Introducing Deep Learning and Neural Networks — Deep Learning for Rookies — from by Nahua Kang
Here’s a short list of general tasks that deep learning can perform in real situations:
- Identify faces (or more generally image categorization)
- Read handwritten digits and texts
- Recognize speech (no more transcribing interviews yourself)
- Translate languages
- Play computer games
- Control self-driving cars (and other types of robots)
And there’s more. Just pause for a second and imagine all the things that deep learning could achieve. It’s amazing and perhaps a bit scary!
Currently there are already many great courses, tutorials, and books on the internet covering this topic, such as (not exhaustive or in specific order):
- Michael Nielsen’s Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Geoffrey Hinton’s Neural Networks for Machine Learning
- Goodfellow, Bengio, & Courville’s Deep Learning
- Ian Trask’s Grokking Deep Learning,
- Francois Chollet’s Deep Learning with Python
- Udacity’s Deep Learning Nanodegree (not free but high quality)
- Udemy’s Deep Learning A-Z ($10–$15)
- Stanford’s CS231n and CS224n
- Siraj Raval’s YouTube channel
The list goes on and on. David Venturi has a post for freeCodeCamp that lists many more resources. Check it out here.