Three items re: accessibility from

How Important Are Fonts for Digital Accessibility?

With that said, simple sans-serif fonts are generally easier to read and understand. That includes popular fonts like:

    • Times New Roman
    • Arial
    • Tahoma
    • Helvetica
    • Calibri
    • Verdana

If you decide to use serif fonts, use them sparingly. For most body text, you should use a sans serif font with appropriate spacing and weight.

Follow these tips:

Why Web Accessibility Frustrates Developers (And How to Fix It) 

When developers view accessibility as an integral part of their work, the process of building inclusive websites becomes less of a chore and more of a rewarding challenge. By embracing tools like semantic HTML and incorporating user feedback from people with disabilities, developers can create solutions that enhance real user experiences while conforming with WCAG.

Starting with accessibility in mind from day one streamlines workflows, reduces the need for extensive remediation later on, and ultimately leads to more robust and inclusive digital products. To learn more, download our free eBook: Developing the Accessibility Mindset.

How to Respond to an ADA Web Accessibility Demand Letter

An excerpt from the “Learn the basics of digital accessibility” section:

We realize that we just threw a bunch of information at you — but we promise, the principles of WCAG aren’t too complicated. Here are some resources to help you learn the basics:

As you learn about digital accessibility, you’ll feel more comfortable reviewing your own content for potential barriers. The W3C’s Understanding WCAG 2.2 documents are an extremely useful resource for learning about specific barriers (and techniques for fixing them).