Our Top 11 Most Popular Articles for 2011, part 1 — from Faculty Focus
As another year draws to a close, the editorial team at Faculty Focus looks back on some of the top articles of the past year. Throughout 2011, we published nearly 250 articles. The articles covered a wide range of topics – from academic integrity to online course design. In a two-part series, which will run today and Wednesday, we reveal the top 11 articles for 2011
Our Top 11 Most Popular Articles for 2011, part 2 — from Faculty Focus
It wouldn’t be the end of the year without a few top 10 lists, but this year we’re taking it one step further with the top 11 articles of 2011. Each article’s popularity ranking is based on a combination reader engagement metrics. Today’s post reveals the top five most popular articles.
Making the Review of Assigned Reading Meaningful — from Faculty Focus
The typical college student dreads hearing, “Let’s review the chapters you read for homework.” What generally ensues is a question and answer drill in which students are peppered with questions designed to make clear who has and hasn’t done the reading. In reality, these exchanges do little to encourage deep thought or understanding of the assigned reading. Here are some new ways to approach the review of reading assignments.