Web for the best, most interesting, and useful Web sites for the classroom (and maybe beyond) on the Internet and continually updates the list of links. Professors can quickly find sites related to their field of study by keyword, search, or by subscribing via RSS feed.

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From DSC:

The posting below is a great resource for all educators — especially those involved with putting materials online — as well as for folks interested in interaction design/usability. Check it out!

There is power in digital storytelling (and eliciting emotion), so this posting really caught my eye! You might want to check out Francisco Inchauste’s blog as well. Nice work!

UX and Storytelling -- part 1

Better User Experience With Storytelling – Part One — from by Francisco Inchauste

Stories have defined our world. They have been with us since the dawn of communication, from cave walls to the tall tales recounted around fires. They have continued to evolve with their purpose remaining the same: To entertain, to share common experiences, to teach, and to pass on traditions.

Today we communicate a bit differently. Our information is fragmented across various mass-media channels and delivered through ever-changing technology. It has become watered down, cloned, and is churned out quickly in 140-character blurbs. We’ve lost that personal touch where we find an emotional connection that makes us care.


© 2025 | Daniel Christian