For a true meritocracy, education must not be one-size-fits-all — from by Eric Chung

What we can do is stop deciding who is educated, intelligent and successful based on only one type of student. Instead, we should recognize the value of all students, and offer more mainstream career and technical opportunities across K-12 education.

From DSC:
Note the power of CHOICE in this next excerpt:

There is another possibility. Consider Finland, which in the 1970s switched from the German model to one that teaches a combination of academic and technical subjects until age 16, when students choose a track. The vocational path for students interested in highly -skilled trades includes carpentry and culinary arts, but it also offers applied sciences, health care, and social services, which in the United States would require attending traditional academic universities.

Learners need: More voice. More choice. More control. -- this image was created by Daniel Christian