Tech skill gaps are decimating the global workforce and could put workers—and companies—in crisis — from by Colin Lodewick


The pandemic laid bare the value of digital skills when it forced people around the world to shift their lives even more online. Understanding and using technology is no longer a “nice-to-have” but essential for anyone looking for a job. Still, is the workforce ready for this change?

Salesforce released its Global Digital Skills Index* on Thursday, which offers insights into how the global workforce feels about the future of work in a world that continues to prioritize tech savviness and a digital-first mindset.

The report found 76% of respondents said they do not feel prepared for that future.

*An excerpt from that skills index:
Across 19 surveyed countries, workers scored 33 out of a possible 100 points on the Digital Skills Readiness Index across areas such as preparedness, access to learning resources, skill level, and participation in training. Workers in the United States fared slightly better at 36 out of 100 points.