Video clip (5.75 MB WMV file)
The above WMV video clip presents a variety of messages/lessons.
What you will see in the attached movie clip is the air traffic around the world over a period of 24 hours taken from a satellite.
It is a 24 hour observation of all of the large aircraft flights in the world, condensed down to just over a minute. From space we look like a bee hive of activity. The yellow dots are airplanes in the sky during a 24 hour period.
Stay with the picture or watch it over again and notice the following:
— See the light of the day moving from the east to the west, as the Earth spins on it’s axis.
— See the flow of aircraft traffic leaving the North American continent and traveling at night to arrive in the UK in the morning.
— Then see the flow changing, leaving the UK in the morning and flying to the American continent in daylight.
— See if you realize that it was summer time in the north (by the sun’s foot print over the planet).
— See the daylight pattern moving across the earths surface and that the sun didn’t quite set in the extreme north and it didn’t quite rise in the extreme south.
We are taught about the earth’s tilt and how it causes summer and winter and also the movement of the daylight pattern and until now we have had to just use our imagination to picture what is going on. With this 24 hour observation of aircraft travel on the earth’s surface we get to see the above in actual action…
Remember to watch the day to night….. (day is over in Australia when it starts).