OpenAI Says DALL-E Is Generating Over 2 Million Images a Day—and That’s Just Table Stakes — from by Jason Dorrier
The venerable stock image site, Getty, boasts a catalog of 80 million images. Shutterstock, a rival of Getty, offers 415 million images. It took a few decades to build up these prodigious libraries.
Now, it seems we’ll have to redefine prodigious. In a blog post last week, OpenAI said its machine learning algorithm, DALL-E 2, is generating over two million images a day. At that pace, its output would equal Getty and Shutterstock combined in eight months. The algorithm is producing almost as many images daily as the entire collection of free image site Unsplash.
And that was before OpenAI opened DALL-E 2 to everyone.
From DSC:
Further on down that Tweet is this example image — wow!
On the video side of things, also relevant/see:
Meta’s new text-to-video AI generator is like DALL-E for video — from by James Vincent
Just type a description and the AI generates matching footage
A sample video generated by Meta’s new AI text-to-video model, Make-A-Video. The text prompt used to create the video was “a teddy bear painting a portrait.” Image: Meta
From DSC:
Hmmm…I wonder…how might these emerging technologies impact copyrights, intellectual property, and/or other types of legal matters and areas?